Creepy Joe Hosts Instagram Q&A – Doesn’t Answer ANY Questions

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Creepy Joe hosted an Instagram Q&A and 24 HOURS LATER he still has NOT answered ONE QUESTION, at this point this Senile old weirdo with Advanced Brain Rotting Disease literally cannot get anymore pathetic, he spends the MAJORITY of his worthless existence locked in his Basement TERRIFIED of going out to meet NORMAL Americans and he's not able to answer NON-VETTED almost Childlike questions, as The Donald said the ONLY questions Creepy Joe is able to respond to are the type of questions you would ask a YOUNG child. This Senile old nut is basically READY for his grave within 6-10 months, he SHOULD be spending the last MONTHS of his worthless existence in his Basement drawing with crayons and making shapes from Play Doh and shitting himself and dribbling spit down his chin IF he was not so TOTALLY out of his SKULL he WOULD be BUT as he IS TOTALLY out of his SKULL he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy for the Democrats to use, abuse and be HUMILIATED in the way like the below being the latest example of.





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Yeah but he has 20-30 people golf cart rallys (2 of them) and anywhere from 3 to 10 people at his rallys. Maybe Corn Pop will be his campaign manager and all will be well. Poor fucker, let him retire, run plan B dem cheat.

That Creepy Joe has been a Career Politician for 50 YEARS and has basically ZERO to show for it is pathetic, what has this pointless old man ACHIEVED in 50 YEARS in politics? Zero. He has Zero to show for it. The Donald has done more in 4 years than this Senile old nut has done in 50 years.
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Yeah but he has 20-30 people golf cart rallys (2 of them) and anywhere from 3 to 10 people at his rallys. Maybe Corn Pop will be his campaign manager and all will be well. Poor fucker, let him retire, run plan B dem cheat.

IF Creepy Joe gets "elected" via the Mail-In vote harvesting they are planning, then I would not be shocked IF the Democrats kill him behind closed doors, you know give him a Hot Shot (an injection of a lethal dose of something) this used to happen in the old Soviet Union, the public was told that X had died of a heart attack but in reality the Politburo had given them a Hot Shot.

Creepy Joe is so out of it he doesn't even realise he is NOT the Candidate, Kamala Harris is the Candidate, Creepy Joe is a Zero.

IF Creepy Joe was not such a totally unlikeable nasty POS then I could feel sorry for him, but when you see the HATE in his demented and increasingly stupid looking face when he's rambling on about NORMAL Americans aka Racists aka White Supremacists, when he's vomiting out literal HATE for them wanting to keep their jobs, keep their guns, NOT murder their OWN children In Utero then ALL potential sympathy dissolves.

Some examples of Creepy Joe's unhinged face full of HATE when he's rambling and incoherently ranting about NORMAL AMERICANS, he looks like a psycho:






Remember when Psychotic Creepy Joe got into it with a NORMAL AMERICAN below and starting SCREAMING at him and THREATENING to take him outside to punch him or whatever and told him he was "full of shit" he can BARELY contain his TOTAL HATRED for NORMAL AMERICANS:


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