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You guys have proven not to be worthy of debating this issue I don't see any reason to carry on so you guys enjoy being brainwashed.


"I have no argument except the dishonest logical fallacy that educated people don't believe in God. I surrender completely and without reserve. I'm sorry I wasted your time with my anti-Christian rantings. Good bye."
You guys have proven not to be worthy of debating this issue I don't see any reason to carry on so you guys enjoy being brainwashed.


"I have no argument except the dishonest logical fallacy that educated people don't believe in god. I surrender completely and without reserve. I'm sorry I wasted your time with my anti-Christian rantings. Good bye."

I hope you know I meant dragon,drock,and the one with the name of a mythological god ,but he is probably not bright enough to know it.

Good thing he didn't take the name of the real God. Isn't it kind of funny no one has ever taken that name of the Hebrew God.

When they get in over their heads I will come in and point it out again. It is kinda funny to watch them squirm and make complete asses out of themselves.
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You guys have proven not to be worthy of debating this issue I don't see any reason to carry on so you guys enjoy being brainwashed.


"I have no argument except the dishonest logical fallacy that educated people don't believe in God. I surrender completely and without reserve. I'm sorry I wasted your time with my anti-Christian rantings. Good bye."

You might want to take another look at just who you're paraphrasing there. I don't think YWC would have said what you just said he said.
You guys have proven not to be worthy of debating this issue I don't see any reason to carry on so you guys enjoy being brainwashed.


"I have no argument except the dishonest logical fallacy that educated people don't believe in God. I surrender completely and without reserve. I'm sorry I wasted your time with my anti-Christian rantings. Good bye."

You might want to take another look at just who you're paraphrasing there. I don't think YWC would have said what you just said he said.
It's entirely possible that koshergrl is calling it the way she see's it--I saw her level straight up earlier on the way she intended to use the term "kind"; she could be doing it again.
You guys have proven not to be worthy of debating this issue I don't see any reason to carry on so you guys enjoy being brainwashed.


"I have no argument except the dishonest logical fallacy that educated people don't believe in god. I surrender completely and without reserve. I'm sorry I wasted your time with my anti-Christian rantings. Good bye."

I hope you know I meant dragon,drock,and the one with the name of a mythological god ,but he is probably not bright enough to know it.

Good thing he didn't take the name of the real God. Isn't it kind of funny no one has ever taken that name of the Hebrew God.

Maybe it's not so funny anymore. Maybe it's funnier.

When they get in over their heads I will come in and point it out again. It is kinda funny to watch them squirm and make complete asses out of themselves.

Who's squirming, sis? I'd say it was the one in little pink booties who couldn't take it and ran.
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"I have no argument except the dishonest logical fallacy that educated people don't believe in god. I surrender completely and without reserve. I'm sorry I wasted your time with my anti-Christian rantings. Good bye."

I hope you know I meant dragon,drock,and the one with the name of a mythological god ,but he is probably not bright enough to know it.

Good thing he didn't take the name of the real God. Isn't it kind of funny no one has ever taken that name of the Hebrew God.

Maybe it's not so funny anymore. Maybe it's funnier.

When they get in over their heads I will come in and point it out again. It is kinda funny to watch them squirm and make complete asses out of themselves.

Who's squirming, sis? I'd say it was the one in little pink booties who couldn't take it and ran.

I don't run from anything I am not some nerd that hides behind a pc. You really lack the the grey matter for this kind of discussion. Don't be offended just take it as helpful advice. Besides koshergirl might have misunderstood when I said defenders of the faith I was not talking about our faith but the faith you,drock,and dragon try to defend ,very poorly I must add.
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I don't run from anything

You did a few hours ago. I guess you got embarrassed.

I am not some nerd that hides behind a pc.

I guess you could be hiding behind a laptop or a smartphone instead . . . but you're sure hiding behind something.

You really lack the the grey matter for this kind of discussion. Don't be offended just take it as helpful advice.


Child, grow a few years. Seriously.

Setting aside the fact that your statement above is ironic as all hell, it's never helpful advice to tell someone "you're dumb." Never. Nor is it ever intended to be helpful, nor are you even remotely credible with that claim.

Have you studied what I said about the evolution of intelligence yet? Have any questions? You certainly don't have a coherent response.
I don't run from anything ...
You ran. When the time came for you to explain your point as requested, in terms with precise meanings, you ran exactly as predicted.

I am not some nerd that hides behind a pc.
I cannot say one way or the other; but I can say based upon abundant, verifiable evidence that you are an intellectually dishonest coward hiding behind a PC.

You really lack the the grey matter for this kind of discussion.
Superstitious retards like yourself are entirely unqualified to make such judgments.

Don't be offended just take it as helpful advice.
There's no point in your attempts to salvage your busted self esteem by pretending you have any valuable advice to offer to anybody.

Besides koshergirl might have misunderstood when I said defenders of the faith I was not talking about our faith ...
I would be careful about presuming for koshergrl what she meant; she has demonstrated that she has 1000 times more intellectual integrity and courage than you do, and I suspect she could tear you a brand new asshole with minimal effort.

... but the faith you,drock,and dragon try to defend ,very poorly I must add.
Well, there's no faith involved in the position I've presented, and there's no evidence (that I've seen) of faith involved in the positions of Dragon or Dr. Drock ... so I wouldn't expect there to be any defense of faith at all on any of our parts.

Thanks for your candid admission, however, that this entire time you were engaging in the dishonest (and cowardly) practice of attacking the strawmen you created for our positions rather than our actual positions.

You may recommence your hopeless flight from your shame at having your illegitimate beliefs and behaviors exposed by your intellectual and moral superiors.
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I don't run from anything

You did a few hours ago. I guess you got embarrassed.

I am not some nerd that hides behind a pc.

I guess you could be hiding behind a laptop or a smartphone instead . . . but you're sure hiding behind something.

You really lack the the grey matter for this kind of discussion. Don't be offended just take it as helpful advice.


Child, grow a few years. Seriously.

Setting aside the fact that your statement above is ironic as all hell, it's never helpful advice to tell someone "you're dumb." Never. Nor is it ever intended to be helpful, nor are you even remotely credible with that claim.

Have you studied what I said about the evolution of intelligence yet? Have any questions? You certainly don't have a coherent response.

I am old enough to be your father,Luke I am your father :lol:
I don't run from anything ...
You ran. When the time came for you to explain your point as requested, in terms with precise meanings, you ran exactly as predicted.

I am not some nerd that hides behind a pc.
I cannot say one way or the other; but I can say based upon abundant, verifiable evidence that you are an intellectually dishonest coward hiding behind a PC.

Superstitious retards like yourself are entirely unqualified to make such judgments.

There's no point in your attempts to salvage your busted self esteem by pretending you have any valuable advice to offer to anybody.

Besides koshergirl might have misunderstood when I said defenders of the faith I was not talking about our faith ...
I would be careful about presuming for koshergrl what she meant; she has demonstrated that she has 1000 times more intellectual integrity and courage than you do, and I suspect she could tear you a brand new asshole with minimal effort.

... but the faith you,drock,and dragon try to defend ,very poorly I must add.
Well, there's no faith involved in the position I've presented, and there's no evidence (that I've seen) of faith involved in the positions of Dragon or Dr. Drock ... so I wouldn't expect there to be any defense of faith at all on any of our parts.

Thanks for your candid admission, however, that this entire time you were engaging in the dishonest (and cowardly) practice of attacking the strawmen you created for our positions rather than our actual positions.

You may recommence your hopeless flight from your shame at having your illegitimate beliefs and behaviors exposed by your intellectual and moral superiors.

Still no substance and no rebuttal for questions and evidence put to you. I flew off no where uh oh he is back. You were hoping I would not return but when I have time I will reload those questions and wait for you or any of the other defenders of the faith might attempt an answer.
Still no substance and no rebuttal for questions and evidence put to you.
I explained to you in clear terms how this is going to work. So what's this accustion about? Just more intellectual dishonesty from you.
EDIT: I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and evidence (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims (but cannot bring evidence for) he has already answered.​
I flew off no where uh oh he is back.

It's worth noting (again) that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy manifested in your own refusal to answer questions directed at you.

You were hoping I would not return but when I have time I will reload those questions and wait for you or any of the other defenders of the faith might attempt an answer.

And, it's worth noting (again) that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy manifested in your own refusal to answer questions directed at you.
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I am old enough to be your father,Luke I am your father :lol:

If you really are in your 70s, and aren't suffering from dementia, your immaturity has no excuse. I don't believe it, though.

Well you got me I am not that old. As for my level of maturity I guess you possess a very short memory since you exhibited some of the same maturity. I do have to admit I have acted sometimes out of character. But I am ay a tournament I will talk to you later.
Still no substance and no rebuttal for questions and evidence put to you.
I explained to you in clear terms how this is going to work. So what's this accustion about? Just more intellectual dishonesty from you.
EDIT: I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and evidence (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims (but cannot bring evidence for) he has already answered.​
I flew off no where uh oh he is back.

It's worth noting (again) that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy manifested in your own refusal to answer questions directed at you.

You were hoping I would not return but when I have time I will reload those questions and wait for you or any of the other defenders of the faith might attempt an answer.

And, it's worth noting (again) that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy manifested in your own refusal to answer questions directed at you.

you are as predictable as genetics.
Interesting to note that, although he is still physically here, YWC has stopped talking about creationism, and is merely tossing about childish insults. It looks like the discussion is over.
you are as predictable as genetics.
And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

If you're referring to the meaning of kind its been answered many times. But you have continued to ignore my questions. But I am at the tournament I will repost my questions when I get the time I an at a tournament and have football game later. So I suggest you use this time to study. I will point out two obvious flaws with your theory before I go. You believe that non-life produced life. You believe that non-intelligence created intelligence. Absurd and those beliefs are based on faith not science. But anyways I was gonna ask questions but I will wait and let those contradictions sink in.
you are as predictable as genetics.
And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

If you're referring to the meaning of kind its been answered many times.
There's a link there (as there always has been) to refer you to the question. Stop being a disingenuous retard.

But you have continued to ignore my questions.
This is a lie. A patently obvious lie. It's a lie now, just as it was the first time you posted it, and every single time afterward. You are a liar; a remorseless serial liar of the very first order.

But I am at the tournament I will repost my questions when I get the time I an at a tournament and have football game later. So I suggest you use this time to study. I will point out two obvious flaws with your theory before I go. You believe that non-life produced life.
Without stipulating that you have any idea of what I believe, for the purposes of our discussion I will stand by everything I have thus far posted and assert that I agree. It's not a belief I hold with unqualified certainty, but it is indeed my belief. That is what the observable evidence currently available suggests. This is without valid dispute, neither upon evidentiary bases, or upon logical bases.

You believe that non-intelligence created intelligence.
I agree. It's not a belief I hold with unqualified certainty, but it is indeed my belief. That is what the observable evidence currently available suggests. This is without valid dispute, neither upon evidentiary bases, or upon logical bases.

Absurd and those beliefs are based on faith not science.
Your superstitious judgements regarding "absurdity" possess no verifable validity. None.

A belief is simply the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing. A rational belief is the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing for which support in evidence, or valid logic, has been established. Faith is the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing for which there is no support in verifiable evidence and/or valid logic; the obtuse strength of the denial of the contrary evidence and or valid logic is the "validating" quality of faith.

So, these beliefs you fatuously call "absurd" are indeed based upon science (as has been well demonstrated) rather than faith, in that those "absurd" beliefs are founded upon verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, and are validated by verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, rather than denials of verifiable evidence and valid logic.

It's really too bad for you, that your retarded superstitions cannot make the same claims.

But anyways I was gonna ask questions but I will wait and let those contradictions sink in.
I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and "evidence" (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims--but cannot bring evidence for--he has already answered).
No one can say that you are inconsistent in your denial of reality.

And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.
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Did anybody answer my question...why are the antis carping on the meaning of kind?
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