Any opinion on Jill Stein?

Any opinion?

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A Republican helped a Republican? I'm reminded of how hardcore Democrats so often whine about Ralph Nader costing them elections rather than just admit {horrors!} their horrible loser of a candidate lost to another one. I'm not a Democrat. I don't owe either warmongering, billionaire-butt-licking-major-Party anything. Don't get me wrong. We often disagree but I still enjoy reading your thoughts and agree with many completely.

That said, I definitely prefer Kamala Harris (actually almost anyone) to Donald Trump. I trust Jill Stein way more than either. Quit worrying. Harris will win by a landslide. The Dems may even win both Houses.
I'm thinking Rick Snyder "found" Trump the 10,500 votes he needed to win MI in 2016. I think Jeb assured George would win Florida in 2000 and I don't think Florida has been free and fair elections since. Too important to Republicans. They'd never win without it. Ohio too maybe. They would NEVER win without those two states.

Trump called the Georgia SOS and thank god that Republican didn't help Trump. Thank god Mike Pence didn't go along with stopping the certification of the vote. Had he done what Trump asked, the corrupt Supreme Court we have would have handed it to Trump and gave a "constitutional" reason for doing it, that makes no sense. Maybe 4 would object but 5 go along. We know Clarence and Alito are election deniers. Vergogna.
I think any lefty not liking Harris should vote for Stein. Thanks for mentioning this.

Why would a lefty not like Harris? You mean a undecided? Independent? They should either vote Kamala or Trump. Pick one.

A lefty is voting Kamala

Any Republicans who can't vote for Trump should stay home.

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