Creepy statue on college campus needs to find a new Home


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2011
[ame=]Creepy sleepwalker statue in underwear triggers controversy at US women's college - YouTube[/ame]

Wellesley ‘Sleepwalker’ Uproar: Have Women’s Colleges Outlived Their Purpose?
2 hours ago - by Jacoba Urist

A statue of a man sleepwalking in his underwear on Wellesley’s campus prompted a protest demanding its removal. Is it a sign of feminist activism or the last gasp of a dying institution?

Twenty years ago, when my Smith acceptance packet arrived in the mail, my father announced: Now that girls like you can go to top schools, women’s colleges no longer serve their purpose. As a tenured academic (and one-half of the couple footing my tuition), his words held particular sway. But it was my mother who really sealed the deal.

In September 1969, she arrived in downtown New Haven as one of 358 transfer students—the first women to attend Yale College. And as I remember her explaining it, sending her daughter to an all women’s college wouldn’t be just chafing against the progress she and her classmates had made. Going to Smith would be like re-encasing myself in a bubble she had helped pop. You will be a leader wherever you go, she assured me. You can hold your own in any classroom with any man, just as you will in the real world when you graduate. All things equal, my mother believed young women should always attend a co-educational institution over a single-sex one. And off to Johns Hopkins I went, without ever questioning my parents’ perspective.
Wellesley ?Sleepwalker? Uproar: Have Women?s Colleges Outlived Their Purpose? - The Daily Beast

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They need to replace it with a fountain so the kids can put soap in it.
I'd see the statue as an opportunity for dress up games/pranks.

Getting pants on it would be tough, though, since I assume the feet are fixed to the ground.
I'd see the statue as an opportunity for dress up games/pranks.

Getting pants on it would be tough, though, since I assume the feet are fixed to the ground.
We have this thing now, called Velcro. It's amazing, and I'm going to make the bold suggestion that at least one of the girls there knows how to sew?
Where's the Find a New Home part?

"a group of Wellesley women who are demanding that the Sleepwalker be removed and placed inside the museum, so students don’t have to confront “him” on as they go about their daily lives"

You gotta admit he's very lifelike and very creepy. Maybe is it wasn't such a realistic looking statue it might work but this is a womans college so I can see their point.
I'd see the statue as an opportunity for dress up games/pranks.

Getting pants on it would be tough, though, since I assume the feet are fixed to the ground.

Well yeah I'd put a Domino's uniform on him with a pizza box in it's arms or maybe a chicken costume or the college mascot.
I'd see the statue as an opportunity for dress up games/pranks.

Getting pants on it would be tough, though, since I assume the feet are fixed to the ground.
We have this thing now, called Velcro. It's amazing, and I'm going to make the bold suggestion that at least one of the girls there knows how to sew?

Sure! get an old dress out of a thrift store and a wig and a hat and some shopping bags and now she's ready to shop. Hmm maybe some guys from another university could help the girls out and dress him like a zombie at the next dorm party, could be a great Ice breaker..
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If Atheists offended by cross or a Bible can ask to have that removed,
anyone can ask for anything to be removed for any reasons.

As for the sculpture, since this is an installation piece, the reaction is part of the art.
Whether it is removed, or vandalized/altered, or remains is part of the art process as well.

The artist should save clippings, and document all these stories and reactions in a scrapbook to go along with this piece in a portfolio. It is a statement on art and life, quite educational.
If Atheists offended by cross or a Bible can ask to have that removed,
anyone can ask for anything to be removed for any reasons.

As for the sculpture, since this is an installation piece, the reaction is part of the art.
Whether it is removed, or vandalized/altered, or remains is part of the art process as well.

The artist should save clippings, and document all these stories and reactions in a scrapbook to go along with this piece in a portfolio. It is a statement on art and life, quite educational.

I gotta agree wit the students it does belong in a Museum.

While waiting I still say dress it up and have some fun. It could be :




Seasonal dress I.E. Easter dress and bonnet,Santa,Uncle sam.

Arthur Fiedler

Spongebob Square pants


Raggedy Anne






C'mon tell me that it wouldn't look great as Mr. Stay Puft!
If Atheists offended by cross or a Bible can ask to have that removed,
anyone can ask for anything to be removed for any reasons.

As for the sculpture, since this is an installation piece, the reaction is part of the art.
Whether it is removed, or vandalized/altered, or remains is part of the art process as well.

The artist should save clippings, and document all these stories and reactions in a scrapbook to go along with this piece in a portfolio. It is a statement on art and life, quite educational.
Art, like Free Speech, does tend to piss people off.
This is a wonderful opportunity to start a new that fits each holiday or event. Santa costume at christmas....all in green at St. Patricks, etc.

A bunny Costume on Easter, granny costume for Mothers day and endless possibilities for Halloween. C'mon ladies it's like dressing a doll, you should be good at this. Turn him into Barbie!
I could have a lot of fun with that statue. I'd put it in front Nova Steve's door at night, ring the doorbell and run. I'd hear something about "fags" and then there would be this blast from a shotgun.
I could have a lot of fun with that statue. I'd put it in front Nova Steve's door at night, ring the doorbell and run. I'd hear something about "fags" and then there would be this blast from a shotgun.

be sure to get a dress and wig,,and the makeup....then give him an erection....
Wellesley is one of those liberal schools that I assume is big on gay rights and gay pride. I took these two shots at a gay pride rally in Baltimore. Perhaps their statue can be updated or decorated to reflect a gay pride theme, or another statue added on campus next to the original statue depicting someone like that shown in these images? ;-)

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This is a wonderful opportunity to start a new that fits each holiday or event. Santa costume at christmas....all in green at St. Patricks, etc.

Eventually, some moron would chisel off the underwear and put this big cock on the front of it, with a rainbow flag in it's hand. That's where it would end.

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