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Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.
The understanding of the conceptual basis of evolution has moved beyond simply stating that evolution is true because evolution occurs.
The concept of the "Selfish Gene" has proven to be of value.
The concept is that the organism that can successfully pass on the most copies of its genes is the organism that survives and reproduces. It’s actually a battle for survival and reproduction among genes rather than among organisms. A gene that contributes something to the success of an organism surviving and reproducing fares better in this competition than the gene that contributes nothing. The concept of the “selfish gene” explains cooperative behavior among genes and also among organisms such as ants and bees.
Also, for a long time biologists thought that the human genome contained a lot of "junk" DNA, perhaps as much as 80% of the genome was "junk". That view has changed.
See Bits of Mystery DNA, Far From ‘Junk,’ Play Crucial Role
I for one thought that it was strange that these "selfish genes" were as it were competing to produce as many copies of themselves as possible (that survived to produce more copies), and that up to 80% of this genome was nonfunctional "junk". Recent work described in that article changes the picture substantially.

Evolution predicts junk DNA. ID predicts the "junk" DNA would have a purpose. The selfish gene is a nice story, but it operates under the false assumption that evolution is working towards some predetermined outcome, which we know it isn't. It is the blind watchmaker. :badgrin::badgrin:
Welcome to the party. Shall I enumerate the questions you've dodged?

Now then, this?

"Why do you suppose by chance we would have this mechanism preserving the origional genetic data ?"

Not why; what. It replicates, where a copy is the assumption. But it doesn't always preserve; it fucks up (mutates). Ergo evolution.

Why? Third generation star and solar system. Lot's of complex molecules. Also right size and distance from star, not to mention larger outter planets that protect earth from most impacts. Add liquid water, organic molecules and fucking bingo. Shit happens, and here it did.

Stay on topic we are discussing mutations. I don't think you understand mutation fixation and the conditions that have to be met for mutation fixation to take place to where it becomes the norm in the genepool. So in a nutshell you believe errors make things better and give the organism more of an ability to adapt. That is pure nonsense thinking chaos promotes order.

Note that I responded directly to a question posed by you. If that's off-topic and not what you wish to discuss, my little Wildcat Retard, here's a tip: don't ask the fucking question.

Astonishing. Who knew UofA was an institution of lower learning (tip: it's not, so best not tarnish its image by telling folks you went there, even if you did.)

I went there too. I think if you get out of the house every once in awhile you will find there are a great many intelligent folks who didn't get brainwashed by the materialism bullshit so prevalent in institutions of "higher learning" that hold many respected positions in the scientific community. I know several people at my church that are researchers at the translational genomics lab in Phoenix. Since you fell for it, that is, if you even went to college, you obviously can't see it.
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Stay on topic we are discussing mutations. I don't think you understand mutation fixation and the conditions that have to be met for mutation fixation to take place to where it becomes the norm in the genepool. So in a nutshell you believe errors make things better and give the organism more of an ability to adapt. That is pure nonsense thinking chaos promotes order.

Note that I responded directly to a question posed by you. If that's off-topic and not what you wish to discuss, my little Wildcat Retard, here's a tip: don't ask the fucking question.

Astonishing. Who knew UofA was an institution of lower learning (tip: it's not, so best not tarnish its image by telling folks you went there, even if you did.)

I went there too. I think if you get out of the house every once in awhile you will find there are a great many intelligent folks who didn't get brainwashed by the materialism bullshit so prevalent in institutions of "higher learning" that hold many respected positions in the scientific community. I know several people at my church that are researchers at the translational genomics lab in Phoenix. Since you fell for it, that is, if you even went to college, you obviously can't see it.

TGen Home Page

Fuckin-a. I used to have some respect for Wildcats. Sigh.

Plus the anti-Mexican foolishness. That clusterfuck Joe Arpaio (sp?). What in the fuck is in the water they're pumping into AZ?

Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.
The understanding of the conceptual basis of evolution has moved beyond simply stating that evolution is true because evolution occurs.
The concept of the "Selfish Gene" has proven to be of value.
The concept is that the organism that can successfully pass on the most copies of its genes is the organism that survives and reproduces. It’s actually a battle for survival and reproduction among genes rather than among organisms. A gene that contributes something to the success of an organism surviving and reproducing fares better in this competition than the gene that contributes nothing. The concept of the “selfish gene” explains cooperative behavior among genes and also among organisms such as ants and bees.
Also, for a long time biologists thought that the human genome contained a lot of "junk" DNA, perhaps as much as 80% of the genome was "junk". That view has changed.
See Bits of Mystery DNA, Far From ‘Junk,’ Play Crucial Role
I for one thought that it was strange that these "selfish genes" were as it were competing to produce as many copies of themselves as possible (that survived to produce more copies), and that up to 80% of this genome was nonfunctional "junk". Recent work described in that article changes the picture substantially.

Evolution predicts junk DNA. ID predicts the "junk" DNA would have a purpose. The selfish gene is a nice story, but it operates under the false assumption that evolution is working towards some predetermined outcome, which we know it isn't. It is the blind watchmaker. :badgrin::badgrin:

It does more than predict, it identifies. We're loaded with superfluous DNA, just not as much of it as plants, which have been around longer.
Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.
The understanding of the conceptual basis of evolution has moved beyond simply stating that evolution is true because evolution occurs.
The concept of the "Selfish Gene" has proven to be of value.
The concept is that the organism that can successfully pass on the most copies of its genes is the organism that survives and reproduces. It’s actually a battle for survival and reproduction among genes rather than among organisms. A gene that contributes something to the success of an organism surviving and reproducing fares better in this competition than the gene that contributes nothing. The concept of the “selfish gene” explains cooperative behavior among genes and also among organisms such as ants and bees.
Also, for a long time biologists thought that the human genome contained a lot of "junk" DNA, perhaps as much as 80% of the genome was "junk". That view has changed.
See Bits of Mystery DNA, Far From ‘Junk,’ Play Crucial Role
I for one thought that it was strange that these "selfish genes" were as it were competing to produce as many copies of themselves as possible (that survived to produce more copies), and that up to 80% of this genome was nonfunctional "junk". Recent work described in that article changes the picture substantially.

Evolution predicts junk DNA. ID predicts the "junk" DNA would have a purpose. The selfish gene is a nice story, but it operates under the false assumption that evolution is working towards some predetermined outcome, which we know it isn't. It is the blind watchmaker. :badgrin::badgrin:
Uh, sorry. ID'iosy predicts nothing. It was the relevant science community that made recent discoveries of 'junk" DNA, while the fundie charlatans were posing in front of green screens.
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

Prophecy that is self fulfilled and in no way relates to a future 2000 years later..The Bible has no truth in that it was written 2000 years ago and agian if there is truth it only relates to what the authors were supposedly going through then.

Failed Bible Prophecy:
Failed biblical prophecies - RationalWiki

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

This is what you have been conditioned to believe.

The Nation of Israel now exists and will continue just as stated in the Bible.

Self fulfilling. Israel was going to become a nation irregardless of what some bible verse said.
Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years you can't bs your way through this. Now either answer the questions or move on. If I am gonna teach anyone here they must first be honest with themselves.

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years

Then I am sure you have some peer reviewed articles or papers that can verify this research. Produce them or that statement is bunk.

Oh boy,I was s lab tech and had creationists views need I say more. What I am teaching can be confirmed with a little work on your part the questions however are thought provoking for the others hate the questions because they know if they answer them honestly it hurts their argument for evolution.

None huh? Then all you have is a degree that means bunk most here....oh I am sorry I failed to be impressed.....all you people with degrees are the same you think because you had your head buried in a book for 4 years you know more than everyone else. What, you think those that do not have fancy $100,000 degrees cannot read and understand? I have more respect for those that don't have one at least they can find their way out of a wet paper bag.
I have a question

How do we know that present day Israel is THE Israel of the bible prophecies??

Temple Mount excavations, among many other archaeological finds. Also, bible references, and not prophecies, per se.
There is no scientific evidence that genetic defects lead to gay people. I would say gay people are merely people who choose go against the norm and live a perverted life.
your bigotry and ignorance really shines in this post.

No not at all, just speaking from the facts if you can't handle the truth that is your problem. From now on the discussion has moved on if you wish to continue this give and take stay on topic.
hey slapdick since when do you give orders?
I'll answer how when and where I please.
I must add All cells must replicate their DNA prior to cell division. This assures that each new cell produced receives all of the genetic material necessary to survive and reproduce.

Okay. You cut your finger and it heals thanks the cell reproduction. Did you evolve? Nope. No mutation, albeit, with some radiation we can play God with your offspring. Should be entertaining. Care to give it shot?

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years you can't bs your way through this. Now either answer the questions or move on. If I am gonna teach anyone here they must first be honest with themselves.
wait just a sec.. where did you get the idea that you were here to teach anybody anything?
why don't you be honest and tell every body why you quit cell and mutation research?
you smug asshole!
Okay. You cut your finger and it heals thanks the cell reproduction. Did you evolve? Nope. No mutation, albeit, with some radiation we can play God with your offspring. Should be entertaining. Care to give it shot?

Listen buddy I have done cell and mutation research for 11 years you can't bs your way through this. Now either answer the questions or move on. If I am gonna teach anyone here they must first be honest with themselves.

In addition to his claim to have done cell research, the fundie also commands the French forces at Waterloo.
he also" beat off" the invading mogul hoards with the jaw bone of an ass!
Evolution claim: The types of organisms that survive and reproduce are the types of organisms that survive and reproduce because if they didn't survive and reproduce then they wouldn't be here. So we have definitive truth that evolution is true.

Evolution and Philosophy: Tautology
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.
no they haven't see next post.
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

Prophecy that is self fulfilled and in no way relates to a future 2000 years later..The Bible has no truth in that it was written 2000 years ago and agian if there is truth it only relates to what the authors were supposedly going through then.

Failed Bible Prophecy:
Failed biblical prophecies - RationalWiki

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

This is what you have been conditioned to believe.

The Nation of Israel now exists and will continue just as stated in the Bible.
non seqitur with no corroborating evidence to prove it's validity.
Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

Prophecy that is self fulfilled and in no way relates to a future 2000 years later..The Bible has no truth in that it was written 2000 years ago and agian if there is truth it only relates to what the authors were supposedly going through then.

Failed Bible Prophecy:
Failed biblical prophecies - RationalWiki

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

Prophecy does not come true in a book of lies. The Bible is true because its teachings work and its prophecies have come true.

This is what you have been conditioned to believe.

The Nation of Israel now exists and will continue just as stated in the Bible.

If the Bible got it right, the nation of Isreal would not have gone away as it did, prior to us, the UN, many European nations and Zionists recreating it in the wake WWII attrocities at the hands of the Nazi regime.
Note that I responded directly to a question posed by you. If that's off-topic and not what you wish to discuss, my little Wildcat Retard, here's a tip: don't ask the fucking question.

Astonishing. Who knew UofA was an institution of lower learning (tip: it's not, so best not tarnish its image by telling folks you went there, even if you did.)

I went there too. I think if you get out of the house every once in awhile you will find there are a great many intelligent folks who didn't get brainwashed by the materialism bullshit so prevalent in institutions of "higher learning" that hold many respected positions in the scientific community. I know several people at my church that are researchers at the translational genomics lab in Phoenix. Since you fell for it, that is, if you even went to college, you obviously can't see it.

TGen Home Page

Fuckin-a. I used to have some respect for Wildcats. Sigh.

Plus the anti-Mexican foolishness. That clusterfuck Joe Arpaio (sp?). What in the fuck is in the water they're pumping into AZ?


Not anti-Mexican. Just anti-criminal infiltration. I worked in law enforcement in Arizona for 10 years and you obviously have no clue about the issues here. Typical libtard logic that goes along with atheism. Bonus Libtard Logic gem: Abolish the death penalty for mass murderers but make sure it is legal to kill innocent unborn babies.
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The understanding of the conceptual basis of evolution has moved beyond simply stating that evolution is true because evolution occurs.
The concept of the "Selfish Gene" has proven to be of value.
The concept is that the organism that can successfully pass on the most copies of its genes is the organism that survives and reproduces. It’s actually a battle for survival and reproduction among genes rather than among organisms. A gene that contributes something to the success of an organism surviving and reproducing fares better in this competition than the gene that contributes nothing. The concept of the “selfish gene” explains cooperative behavior among genes and also among organisms such as ants and bees.
Also, for a long time biologists thought that the human genome contained a lot of "junk" DNA, perhaps as much as 80% of the genome was "junk". That view has changed.
See Bits of Mystery DNA, Far From ‘Junk,’ Play Crucial Role
I for one thought that it was strange that these "selfish genes" were as it were competing to produce as many copies of themselves as possible (that survived to produce more copies), and that up to 80% of this genome was nonfunctional "junk". Recent work described in that article changes the picture substantially.

Evolution predicts junk DNA. ID predicts the "junk" DNA would have a purpose. The selfish gene is a nice story, but it operates under the false assumption that evolution is working towards some predetermined outcome, which we know it isn't. It is the blind watchmaker. :badgrin::badgrin:

It does more than predict, it identifies. We're loaded with superfluous DNA, just not as much of it as plants, which have been around longer.

This false prediction of evolution continues to erode with each new discovery in the genome. But that won't stop the rabid darwinists. They're just making crap up as they go along anyway.
You mean like priests? :D
But who decided that gays aren't part of god's plan? :dunno:

The penis and the vagina. Two great things that go great together. :lol::lol::lol:

So you have nothing. Check.

They are designed to work together you foolish, blind man. That is the indication it is not part of God's plan. Also, answer me this, why do gay men go for men that act like women? Why do lesbians choose women that look like dudes? Again, more libtard logic. If you are biologically gay, then shouldn't you be attracted to members of the same sex that embody the behavioral characteristics of that sex? Also, the over the top flamboyant behavior isn't genetic. It is purposefully put on. The emphasis on their esses is purposeful as well. Their speech isn't genetic.
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