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So in other words you don't want to incriminate yourself through having your ignorance revealed. sorry but that has already been done by your stupid pointless posts.
as always you're totally fucking wrong..
but it is fun to watch you trip over you dick by making erroneous assumptions based on FP'S LIKE THE ONE ABOVE.

At least I have one to trip over but not in the way you're insinuating.
one what?
btw I'm not insinuation (another word you need to look up) it's a direct statement.
and it's fact your answer proves it.
Daws, you just proved what a huge idiot you really are!! Do you see the absurdity of your flawed logic in the post above?? Why aren't you attacking Hollie's infinite regression argument then??? You just proved me right you buffoon!! You just proved that Hollie is arguing from a false premise stupid. Do you hear your self? Hollie is not using a false premise because she is using a false premise.

What you missed in your utter and complete ignorance is that Hollie's argument is made from the assumption that God exists. In order for her to make her stupid argument, she has to first assume that God exists. Otherwise, how can she argue some other god made god? She is attempting to deny God by putting forth an argument whose basis is God exists. Of course we would expect you to miss this. My point is, if you are going to attack the concept of the Judeo-Christian God, then you can't make up your own Judeo-Christian theology. You can make a different argument to attack other mythological gods, but if you are going to assume the Judeo-Christian God exists as the basis of your argument, then you should also follow with the stated and commonly accepted theology that accompanies that basis, i.e., 1.) God has always existed 2.) God predates the Universe (Bible reference) 3.) God claims in the Bible there are no gods before him.

So according to you, Hollie's argument is based on a false premise of a false premise. YOU FAIL, THESPIDOUCHE!!! This is what happens when make your bed with a liar.

Gee whiz. Thumpie stalker is drooling.

Here's a bit of enlightenment for you: you make no sense - as usual.

Go thump (and stalk), elsewhere.

Daws gets totally owned for his total lack of logic and all he can do is thank Hollie for her typical incoherent response. That Hollie has a mad crush on Haran Yahhan.
yep! still drooling and yammering nonsense.
Gee whiz. Thumpie stalker is drooling.

Here's a bit of enlightenment for you: you make no sense - as usual.

Go thump (and stalk), elsewhere.

Daws gets totally owned for his total lack of logic and all he can do is thank Hollie for her typical incoherent response. That Hollie has a mad crush on Haran Yahhan.
yep! still drooling and yammering nonsense.

I bet that idiot lives in a trailer house somewhere in the south and didn't get beyond basic elementary school science:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Daws, you just proved what a huge idiot you really are!! Do you see the absurdity of your flawed logic in the post above?? Why aren't you attacking Hollie's infinite regression argument then??? You just proved me right you buffoon!! You just proved that Hollie is arguing from a false premise stupid. Do you hear your self? Hollie is not using a false premise because she is using a false premise.

What you missed in your utter and complete ignorance is that Hollie's argument is made from the assumption that God exists. In order for her to make her stupid argument, she has to first assume that God exists. Otherwise, how can she argue some other god made god? She is attempting to deny God by putting forth an argument whose basis is God exists. Of course we would expect you to miss this. My point is, if you are going to attack the concept of the Judeo-Christian God, then you can't make up your own Judeo-Christian theology. You can make a different argument to attack other mythological gods, but if you are going to assume the Judeo-Christian God exists as the basis of your argument, then you should also follow with the stated and commonly accepted theology that accompanies that basis, i.e., 1.) God has always existed 2.) God predates the Universe (Bible reference) 3.) God claims in the Bible there are no gods before him.

So according to you, Hollie's argument is based on a false premise of a false premise. YOU FAIL, THESPIDOUCHE!!! This is what happens when make your bed with a liar.
I love when you rationalize...
there is only one false premise and it yours :anything you base on the assumption " god has ALWAYS existed" like theories or speculation are also by definition false because the basic premise is false.
any argument you make from that premise is subjective and unsupportable.any argument you make from that assumption is false.

I get what you are saying. Hollie infinite regression argument is based on a false premise according to you. So what caused the Big Bang?
there is only one false premise and it yours..
Daws gets totally owned for his total lack of logic and all he can do is thank Hollie for her typical incoherent response. That Hollie has a mad crush on Haran Yahhan.
yep! still drooling and yammering nonsense.

I bet that idiot lives in a trailer house somewhere in the south and didn't get beyond basic elementary school science:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
close, Arizona he 's as epically religiously delusional as YWC.
"Since then, the work of science has brought to light numerous organs that could not have possibly formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications"

I found this statement interesting. It is interesting because it is so highly unlikely and entirely immposible. The probability of an empirical study, experiment, or even a deductivve argument from accepted axioms, demomstrating that an organ could not have llikey formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications is itself highly unlikely as to be impossible.

If only science could pull of such a feat as being able to prove such a thing.

The closest I've seen to such a thing is the Theory of Relativity deductively proving that no mass can be accelerated beyond the speed of light.
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Fred Flintstone waded here: Hoaxsters ready to teach creationism to Texas kids

Creationists in Texas claim to have found a stone with footprints of a human and a dinosaur.

No, I’m not kidding.

Hoax dinosaur and human foot prints, claimed to be found near Glen Rose, Texas

Could you make this stuff up? Well, yeah, I guess some people think you could. Somebody did make this stuff up.

According to a report in the too-gullible Mineral Wells Index, long-time hoaxster and faux doctorate Carl Baugh’s Creation Evidence Museum announced the rock was found just outside Dinosaur Valley State Park. The area has been the site of more than one creationist hoax since 1960, and was an area rife with hoax dinosaur prints dating back to the 1930s. (See these notes on the warning signs of science hoaxes and history hoaxes.)

The estimated 140-pound stone was recovered in July 2000 from the bank of a creek that feeds the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas, located about 53 miles south of Fort Worth. The find was made just outside Dinosaur Valley State Park, a popular destination for tourists known for its well-preserved dinosaur tracks and other fossils.

The limestone contains two distinct prints – one of a human footprint and one belonging to a dinosaur. The significance of the cement-hard fossil is that it shows the dinosaur print partially over and intersecting the human print.

In other words, the stone’s impressions indicate that the human stepped first, the dinosaur second. If proven genuine, the artifact would provide evidence that man and dinosaur roamed the Earth at the same time, according to those associated with the find and with its safekeeping. It could potentially toss out the window many commonly held scientific theories on evolution and the history of the world.

Except, as you can see, Dear Reader and Viewer, it’s a hoax. No dinosaur has a footprint exactly resembling the print of Fred Flintstone’s pet Dino, as the rock shows; nor do human footprints left in mud look like the print shown.

Dear God, save us from such tom-foolery, please.
Fred Flintstone waded here: Hoaxsters ready to teach creationism to Texas kids | Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
why yes you are!

Here twit I will give you something to chew on. I know your sides explanation for this but it just does not add up.

Malachite man or in other words Moab man. 10 modern day humans fossils found in the same strata as dinosaurs what ?!

All those reckless comments by the evolutionists why are humans fossils not found with dinosaur fossils uh oh.

I can't wait for your next copy and paste. If you believe in naturalism you have to believe in one of those theories :razz:
more creationist bullshit based on the false premise of humans and dinosaurs living at the same time.

In the late 1980's some of the bones were dated by a UCLA lab, yielding an age of 210 +/- 70 years (Berger and Protsch, 1989). Shortly thereafter Arthur Strahler (1989) published his book Science and Earth History, a chapter of which recounted the Moab Man saga. Later carbon dating tests on more recent excavations from the mine in the early 1990's yielded dates of 1450 +/- 90, with a calibrated one-sigma date range of AD 540 to AD 670, suggesting that the mine had been used by native Americans for at least several hundred years. (Coulam and Schroedl, 1995). However, the dates are consistent with intrusive burials, and contradict claims that the bones were part of the Mesozoic, Dakota Sandstone host rock, dated at approximately 100 million years by mainstream geology. Further corroboration of Marwitt's analysis is found in a draft of a book by researchers Eckert and Eckert (1979), who were dismayed by the failure of Burdick and other creationists to depict the Moab Man evidence fairly and accurately. For several years afterward the case seemed to be largely abandoned by most creationists.


The Moab Man/Malachite Man bones represent a number of intrusive burials in the Dakota Sandstone, and are not integral parts of the host formation. The bones evidently represent intentional or accidental entombments of native Americans in a mining environment. As reported by a number of conventional workers and even some creationist authors, the bones are largely unfossilized and of essentially modern appearance, except for the greenish stain. There is no foundation for the claims of a few creationists that the bones contradict mainstream geology or support dinosaur/human cohabitation.
Moab Man and Malachite Man

thanks for the after lunch story time.

I saw that daws already exposed the fraud by ywc but this latest fraud is really symptomatic of the lies, deceit and utter nonsense coming from the creationist hoaxsters.

The phrasing and syntax used by ywc was instantly recognizable and easy to find. YWC found the silly Malachite man here:

"Human Fossils In Same Rock Strata As Dinosaur Fossils!"

The site is a front for Christian creationist charlatans. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see that the “discovery” was made by Dr. Don Patton.

So who is “Dr.” Don Patton? He’s a young earth creationist charlatan. And he’s not even a “Dr.”

Suspicious Creationist Credentials
Don Patton is a young-earth creationist who, along with Carl Baugh, is known as a proponent of the claim that human footprints appear alongside dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy Riverbed of Glen Rose, Texas.

Patton has claimed Ph.D. candidacy in geology from Queensland Christian University in Australia. According to Glen Kuban:
When I asked Patton for clarification on this during the [1989 Bible-Science] conference, he stated that he had no degrees, but was about to receive a Ph.D. degree in geology, pending accreditation of QCU, which he assured me was "three days away." Many days have since passed, and Patton still has no valid degree in geology. Nor is the accreditation of QCU imminent. [4]

Glen Kuban has written more extensively on Patton's claimed degrees in his articles on the Paluxy "man-tracks".

As with every phony link, attempted scam, lie and falsehood spewed by YWC, this is just another attempt to pass off phony creationists and their phony credentials.

Here’s a link to the phony Paluxy "man-tracks" perpetrated by the creationist fraud Carl Baugh.

A Matter of Degree: Carl Baugh's Claimed Credentials

As it turns out, Carl Baugh had some help perpetrating his fraud with some help from another creationist fraudster: Don Patton

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #476: Carl Baugh

Carl Edward Baugh is a young earth creationist who is most infamous for claiming to have “discovered human alongside dinosaur footprints near the Paluxy River in Texas”. Yes, Baugh is the big promoter of the infamous (fake) Paluxy footprints, and he still believes they’re genuine.

Further along in the link:

Don Patton, a close associate of Baugh’s who also leads the Metroplex Institute of Origins Science (MIOS) near Dallas, deserves a brief mention as well as one of the most staggering quote-miners the world has yet seen, including an ellipsis (...) that spans 4 whole chapters of Origin of Species (no direct link to it, but you can access it from here)), and as an ardently delusional PRATT-regurgitator.

I'm sure we're all feeling a bit queasy at the lies, falsehoods and staggering dishonesty perpetrated by creationist charlatans so let's bring it on home with another review of the fraud that is "Dr." Donald Patton

The North Texas Skeptic
*I have produced evidence and I will produce more. You still have not named the theory you believe in.

Like I said, I read fifty of your over five hundred posts and you never presented any evidence of anything.

Would you mind pointing out a few of them?

UPDATE: I found one, "land bridges". That is one in 51 counted.

How bout Amino acids bonding in just the right sequence and they are left handed amino acids no right handed amino acids. How bout molecular machines that take care of Dna transcription.

How bout the take that evolutionists believe mutations are the mechanism that drives evolution but beneficial mutations are so rare and yet we have over 6,000 genetic disorders and counting. We also have a mechanism repairing most mutations. seems far fetched to believe these are just random processes. Looks like design to me.

Do I need to continue ? or maybe you should move back a little earlier in the thread I have been here since the start of the thread. I can't give you a complete summary of the thread because it has hit all over like most evolution vs creation threads.
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why yes you are!

Here twit I will give you something to chew on. I know your sides explanation for this but it just does not add up.

Malachite man or in other words Moab man. 10 modern day humans fossils found in the same strata as dinosaurs what ?!

All those reckless comments by the evolutionists why are humans fossils not found with dinosaur fossils uh oh.

I can't wait for your next copy and paste. If you believe in naturalism you have to believe in one of those theories :razz:
more creationist bullshit based on the false premise of humans and dinosaurs living at the same time.

In the late 1980's some of the bones were dated by a UCLA lab, yielding an age of 210 +/- 70 years (Berger and Protsch, 1989). Shortly thereafter Arthur Strahler (1989) published his book Science and Earth History, a chapter of which recounted the Moab Man saga. Later carbon dating tests on more recent excavations from the mine in the early 1990's yielded dates of 1450 +/- 90, with a calibrated one-sigma date range of AD 540 to AD 670, suggesting that the mine had been used by native Americans for at least several hundred years. (Coulam and Schroedl, 1995). However, the dates are consistent with intrusive burials, and contradict claims that the bones were part of the Mesozoic, Dakota Sandstone host rock, dated at approximately 100 million years by mainstream geology. Further corroboration of Marwitt's analysis is found in a draft of a book by researchers Eckert and Eckert (1979), who were dismayed by the failure of Burdick and other creationists to depict the Moab Man evidence fairly and accurately. For several years afterward the case seemed to be largely abandoned by most creationists.


The Moab Man/Malachite Man bones represent a number of intrusive burials in the Dakota Sandstone, and are not integral parts of the host formation. The bones evidently represent intentional or accidental entombments of native Americans in a mining environment. As reported by a number of conventional workers and even some creationist authors, the bones are largely unfossilized and of essentially modern appearance, except for the greenish stain. There is no foundation for the claims of a few creationists that the bones contradict mainstream geology or support dinosaur/human cohabitation.
Moab Man and Malachite Man

thanks for the after lunch story time.

I was waiting for your copy and paste on this issue. Let's see if you can be rational. What would a mother and her infant be doing that deep in a mine lol ?

I would not call anything bullshit you have demonstrated you lack the grey matter to speak for yourself.
Here twit I will give you something to chew on. I know your sides explanation for this but it just does not add up.

Malachite man or in other words Moab man. 10 modern day humans fossils found in the same strata as dinosaurs what ?!

All those reckless comments by the evolutionists why are humans fossils not found with dinosaur fossils uh oh.

I can't wait for your next copy and paste. If you believe in naturalism you have to believe in one of those theories :razz:
more creationist bullshit based on the false premise of humans and dinosaurs living at the same time.

In the late 1980's some of the bones were dated by a UCLA lab, yielding an age of 210 +/- 70 years (Berger and Protsch, 1989). Shortly thereafter Arthur Strahler (1989) published his book Science and Earth History, a chapter of which recounted the Moab Man saga. Later carbon dating tests on more recent excavations from the mine in the early 1990's yielded dates of 1450 +/- 90, with a calibrated one-sigma date range of AD 540 to AD 670, suggesting that the mine had been used by native Americans for at least several hundred years. (Coulam and Schroedl, 1995). However, the dates are consistent with intrusive burials, and contradict claims that the bones were part of the Mesozoic, Dakota Sandstone host rock, dated at approximately 100 million years by mainstream geology. Further corroboration of Marwitt's analysis is found in a draft of a book by researchers Eckert and Eckert (1979), who were dismayed by the failure of Burdick and other creationists to depict the Moab Man evidence fairly and accurately. For several years afterward the case seemed to be largely abandoned by most creationists.


The Moab Man/Malachite Man bones represent a number of intrusive burials in the Dakota Sandstone, and are not integral parts of the host formation. The bones evidently represent intentional or accidental entombments of native Americans in a mining environment. As reported by a number of conventional workers and even some creationist authors, the bones are largely unfossilized and of essentially modern appearance, except for the greenish stain. There is no foundation for the claims of a few creationists that the bones contradict mainstream geology or support dinosaur/human cohabitation.
Moab Man and Malachite Man

thanks for the after lunch story time.

I saw that daws already exposed the fraud by ywc but this latest fraud is really symptomatic of the lies, deceit and utter nonsense coming from the creationist hoaxsters.

The phrasing and syntax used by ywc was instantly recognizable and easy to find. YWC found the silly Malachite man here:

"Human Fossils In Same Rock Strata As Dinosaur Fossils!"

The site is a front for Christian creationist charlatans. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see that the “discovery” was made by Dr. Don Patton.

So who is “Dr.” Don Patton? He’s a young earth creationist charlatan. And he’s not even a “Dr.”

Suspicious Creationist Credentials

As with every phony link, attempted scam, lie and falsehood spewed by YWC, this is just another attempt to pass off phony creationists and their phony credentials.

Here’s a link to the phony Paluxy "man-tracks" perpetrated by the creationist fraud Carl Baugh.

A Matter of Degree: Carl Baugh's Claimed Credentials

As it turns out, Carl Baugh had some help perpetrating his fraud with some help from another creationist fraudster: Don Patton

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #476: Carl Baugh

Carl Edward Baugh is a young earth creationist who is most infamous for claiming to have “discovered human alongside dinosaur footprints near the Paluxy River in Texas”. Yes, Baugh is the big promoter of the infamous (fake) Paluxy footprints, and he still believes they’re genuine.

Further along in the link:

Don Patton, a close associate of Baugh’s who also leads the Metroplex Institute of Origins Science (MIOS) near Dallas, deserves a brief mention as well as one of the most staggering quote-miners the world has yet seen, including an ellipsis (...) that spans 4 whole chapters of Origin of Species (no direct link to it, but you can access it from here)), and as an ardently delusional PRATT-regurgitator.

I'm sure we're all feeling a bit queasy at the lies, falsehoods and staggering dishonesty perpetrated by creationist charlatans so let's bring it on home with another review of the fraud that is "Dr." Donald Patton

The North Texas Skeptic

I guess we need to stoop to your level and bring out the many hoaxes from the scientific community. Thank God there are some still in the science community that has integrity and exposes the frauds.
more creationist bullshit based on the false premise of humans and dinosaurs living at the same time.

In the late 1980's some of the bones were dated by a UCLA lab, yielding an age of 210 +/- 70 years (Berger and Protsch, 1989). Shortly thereafter Arthur Strahler (1989) published his book Science and Earth History, a chapter of which recounted the Moab Man saga. Later carbon dating tests on more recent excavations from the mine in the early 1990's yielded dates of 1450 +/- 90, with a calibrated one-sigma date range of AD 540 to AD 670, suggesting that the mine had been used by native Americans for at least several hundred years. (Coulam and Schroedl, 1995). However, the dates are consistent with intrusive burials, and contradict claims that the bones were part of the Mesozoic, Dakota Sandstone host rock, dated at approximately 100 million years by mainstream geology. Further corroboration of Marwitt's analysis is found in a draft of a book by researchers Eckert and Eckert (1979), who were dismayed by the failure of Burdick and other creationists to depict the Moab Man evidence fairly and accurately. For several years afterward the case seemed to be largely abandoned by most creationists.


The Moab Man/Malachite Man bones represent a number of intrusive burials in the Dakota Sandstone, and are not integral parts of the host formation. The bones evidently represent intentional or accidental entombments of native Americans in a mining environment. As reported by a number of conventional workers and even some creationist authors, the bones are largely unfossilized and of essentially modern appearance, except for the greenish stain. There is no foundation for the claims of a few creationists that the bones contradict mainstream geology or support dinosaur/human cohabitation.
Moab Man and Malachite Man

thanks for the after lunch story time.

I saw that daws already exposed the fraud by ywc but this latest fraud is really symptomatic of the lies, deceit and utter nonsense coming from the creationist hoaxsters.

The phrasing and syntax used by ywc was instantly recognizable and easy to find. YWC found the silly Malachite man here:

"Human Fossils In Same Rock Strata As Dinosaur Fossils!"

The site is a front for Christian creationist charlatans. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see that the “discovery” was made by Dr. Don Patton.

So who is “Dr.” Don Patton? He’s a young earth creationist charlatan. And he’s not even a “Dr.”

Suspicious Creationist Credentials

As with every phony link, attempted scam, lie and falsehood spewed by YWC, this is just another attempt to pass off phony creationists and their phony credentials.

Here’s a link to the phony Paluxy "man-tracks" perpetrated by the creationist fraud Carl Baugh.

A Matter of Degree: Carl Baugh's Claimed Credentials

As it turns out, Carl Baugh had some help perpetrating his fraud with some help from another creationist fraudster: Don Patton

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #476: Carl Baugh

Further along in the link:

Don Patton, a close associate of Baugh’s who also leads the Metroplex Institute of Origins Science (MIOS) near Dallas, deserves a brief mention as well as one of the most staggering quote-miners the world has yet seen, including an ellipsis (...) that spans 4 whole chapters of Origin of Species (no direct link to it, but you can access it from here)), and as an ardently delusional PRATT-regurgitator.

I'm sure we're all feeling a bit queasy at the lies, falsehoods and staggering dishonesty perpetrated by creationist charlatans so let's bring it on home with another review of the fraud that is "Dr." Donald Patton

The North Texas Skeptic

I guess we need to stoop to your level and bring out the many hoaxes from the scientific community. Thank God there are some still in the science community that has integrity and exposes the frauds.

I thought you would perform your usual tactic of avoidance and make every effort to avoid addressing the really sleazy tactics employed by the creationist cabal.

They’re all dishonest to the core and your promotion of such dishonesty is similarly sleazy.
Oh and one more thing Hollie, this is not ,I repeat, not fabricated evidence. These were modern day humans found in the same strata as dinosaurs.
Oh and one more thing Hollie, this is not ,I repeat, not fabricated evidence. These were modern day humans found in the same strata as dinosaurs.

Oh, and one more thing. Pathological liars behave as you do. They neither recognize or understand that they're lying.

We can attribute your behavior to a pathology.
I saw that daws already exposed the fraud by ywc but this latest fraud is really symptomatic of the lies, deceit and utter nonsense coming from the creationist hoaxsters.

The phrasing and syntax used by ywc was instantly recognizable and easy to find. YWC found the silly Malachite man here:

"Human Fossils In Same Rock Strata As Dinosaur Fossils!"

The site is a front for Christian creationist charlatans. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see that the “discovery” was made by Dr. Don Patton.

So who is “Dr.” Don Patton? He’s a young earth creationist charlatan. And he’s not even a “Dr.”

Suspicious Creationist Credentials

As with every phony link, attempted scam, lie and falsehood spewed by YWC, this is just another attempt to pass off phony creationists and their phony credentials.

Here’s a link to the phony Paluxy "man-tracks" perpetrated by the creationist fraud Carl Baugh.

A Matter of Degree: Carl Baugh's Claimed Credentials

As it turns out, Carl Baugh had some help perpetrating his fraud with some help from another creationist fraudster: Don Patton

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #476: Carl Baugh

Further along in the link:

I'm sure we're all feeling a bit queasy at the lies, falsehoods and staggering dishonesty perpetrated by creationist charlatans so let's bring it on home with another review of the fraud that is "Dr." Donald Patton

The North Texas Skeptic

I guess we need to stoop to your level and bring out the many hoaxes from the scientific community. Thank God there are some still in the science community that has integrity and exposes the frauds.

I thought you would perform your usual tactic of avoidance and make every effort to avoid addressing the really sleazy tactics employed by the creationist cabal.

They’re all dishonest to the core and your promotion of such dishonesty is similarly sleazy.

No the dishonest would assume these people were accidentally entombed that deep in a mine lol.
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