Credit card debt is at an all-time high, BIDENOMICS IS WORKING sez Kamala.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
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Credit card debt when adjusted for income levels is near all time lows.

What are families to do when they get to the end of the month and have spent all their monthly pay? Go further into high interest debt so they can put food on the table. WooHoo! Let's hear it for Bidenomics! Oh wait my bad, Kamala is going to punish the EVIL grocery stores for "PRICE GOUGING". Oh yeah that'll fix it!

Remember Chris Christie, Ron DiSantis and Bill Maher all blame Trump for it. His tax break bill didn't produce what he promised. Not even close.

Is this why now Trump's talking about heavily regulating industry? Imagine if Biden said he was going to tax Harley Davidson 200% or cap interest on credit cards at 10%. Sounds a lot like student loan forgiveness to me.
Pay down your balances.
It's not him. It's "families" who are struggling. you know who's not struggling? Childless cat ladies. SINKS and DINKS.

These stupid Americans didn't take their parents advice. Don't have kids you can't afford.
I remember in the Clinton years my mom told me SAVE because times aren't always going to be this good. Boy was she right. Remember the Bush era? Horrible for manufacturing. And Trump cost us 200,000 manufacturing jobs too. I just heard that the other day. I was going to forgive all the high crimes and missy mis demeaners but I can't forgive Trump for costing us our most valuable jobs.
What are families to do when they get to the end of the month and have spent all their monthly pay? Go further into high interest debt so they can put food on the table. WooHoo! Let's hear it for Bidenomics! Oh wait my bad, Kamala is going to punish the EVIL grocery stores for "PRICE GOUGING". Oh yeah that'll fix it!

Capitalism is working as intended in America. Working class debtors won't be rattling their chains as long as they can survive capitalism in America, on a plastic card.

Neither will the supply side make any big noise as long as the system survives for them.
It's not him. It's "families" who are struggling. you know who's not struggling? Childless cat ladies. SINKS and DINKS.

These stupid Americans didn't take their parents advice. Don't have kids you can't afford.
I remember in the Clinton years my mom told me SAVE because times aren't always going to be this good. Boy was she right. Remember the Bush era? Horrible for manufacturing. And Trump cost us 200,000 manufacturing jobs too. I just heard that the other day. I was going to forgive all the high crimes and missy mis demeaners but I can't forgive Trump for costing us our most valuable jobs.
Have lots of kids and don't worry about your balance. You're worth nothing to the upper class if you're in debtors' prison.

"Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?"

Credit card debt when adjusted for income levels is near all time lows.

Because all that matters is Kamala's wealth and power


Have lots of kids and don't worry about your balance. You're worth nothing to the upper class if you're in debtors' prison.

"Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?"

The most successful PSA was don't have kids you can't afford. And thank god just in the nick of time. Americans are always the first to try something and the rest of the world follows so we are not having kids anymore. Too expensive and not worth it. But have you seen the population in 1974 was like 4 billion and now we are over 8 billion? So the rest of the world needs to catch up. Maybe this is why Republicans won't send condoms to Africa. And want to ban abortion in America. The globalists need the poor to keep pumping out cheap labor and consumers.

Country / DependencyPopulation% of
DateSource (official or from
the United Nations)
1,425,775,85017.5%14 Apr 2023UN projection[90]
1,409,670,00017.3%17 Jan 2024National annual estimate[91]
United States
336,981,7034.14%30 Sep 2024National population clock[92]
278,696,2003.43%1 Jul 2023National annual estimate[93]
229,488,9942.82%1 Jul 2022UN projection[94]
216,746,9342.66%1 Jul 2022UN projection[94]
218,230,6322.68%30 Sep 2024National population clock[95]
168,220,0002.07%1 Jul 2020Annual Population Estimate[96]
147,190,0001.81%1 Oct 20212021 preliminary census results[97]
128,271,2481.58%31 Mar 2022
The percentage of Americans who don't have children is growing, and the trend is expected to continue. Here are some statistics on childlessness in the United States:

  • Adults under 50: In 2023, 47% of adults under 50 without children said they are unlikely to ever have children, up from 37% in 2018. The main reason given by this group for not having children is that they simply don't want to.

The most successful PSA was don't have kids you can't afford. And thank god just in the nick of time. Americans are always the first to try something and the rest of the world follows so we are not having kids anymore. Too expensive and not worth it. But have you seen the population in 1974 was like 4 billion and now we are over 8 billion? So the rest of the world needs to catch up. Maybe this is why Republicans won't send condoms to Africa. And want to ban abortion in America. The globalists need the poor to keep pumping out cheap labor and consumers.
Americans aren't having kids anymore because you can't afford them.
Americans are the first to try not having kids.
Kids are too expensive and not worth it to Americans.

We agree on nearly everything but I can't quite accept your reason why R's won't send condoms to Africa. Let's not get into that for now.
Remember Chris Christie, Ron DiSantis and Bill Maher all blame Trump for it. His tax break bill didn't produce what he promised. Not even close.

Is this why now Trump's talking about heavily regulating industry? Imagine if Biden said he was going to tax Harley Davidson 200% or cap interest on credit cards at 10%. Sounds a lot like student loan forgiveness to me.
/----/ Nope.
  • 06:30 PM ET 10/16/2018
Taxes: Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan.
Americans aren't having kids anymore because you can't afford them.
Americans are the first to try not having kids.
Kids are too expensive and not worth it to Americans.

We agree on nearly everything but I can't quite accept your reason why R's won't send condoms to Africa. Let's not get into that for now.
Some people think the rich want to kill half of us. Some thing we give abortion to poor black people for sinister reasons. Meanwhile the other side is banning abortion in America and like I said, doesn't even want to give African's rubbers let alone abortions. Why would they want these poor people having kids?

And we can afford them. We just down want to live in poverty.

Boy, I saw my rich brother raise his two kids compared to his brother/sister in law who are middle class raising two kid. The middle class parents are getting by but man would I hate to be them. They even send their kids to private schools. I wonder if they would have done that if my brother wasn't rich and sending his kids to private schools.

And guess what mom is? A public school teacher. Can you believe that? But they live in Dearborn, MI. I wouldn't send my kid to Dearborn Public Schools either.

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