Creepy Bill Gates ~ Why Do People Hate Him?


Sep 19, 2020
Bill Gates is associated with Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Gates has attempted to control the education system via common core. Bill Gates demands digital vaccine certificates to enforce vaccine usage. Bill Gates is soft on China. Bill Gates is a hypocrite on climate change, buying a beachfront estate while saying the sea levels are rising. Bill Gates personal engineer was caught with cheese pizza. Bill Gates supports population control in Africa. Bill Gates is married to Melinda Gates, who wants seven year olds to learn about sex. Melinda Gates also wants the Catholic Church to support her initiatives in Africa aligned with Planned Parenthood. We only know their names for their monopoly. Bill Gates is really creepy.

Random side note. Did you know that Bill Gates is funding the release of genetically modified mosquitos? The goal is for the lab-raised mosquitos to kill off the native mosquito population and help lower rates of yellow fever and Zika virus. Ambitious, but also a scary concept to many people.

Relevant side note. Melinda Gates said in her 60 minutes interview that Africans were having too many children and its up to her to stop it. Millions of people have pointed out her flawed logic, with the most salient point being that her funding could go into increasing food production instead of pushing abortion on the African people. She's only speaks so flippantly when she's with mainstream media anchors who will never challenge her on her statements. Its disgusting how easily our media prostitutes itself for a story.

I'd bet the farm that Gates' handshake feels like a cold, dead fish. You know the type: Those people who after you shake their hand, you want to go to the bathroom and wash it in hot soapy water for an hour.
Bill Gates is associated with Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Gates has attempted to control the education system via common core. Bill Gates demands digital vaccine certificates to enforce vaccine usage. Bill Gates is soft on China. Bill Gates is a hypocrite on climate change, buying a beachfront estate while saying the sea levels are rising. Bill Gates personal engineer was caught with cheese pizza. Bill Gates supports population control in Africa. Bill Gates is married to Melinda Gates, who wants seven year olds to learn about sex. Melinda Gates also wants the Catholic Church to support her initiatives in Africa aligned with Planned Parenthood. We only know their names for their monopoly. Bill Gates is really creepy.

Random side note. Did you know that Bill Gates is funding the release of genetically modified mosquitos? The goal is for the lab-raised mosquitos to kill off the native mosquito population and help lower rates of yellow fever and Zika virus. Ambitious, but also a scary concept to many people.

Relevant side note. Melinda Gates said in her 60 minutes interview that Africans were having too many children and its up to her to stop it. Millions of people have pointed out her flawed logic, with the most salient point being that her funding could go into increasing food production instead of pushing abortion on the African people. She's only speaks so flippantly when she's with mainstream media anchors who will never challenge her on her statements. Its disgusting how easily our media prostitutes itself for a story.

sick people...someone shoot them both..
Plus, he is essentially a robber baron who amassed his wealth through the stealing of other people's inventions and using his power to squash his competition.
He's a weasel, but I still made a lot of money off that weasel.
Gates is a great human being who has contributed billions through the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation

He has saved millions of lives

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