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Why don't you just say it, you're saying mutations are the mechanism but that is not the complete answer So complete the question before you try using arrogance on me. I want to get you nailed down on your complete answer before we go any further. I am not gonna allow you any wiggle room once we get at it.

Fine. What did I overlook?

And to clarify. Genes are mechanism. Mutation is what genes do, in organisms that replicate themselves. (Life, as we know it.)

I must add All cells must replicate their DNA prior to cell division. This assures that each new cell produced receives all of the genetic material necessary to survive and reproduce.

Okay. You cut your finger and it heals thanks the cell reproduction. Did you evolve? Nope. No mutation, albeit, with some radiation we can play God with your offspring. Should be entertaining. Care to give it shot?
Fine. What did I overlook?

And to clarify. Genes are mechanism. Mutation is what genes do, in organisms that replicate themselves. (Life, as we know it.)

Well you forgot inheriting new traits and through natural selection these new traits are passed on and preserved in the genepool by natural selection and this takes place over many many years.

We are made up of cells which contain chromosomes one set from the father and one from the mother. these chromosomes contain the genes where the genetic data is interpreted to determine what the offspring will be and look like. All organisms have mutations but most mutations have no impact on the offspring.

Cells do reproduce themselves but a human or many organisms require either sexual reproduction or Asexual reproduction. What you were trying to say is DNA replication. During DNA replication there is a mechanism that works to correct these copying errors (mutations) and most errors are repaired by this mechanism. Why do you suppose by chance we would have this mechanism preserving the origional genetic data ?

Asonishing. That's like saying water is more than a just 2 hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom, since I overlooked the fact that kids can swim in it.

Yes; those other things are at play, but the thing that makes it possible is genes. (chomosomes are made of the stuff) That's what mutates and create changes, some of which proves advantageous. (a small percentage) IT IS THE MECHANISM OF LIFE EVOLVING!!!!


What stuff ? :lol: let me ask and let's see if you can be honest,why are there so few beneficial mutations finding their way to the genepool and so many harmful mutations finding their way to the genepool and staying ?

Evolution requires beneficial mutations not harmful or neutral mutations.
Fine. What did I overlook?

And to clarify. Genes are mechanism. Mutation is what genes do, in organisms that replicate themselves. (Life, as we know it.)

I must add All cells must replicate their DNA prior to cell division. This assures that each new cell produced receives all of the genetic material necessary to survive and reproduce.

Okay. You cut your finger and it heals thanks the cell reproduction. Did you evolve? Nope. No mutation, albeit, with some radiation we can play God with your offspring. Should be entertaining. Care to give it shot?

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years you can't bs your way through this. Now either answer the questions or move on. If I am gonna teach anyone here they must first be honest with themselves.
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Well you forgot inheriting new traits and through natural selection these new traits are passed on and preserved in the genepool by natural selection and this takes place over many many years.

We are made up of cells which contain chromosomes one set from the father and one from the mother. these chromosomes contain the genes where the genetic data is interpreted to determine what the offspring will be and look like. All organisms have mutations but most mutations have no impact on the offspring.

Cells do reproduce themselves but a human or many organisms require either sexual reproduction or Asexual reproduction. What you were trying to say is DNA replication. During DNA replication there is a mechanism that works to correct these copying errors (mutations) and most errors are repaired by this mechanism. Why do you suppose by chance we would have this mechanism preserving the origional genetic data ?

Asonishing. That's like saying water is more than a just 2 hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom, since I overlooked the fact that kids can swim in it.

Yes; those other things are at play, but the thing that makes it possible is genes. (chomosomes are made of the stuff) That's what mutates and create changes, some of which proves advantageous. (a small percentage) IT IS THE MECHANISM OF LIFE EVOLVING!!!!


What stuff ? :lol: let me ask and let's see if you can be honest,why are there so few beneficial mutations finding their way to the genepool and so many harmful mutations finding their way to the genepool and staying ?

Evolution requires beneficial mutations not harmful or neutral mutations.

You have already admitted that beneficial mutations occur. So what are you whining about?
Well you forgot inheriting new traits and through natural selection these new traits are passed on and preserved in the genepool by natural selection and this takes place over many many years.

We are made up of cells which contain chromosomes one set from the father and one from the mother. these chromosomes contain the genes where the genetic data is interpreted to determine what the offspring will be and look like. All organisms have mutations but most mutations have no impact on the offspring.

Cells do reproduce themselves but a human or many organisms require either sexual reproduction or Asexual reproduction. What you were trying to say is DNA replication. During DNA replication there is a mechanism that works to correct these copying errors (mutations) and most errors are repaired by this mechanism. Why do you suppose by chance we would have this mechanism preserving the origional genetic data ?

Asonishing. That's like saying water is more than a just 2 hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom, since I overlooked the fact that kids can swim in it.

Yes; those other things are at play, but the thing that makes it possible is genes. (chomosomes are made of the stuff) That's what mutates and create changes, some of which proves advantageous. (a small percentage) IT IS THE MECHANISM OF LIFE EVOLVING!!!!


What stuff ? :lol: let me ask and let's see if you can be honest,why are there so few beneficial mutations finding their way to the genepool and so many harmful mutations finding their way to the genepool and staying ?

Evolution requires beneficial mutations not harmful or neutral mutations.

Welcome to the party. Shall I enumerate the questions you've dodged?

Now then, this?

"Why do you suppose by chance we would have this mechanism preserving the origional genetic data ?"

Not why; what. It replicates, where a copy is the assumption. But it doesn't always preserve; it fucks up (mutates). Ergo evolution.

Why? Third generation star and solar system. Lot's of complex molecules. Also right size and distance from star, not to mention larger outter planets that protect earth from most impacts. Add liquid water, organic molecules and fucking bingo. Shit happens, and here it did.
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I must add All cells must replicate their DNA prior to cell division. This assures that each new cell produced receives all of the genetic material necessary to survive and reproduce.

Okay. You cut your finger and it heals thanks the cell reproduction. Did you evolve? Nope. No mutation, albeit, with some radiation we can play God with your offspring. Should be entertaining. Care to give it shot?

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years you can't bs your way through this. Now either answer the questions or move on. If I am gonna teach anyone here they must first be honest with themselves.

In addition to his claim to have done cell research, the fundie also commands the French forces at Waterloo.
I must add All cells must replicate their DNA prior to cell division. This assures that each new cell produced receives all of the genetic material necessary to survive and reproduce.

Okay. You cut your finger and it heals thanks the cell reproduction. Did you evolve? Nope. No mutation, albeit, with some radiation we can play God with your offspring. Should be entertaining. Care to give it shot?

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years you can't bs your way through this. Now either answer the questions or move on. If I am gonna teach anyone here they must first be honest with themselves.

Pay closer attention. I'm a marketing executive, and am astonished by your lack of understanding of evolution.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.God might have created the universe, God might have created the seas, God could have changed shit long a go. God should have taken a science course at the local university in heaven and he would not be looImperf

king like a total jerk now. These work both ways. Denial changes nothing.
Imperfections in nature are not Gods fault they are the direct result of freewill by man. Man made the choice we are now living with the choice man made. God doesn't need a science class ,hell science is trying to figure out how God did it.

God doesn't need a science class ,hell science is trying to figure out how God did it

Yeah and the pink unicorn is still figuring out how he got here.

Pink Unicorns and bigfoot? Can all you do is rehash the same, tired atheist cut and paste comments that have been used in this thread ad nauseum. Please, please, please come up with your own material at least you fat spaghetti monster.
What exactly is an "imperfection in nature"? Imperfect relative to what? You use terms and conditions that are entirely meaningless and inappropriate.

Additionally, as a "designer', your gawds are hopelessly inept. Massive waste, inefficiency, ineptitude, blunders etc.

Your gawds don't even rank as amateurs.

Go away child we are about to have a discussion on evolution,just sit back and learn. We will discuss things you have shown your ignorance on I just hope this person is up to the challenge and does not run off to talk origins and paste alot of nonsense that does not address my questions.

I just hope this person is up to the challenge and does not run off to talk origins and paste alot of nonsense that does not address my questions


Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.
Imperfections in nature are not Gods fault they are the direct result of freewill by man. Man made the choice we are now living with the choice man made. God doesn't need a science class ,hell science is trying to figure out how God did it.

God doesn't need a science class ,hell science is trying to figure out how God did it

Yeah and the pink unicorn is still figuring out how he got here.

Pink Unicorns and bigfoot? Can all you do is rehash the same, tired atheist cut and paste comments that have been used in this thread ad nauseum. Please, please, please come up with your own material at least you fat spaghetti monster.

Can creationists actually stop posting debunked nonsense cut and pasted from creationist sites?
Go away child we are about to have a discussion on evolution,just sit back and learn. We will discuss things you have shown your ignorance on I just hope this person is up to the challenge and does not run off to talk origins and paste alot of nonsense that does not address my questions.

I just hope this person is up to the challenge and does not run off to talk origins and paste alot of nonsense that does not address my questions


Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.

Evolution and Philosophy: Tautology

Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.

Evolution and Philosophy: Tautology
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.
Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.

Evolution and Philosophy: Tautology
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

Prophecy that is self fulfilled and in no way relates to a future 2000 years later..The Bible has no truth in that it was written 2000 years ago and agian if there is truth it only relates to what the authors were supposedly going through then.

Failed Bible Prophecy:
Failed biblical prophecies - RationalWiki

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

This is what you have been conditioned to believe.
Imperfections in nature are not Gods fault they are the direct result of freewill by man. Man made the choice we are now living with the choice man made. God doesn't need a science class ,hell science is trying to figure out how God did it.

God doesn't need a science class ,hell science is trying to figure out how God did it

Yeah and the pink unicorn is still figuring out how he got here.

Pink Unicorns and bigfoot? Can all you do is rehash the same, tired atheist cut and paste comments that have been used in this thread ad nauseum. Please, please, please come up with your own material at least you fat spaghetti monster.

Then I would suggest you do the same. Have you written any books on the subject? Were you born with this in your head? So where do you come up with it? Creationists websites I bet. You just reword it to make it sound as if you said it. The Pink Unicorn reference is just that. You cannot a bit more prove Pink Unicorns than you can prove this garbage your spouting now. So if the material is that damning to your day dreams and falsehoods don't read it.....last I checked I am not breaking any rules.

If Bibliotards are going to get all pissed because some have the nerve to question their myths, OH WELL.
I must add All cells must replicate their DNA prior to cell division. This assures that each new cell produced receives all of the genetic material necessary to survive and reproduce.

Okay. You cut your finger and it heals thanks the cell reproduction. Did you evolve? Nope. No mutation, albeit, with some radiation we can play God with your offspring. Should be entertaining. Care to give it shot?

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years you can't bs your way through this. Now either answer the questions or move on. If I am gonna teach anyone here they must first be honest with themselves.

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years

Then I am sure you have some peer reviewed articles or papers that can verify this research. Produce them or that statement is bunk.
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

Prophecy that is self fulfilled and in no way relates to a future 2000 years later..The Bible has no truth in that it was written 2000 years ago and agian if there is truth it only relates to what the authors were supposedly going through then.

Failed Bible Prophecy:
Failed biblical prophecies - RationalWiki

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

This is what you have been conditioned to believe.

The Nation of Israel now exists and will continue just as stated in the Bible.
Wtf does that have to do with evolution? :lol:

Anyways, if Jesus actually existed, a lot of people think that he might have been gay himself. All the paintings of him portray him as very effeminate, he only hung around with guys, only had sex once with a woman to see if he'd like it (he obviously didn't or he would have done it again and again...), he always wore a dress-like garment, and he rode that gay pride symbol of ancient times, the donkey.

There's a tie-in. When species evolve, they wind up with pretty complex reproductive systems, as indeed humans do, since sex is pretty damn ambiguous until certain events in the womb assign gender, albeit, not always exactly. Some of us are thus born straight or gay or bi, or are women with male genetalia, or males with female parts, or maybe both sex organs. It's all over the map, since nature neither moralizes, nor gets everything right everytime.

So evolution leads to gay humans, many of whom will marry.
There is no scientific evidence that genetic defects lead to gay people. I would say gay people are merely people who choose go against the norm and live a perverted life.

You mean like priests? :D
But who decided that gays aren't part of god's plan? :dunno:
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

Prophecy that is self fulfilled and in no way relates to a future 2000 years later..The Bible has no truth in that it was written 2000 years ago and agian if there is truth it only relates to what the authors were supposedly going through then.

Failed Bible Prophecy:
Failed biblical prophecies - RationalWiki

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

This is what you have been conditioned to believe.

The Nation of Israel now exists and will continue just as stated in the Bible.
But won't that lead to armageddon in the Middle East and the return of Geezuss? Who then comes and saves your ass?
Asonishing. That's like saying water is more than a just 2 hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom, since I overlooked the fact that kids can swim in it.

Yes; those other things are at play, but the thing that makes it possible is genes. (chomosomes are made of the stuff) That's what mutates and create changes, some of which proves advantageous. (a small percentage) IT IS THE MECHANISM OF LIFE EVOLVING!!!!


What stuff ? :lol: let me ask and let's see if you can be honest,why are there so few beneficial mutations finding their way to the genepool and so many harmful mutations finding their way to the genepool and staying ?

Evolution requires beneficial mutations not harmful or neutral mutations.

You have already admitted that beneficial mutations occur. So what are you whining about?
Yes but they are rare. Why are they so rare ? They are to rare to produce all we see. You also need beneficial mutation on top of beneficial mutation without interruption by harmful mutations. Very few mutations make it through without being repaired by the repair mechanism.
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