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when have I ever mentioned my religion ? I go through what you people post and point out errors ,contradictions,and correct that is not spreading lies and falsehoods. I also point out things you people try to pass off as facts which are only based on conjecture.

You give yourself credit for doing nothing. I can't recall you refuting the peer reviewed science presented to you. What you have done is post nonsense from Christian crestionist websites. Have you considered that using Christian fundie websites ( excluding the Harun Yahya nonsense), and posting verses from the various bibles pre-announces your religious affiliation?

You are a poor candidate for making claims regarding conjecture when using creationist sources for your posts. It's really laughable to see you suggesting that the notoriously inept and biblical literalist creationist websites you use as "sources" In any way refutes the relevant science community.

Peer reviews impress you hollie ?

Global Warming Hoax: Peer Reviewed Journal Papers Showing Natural Causes for Climate Change

Blog: Global warming 'scientific consensus' debunked

Another typical example of your need to not understand.

Provide a peer reviewed paper... reviewed by the relevant science community, that supports your christian creationist charlatans claims to the biblical flood or a 6,000 year old earth, or men rising from the dead.
You give yourself credit for doing nothing. I can't recall you refuting the peer reviewed science presented to you. What you have done is post nonsense from Christian crestionist websites. Have you considered that using Christian fundie websites ( excluding the Harun Yahya nonsense), and posting verses from the various bibles pre-announces your religious affiliation?

You are a poor candidate for making claims regarding conjecture when using creationist sources for your posts. It's really laughable to see you suggesting that the notoriously inept and biblical literalist creationist websites you use as "sources" In any way refutes the relevant science community.
amen (pun intended)

CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!!!

But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!!!!

So many Christians are praying fervently that they will discover the loving god and start acting like it but sadly realize that is so unlikely!!!

Christianity is a philosophy not a religion. catholics,baptists,pentecostals are religions.
It's as though you define ignorance as a virtue.
You give yourself credit for doing nothing. I can't recall you refuting the peer reviewed science presented to you. What you have done is post nonsense from Christian crestionist websites. Have you considered that using Christian fundie websites ( excluding the Harun Yahya nonsense), and posting verses from the various bibles pre-announces your religious affiliation?

You are a poor candidate for making claims regarding conjecture when using creationist sources for your posts. It's really laughable to see you suggesting that the notoriously inept and biblical literalist creationist websites you use as "sources" In any way refutes the relevant science community.

Peer reviews impress you hollie ?

Global Warming Hoax: Peer Reviewed Journal Papers Showing Natural Causes for Climate Change

Blog: Global warming 'scientific consensus' debunked

Another typical example of your need to not understand.

Provide a peer reviewed paper... reviewed by the relevant science community, that supports your christian creationist charlatans claims to the biblical flood or a 6,000 year old earth, or men rising from the dead.

We were not discussing the global flood were we. The fact is because there are peer reviews does not mean they can't be wrong lol.
amen (pun intended)

CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!!!

But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!!!!

So many Christians are praying fervently that they will discover the loving god and start acting like it but sadly realize that is so unlikely!!!

Christianity is a philosophy not a religion. catholics,baptists,pentecostals are religions.
It's as though you define ignorance as a virtue.

Why is it you can explain yourself very well but not see you're are the person you loathe.
They did not show until recently that Rna could be self replicating what you're not understanding is reverse transcriptase This enzyme, found in the protein shell, transcribes RNA back into DNA, which is then inserted into the genome of the host. You see they failed in proving their point because the Rna stored the original Dna message and it is injected in the host cells Genome so they can reproduce.

Originally they were hypothesising That Rna was self replicating because they needed a molecule that was self replicating so they could teach spontaneous generation. They showed that but it took Rna that had a copy of Dna for it to happen other wise this virus could not invade the host cell and be reproduced.

So it was an epic fail as I said and Rna is useless in producing life absent of Dna. Rna is the messenger got it ?

So no it did not become theory until recently it was only hypothesized in the 60's and 70's
your answer has nothing to do with the questions you asked me. rna and what year I graduated HS. the rest of you babble in no proof of a creator god or great flood .
I was taught genetic THEORY as apart of evolutionary biology in high school in my junior and senior years --1976 -1977 .
as always the epic fail is yours.
one day when you grow up maybe you'll realize your not the smartest kid in the class or school or town or county or state...

Here is the question that was asked.
According to theory earth's earliest organisms was made up of what MOLECULE ?
Daws do you know the difference between theory and Hypothesis ? When you were in High School you may have heard something about the Hypothesis but it was not theory. You said you learned this in High school I said it was not a theory when you were in high

Genetics is not even what we are discussing Genetics deal with heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.We were discussing Molecular biology that is the study of structures and function of the macromolecules proteins and nucleic acids.

I think you had limited science and you rush off and copy and paste things you think answer the questions when challenged.
and as always you be wrong...
genetics and microbiology are for all practical purposes the same : Genetic Microbiology is a subdiscipline of microbiology dealing especially with genetic components of life such as DNA and RNA....
what we were actually discussing is your imaginary superiority in education and life in general.
you spend most of your time here looking for some fantasy breech in your detractors evidence or character you can exploit.
Because I participate in discussions on here does not mean I lose sleep over people that don't believe as I do. That might be what drives you but it does not drive me.
bullshit! what drives you is a messiah complex and an absolute mania for thinking you're right all the time when the truth is you're wrong about just about everything all the time.

Daws I am not right all the time and when I am wrong I can put my big boy pants on and fess up how bout you ?
now that's a total falsehood...
in the context of this thread I've never been wrong so there's no reason for me to fess up.
when have I ever mentioned my religion ? I go through what you people post and point out errors ,contradictions,and correct that is not spreading lies and falsehoods. I also point out things you people try to pass off as facts which are only based on conjecture.
do I REALLY NEED TO point out how everything you just posted is a total false hood.
I know what your religion is no matter what bogus name you give your little coven of believers you're an evangelical creationist..
my guess is your leader has no formal religious training.
he might even be you.

I have never mentioned my religion fact is I am no fan of religion. Religion was mans creation not Gods creation so you can try and show this so called religion That I supposedly push on others.
the religion you pimp no matter how had you deny it is evangelical creationism.
you belong to a group of like minded people so by definition it's organized your beliefs are
kinda of Christian so again it's a organized religion.
it's also base on the most false of false premises GOD.
when have i ever mentioned my religion ? I go through what you people post and point out errors ,contradictions,and correct that is not spreading lies and falsehoods. I also point out things you people try to pass off as facts which are only based on conjecture.

you give yourself credit for doing nothing. I can't recall you refuting the peer reviewed science presented to you. What you have done is post nonsense from christian crestionist websites. Have you considered that using christian fundie websites ( excluding the harun yahya nonsense), and posting verses from the various bibles pre-announces your religious affiliation?

You are a poor candidate for making claims regarding conjecture when using creationist sources for your posts. It's really laughable to see you suggesting that the notoriously inept and biblical literalist creationist websites you use as "sources" in any way refutes the relevant science community.

peer reviews impress you hollie ?

global warming hoax: Peer reviewed journal papers showing natural causes for climate change

blog: Global warming 'scientific consensus' debunked
both sites are blogs not research!!!

another typical example of your need to not understand.

Provide a peer reviewed paper... Reviewed by the relevant science community, that supports your christian creationist charlatans claims to the biblical flood or a 6,000 year old earth, or men rising from the dead.

we were not discussing the global flood were we. The fact is because there are peer reviews does not mean they can't be wrong lol.
youmust as ignorant as you seem.
bullshit! what drives you is a messiah complex and an absolute mania for thinking you're right all the time when the truth is you're wrong about just about everything all the time.

Daws I am not right all the time and when I am wrong I can put my big boy pants on and fess up how bout you ?
now that's a total falsehood...
in the context of this thread I've never been wrong so there's no reason for me to fess up.

Your posts are revealing.
do I REALLY NEED TO point out how everything you just posted is a total false hood.
I know what your religion is no matter what bogus name you give your little coven of believers you're an evangelical creationist..
my guess is your leader has no formal religious training.
he might even be you.

I have never mentioned my religion fact is I am no fan of religion. Religion was mans creation not Gods creation so you can try and show this so called religion That I supposedly push on others.
the religion you pimp no matter how had you deny it is evangelical creationism.
you belong to a group of like minded people so by definition it's organized your beliefs are
kinda of Christian so again it's a organized religion.
it's also base on the most false of false premises GOD.
Nope I share some views with creationists and intelligent design advocates and even evolutionists so I don't know what category I belong to.
you give yourself credit for doing nothing. I can't recall you refuting the peer reviewed science presented to you. What you have done is post nonsense from christian crestionist websites. Have you considered that using christian fundie websites ( excluding the harun yahya nonsense), and posting verses from the various bibles pre-announces your religious affiliation?

You are a poor candidate for making claims regarding conjecture when using creationist sources for your posts. It's really laughable to see you suggesting that the notoriously inept and biblical literalist creationist websites you use as "sources" in any way refutes the relevant science community.

peer reviews impress you hollie ?

global warming hoax: Peer reviewed journal papers showing natural causes for climate change

blog: Global warming 'scientific consensus' debunked
both sites are blogs not research!!!
Global warming has been debunked and there are peer review articles on global warming M y claim stands.
another typical example of your need to not understand.

Provide a peer reviewed paper... Reviewed by the relevant science community, that supports your christian creationist charlatans claims to the biblical flood or a 6,000 year old earth, or men rising from the dead.

we were not discussing the global flood were we. The fact is because there are peer reviews does not mean they can't be wrong lol.
youmust as ignorant as you seem.
What ?
your answer has nothing to do with the questions you asked me. rna and what year I graduated HS. the rest of you babble in no proof of a creator god or great flood .
I was taught genetic THEORY as apart of evolutionary biology in high school in my junior and senior years --1976 -1977 .
as always the epic fail is yours.
one day when you grow up maybe you'll realize your not the smartest kid in the class or school or town or county or state...

Here is the question that was asked.
According to theory earth's earliest organisms was made up of what MOLECULE ?
Daws do you know the difference between theory and Hypothesis ? When you were in High School you may have heard something about the Hypothesis but it was not theory. You said you learned this in High school I said it was not a theory when you were in high

Genetics is not even what we are discussing Genetics deal with heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.We were discussing Molecular biology that is the study of structures and function of the macromolecules proteins and nucleic acids.

I think you had limited science and you rush off and copy and paste things you think answer the questions when challenged.
and as always you be wrong...
genetics and microbiology are for all practical purposes the same : Genetic Microbiology is a subdiscipline of microbiology dealing especially with genetic components of life such as DNA and RNA....
what we were actually discussing is your imaginary superiority in education and life in general.
you spend most of your time here looking for some fantasy breech in your detractors evidence or character you can exploit.
Daws you're embarrassing yourself please drop it lol. Microbiology is the study of microorganisms. You're talking out your butt. I am sorry I brought this up I dont get any pleasure of making someone look so foolish. While you want schooling in Genetics and Microbiology to be a molecular biologist the question I asked can best be answered from molecular biology.
Last edited:
I have never mentioned my religion fact is I am no fan of religion. Religion was mans creation not Gods creation so you can try and show this so called religion That I supposedly push on others.
the religion you pimp no matter how had you deny it is evangelical creationism.
you belong to a group of like minded people so by definition it's organized your beliefs are
kinda of Christian so again it's a organized religion.
it's also base on the most false of false premises GOD.
Nope I share some views with creationists and intelligent design advocates and even evolutionists so I don't know what category I belong to.
your answer proves me right.
Global warming has been debunked and there are peer review articles on global warming M y claim stands.
only in your dreams
Climate change: How do we know?

This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> has increased since the Industrial Revolution. (Source: [[LINK||||NOAA]])

This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution. (Source: NOAA)

The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives.

"Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal."

- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1

Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. Studying these climate data collected over many years reveal the signals of a changing climate.

Certain facts about Earth's climate are not in dispute:
&#9726; The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many JPL-designed instruments, such as AIRS. Increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.
&#9726; Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to changes in solar output, in the Earth’s orbit, and in greenhouse gas levels. They also show that in the past, large changes in climate have happened very quickly, geologically-speaking: in tens of years, not in millions or even thousands3

these are the facts not speculation.
you can't wish them away with prayers to the imaginary sky god
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