Any opinion on Jill Stein?

Any opinion?

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Everything you need to know about Jill Stein, besides the fact that she wants to take the Democrat's socialism to a new level. There's an obvious reason why idiots like her never win elections...
  • September 25, 2024: Stein participated in a rally calling for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu in New York City.[7]
  • September 24, 2024: Stein held a virtual campaign rally.[8]
  • September 20, 2024: Stein participated in a panel discussion titled A Conversation with the Black Panther Party Past & Present at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington.[9]
  • September 19, 2024: Stein visited a Boeing Machinists Union strike in Renton, Washington.[10]
  • September 12, 2024:
    • Stein spoke at the National Arab American Convention in Detroit, Michigan.[11]
    • Stein participated in a radio interview with The Breakfast Club.[12]
Jill Stein presidential campaign, 2024
You don't want people to see or respond to your posts?

If you weren't seeking attention you'd write your thoughts down on a word document or diary and not share so no one will see. Like Ashlie Biden.
There is a huge difference between simply replying to threads, or creating multiple threads over multiple forums.
The biggest attention seekers are...
Lahkota, Mortimer, creepy, Quasar 44 and our friend the OP. There are more, but I feel lazy today.
So no, I have nothing in common with them.
she is a doctor, a pediatrician in fact, more concerned with the children of israel and palestine than in an american cult's "left behind" fantasy.

i don't buy the story that the greens are somehow commie and stein is pushing russian disinfo either. if muslims and such are drawn to a third party might indicate that both bipartisan parties support israel too much to be regarded as a neutral mo9derator in negotiations.

Jon Stewart, a jew, on the Daily Show did a real good negative piece on the Biden Administration when it comes to CONDEMNING Israel. We don't do it. Neither party will. But the Democrats will challenge Bibi Netenyahoo. Trump will only cheer as Israel pretty much does the exact same thing Russia is doing in Ukraine.

a. Not letting the media in to see what's really going on.
b. Not letting humanitarian aid in
c. Bombing places they said were safe zones
d. Lying
e. Land Grabbing

When Russia does these things we are OUTRAGED but when Israel does it we are only concerned. OUTRAGED vs concerned. OUTRAGED compared to concerned.
I only knew she was third party

Now i read she is antisemitic

THAT i dont like
She's not. She's just finding ways to be better/different than the two main parties. In my previous post I explained how we are being hypocritical when we CONDEMN Russia for doing things but when Israel does the same things we are only concerned.

Why is everyone so careful not to offend the Jews?

And DEMOCRATS are going to pay for not supporting HAMAS enough. Dearborn, MI has the largest Muslim population in the country and they say they aren't voting for Kamala. If Trump wins and we/Israel turn Gaza into a parking lot, don't complain you dumb arabs.
she is a doctor, a pediatrician in fact, more concerned with the children of israel and palestine than in an american cult's "left behind" fantasy.

i don't buy the story that the greens are somehow commie and stein is pushing russian disinfo either. if muslims and such are drawn to a third party might indicate that both bipartisan parties support israel too much to be regarded as a neutral mo9derator in negotiations.
No, she’s a traitor to the Jewish people - one who thinks one can negotiate with Islamic terrorists. The reason we are in a war right now is due to the Left’s coddling of Islamic terrorism and those that sponsor it - like Iran. She will continue more of the same.

But I’m glad she’s in the race.
We attended that rally yesterday. The Chief of Police in Prairie du Chien is a former Democrat who now supports Trump.

The crowd erupted in hilarious laughter when Trump said Harris was born mentally impaired.

Trump seemed subdued to me. I wonder if knowing that Iran is conspiring to kill him, and with Biden taking no action against Iran, is getting to him.
Antisemite says what??
OMG Jill Stein is a Jew? Of course she is. Stein??? LOL. And someone said she's an anti semite?

I supposed Trump supporters believe real jews are as loyal to Israel as they are to Trump. If you aren't loyal to Trump you are unpatriotic unamerican. If you don't support Israel for acting like Bush in Iraq, you're an anti semite.

BTW, Israel was all in on us invading Iraq. Even Trump admits Bush lied us into Iraq. Israel knew that and still they were all for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. They loved it.

You know who was an agent of Isreal and not working for his constituents in Connecticut. Unless there are a bunch of rich Jews in Connecticut.


No, she’s a traitor to the Jewish people - one who thinks one can negotiate with Islamic terrorists. The reason we are in a war right now is due to the Left’s coddling of Islamic terrorism and those that sponsor it - like Iran. She will continue more of the same.

But I’m glad she’s in the race.
The whole reason we're in this mess is


Russia invades Ukraine? Why do they think they can get away with that? Oh yea, we did it.
Trump is being targeted by Iran and nut cases influenced by Democrat rhetoric.
Nope. Or, yes and no.

Trump took out a Iranian General visiting Iraq. What would you do if Iran took out JD Vance?

The first guy who tried to kill Trump was a registered Republican. A Mike Pence republican. The other one thought Nikki and Vivek would have been a dream ticket. Don't put those guys on us.

Trump is a threat to our democracy. "Find me 11,000 votes"? Trying to rig an election by starting an insurrection? We know what they were trying to do. Just like Bush started a riot (with Roger Stone's help) in 2000 to stop the recount, Trump wanted his riot to stop Mike Pence from certifying the vote and cause so much confusion that they call it off and have the Supreme Court put Trump in, just like they did for Bush.

Vergogna dude.
I am not American

So i am not informed

Hence my questions
Americans tend to be uninformed as well. "I heard it on the internet" is not a compliment. Asking for "Any opinion on Jill Stein?" is fairly begging to be misinformed by political hacks.
Americans tend to be uninformed as well. "I heard it on the internet" is not a compliment. Asking for "Any opinion on Jill Stein?" is fairly begging to be misinformed by political hacks.
Americans tend to be uninformed as well. "I heard it on the internet" is not a compliment. Asking for "Any opinion on Jill Stein?" is fairly begging to be misinformed by political hacks.

Jill Stein helps me remember 2016 when Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder helped Trump steal Michigan.

Remember Trump called the Georgia Secretary of State and asked him to find him 11,780 votes? Like that was possible? Why would he think's that possible?

Trump won Michigan by 10,704.

A federal judge has ordered Michigan’s Board of Elections to stop the state’s electoral recount.

US District Judge Mark Goldsmith

Bad Obama appointment. He's antisemetic. Goldsmith’s latest opinion effectively denies Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s request to block the Board of Elections from halting the recount.

That court concluded Stein was not an aggrieved party since she had no reasonable chance of winning by virtue of the recount. In federal court, Stein counter-argued this was a “distorted interpretation” of the law and that it was within her constitutional right to have the recount.

“Rather, Plaintiffs’ asserted right to a recount is just a restatement of her right to participate in a fair election, free from tampering or mistake. But, to date, Plaintiffs have not presented evidence of tampering or mistake. Instead, they present speculative claims going to the vulnerability of the voting machinery – but not actual injury,” read Goldsmith’s order.

“It’s disheartening a judge gave in to Donald Trump and Michigan Republicans, and lifted his emergency order that had kicked off #RecountMI,” she tweeted.

In his ruling, Goldsmith declined to adopt the unusual exception applied in Bush v. Gore to disregard a state court’s interpretation.

Goldsmith agreed that the issues Stein raised – fraud and mistakes – were “serious,” but said there was no evidence of such violations.

“A recount as an audit of the election,” Goldsmith concluded, “has never been endorsed by any court.”

Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel declared the order a victory for voters of Michigan. “The courts have affirmed the stance the campaign has maintained from day one: Jill Stein, who received only 1.07% of the vote in Michigan, is not legally entitled to hijack the will of voters and drag them into an arduous and expensive publicity stunt. Jill Stein’s 1% temper tantrum cost Michigan taxpayers millions of dollars and would have cost them additional millions of dollars if not for the actions of President-elect Trump, the Michigan Republican Party, and Attorney General Bill Schuette.”

Stein has spearheaded a recount effort in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – three battleground states where Donald Trump narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton.

But in 2020 Trump wanted recounts everywhere he lost. Just like Jill Stein.
Americans tend to be uninformed as well. "I heard it on the internet" is not a compliment. Asking for "Any opinion on Jill Stein?" is fairly begging to be misinformed by political hacks.
Couple things I wanted to add. I said Rick Snyder helped Trump steal Michigan. What was the payoff? Trump made his wife a part of his team. Then didn't Trump fire her? And today Snyder endorsed Kamala. His word carries a lot of weight in Grand Rapids.

He's a scumbag like Dick Chaney no doubt but when these guys and AOC agree on something, believe it.
Jill Stein helps me remember 2016 when Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder helped Trump steal Michigan.
A Republican helped a Republican? I'm reminded of how hardcore Democrats so often whine about Ralph Nader costing them elections rather than just admit {horrors!} their horrible loser of a candidate lost to another one. I'm not a Democrat. I don't owe either warmongering, billionaire-butt-licking-major-Party anything. Don't get me wrong. We often disagree but I still enjoy reading your thoughts and agree with many completely.

That said, I definitely prefer Kamala Harris (actually almost anyone) to Donald Trump. I trust Jill Stein way more than either. Quit worrying. Harris will win by a landslide. The Dems may even win both Houses.

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