
Why on earth do you try to diminish that? I'm not about to diminish any of those GoP women's achievements, or any Dem women's achievements (though I think both sides have some whackos).
Because she was chosen specifically because she was a black woman, thats why.

She was chosen because she was a black woman AND qualified. It's possible to be both.

But was she more qualified than Tammy Duckworth or Elizabeth Warren or even Susan Rice?

My opinion is she was picked to pacify those like Sanders and Cortez but I believe Biden and company would have been better served taking someone like Duckworth but that is not happening now...
I don't think they NEED to state that (the obvious) - of course they are going pick someone who is also qualified. Pence was picked because they needed someone to give Trump authenticity to the evangelicals. Was he qualified?
I disagree with your claim she "slept her way to the top". It's a typical slam made against women in politics.
Of course they need to state what criteria they are looking for and Pence was a successful governor of Indiana for four years, while there is no proof that Harris ever accomplished much of anything and is not qualified by experience tro handle the complexities of being a top executive.

And you insult all women serving when you imply that they are no better than Harris in terms of public service. Feinstein, Collins and dozens of others have served very well and in a nonpartisan way, mostly.

Harris is a far-left ideologue who would be a disastrous President in pragmatic terms because she is an idiot.
Why on earth do you try to diminish that? I'm not about to diminish any of those GoP women's achievements, or any Dem women's achievements (though I think both sides have some whackos).
Because she was chosen specifically because she was a black woman, thats why.

She was chosen because she was a black woman AND qualified. It's possible to be both.

But was she more qualified than Tammy Duckworth or Elizabeth Warren or even Susan Rice?

My opinion is she was picked to pacify those like Sanders and Cortez but I believe Biden and company would have been better served taking someone like Duckworth but that is not happening now...
Susan Rice would have been far more capable, but she was Obama's dirty deeds hack and would have too many hatchets out for her.

Honestly, Tabi Gabbard was a perfect selection, hell, I would have considered voting for Biden if Gabbard was his VP mate.
Why on earth do you try to diminish that? I'm not about to diminish any of those GoP women's achievements, or any Dem women's achievements (though I think both sides have some whackos).
Because she was chosen specifically because she was a black woman, thats why.

She was chosen because she was a black woman AND qualified. It's possible to be both.

But was she more qualified than Tammy Duckworth or Elizabeth Warren or even Susan Rice?

My opinion is she was picked to pacify those like Sanders and Cortez but I believe Biden and company would have been better served taking someone like Duckworth but that is not happening now...

Define "qualified"?

VP's are not priced on "qualified" alone, but on who they can bring to the table with them. What demographics, or geographical regions, or talents. Sure, Duckworth was qualified, but Biden needed someone who could attract black voters, just like Pence would attract the evangelicals. Susan Rice, while black and qualified, also came with a certain amount of Obama era baggage that could weaponized.

And, I wouldn't underestimate the value of interpersonal relationships in a choice. Joe's son Beau knew Kamala and thought highly of her.
Define "qualified"?
That is a great question.

Let's use an analogy.

Suppose you needed a manager to run your other store while you worked at your main store, and you have only two.

Who would you pick to run that other store across town?

1) Gabbard

2) Feinstein

3) Harris

4) Klobuchar

5) Warren

6) Harris

If you picked Harris you are silly and not engaging in the conversation honestly. You would want a person with managerial training and experience, of which Harris has none as far as top executive experience is concerned..

And why would Obama's VP need credibility among black voters? He needed an Hispanic more than a black VP in simple terms.

But picking the best person for the job is usually the way to go, but of course, that would leave us with 90% men in politics, though, wouldn't it? :scared1:
I don't think they NEED to state that (the obvious) - of course they are going pick someone who is also qualified. Pence was picked because they needed someone to give Trump authenticity to the evangelicals. Was he qualified?
I disagree with your claim she "slept her way to the top". It's a typical slam made against women in politics.
Of course they need to state what criteria they are looking for and Pence was a successful governor of Indiana for four years, while there is no proof that Harris ever accomplished much of anything and is not qualified by experience tro handle the complexities of being a top executive.

Pence was a one term governor. Was he "successful"? Kinda depends on who you talk to.

And you insult all women serving when you imply that they are no better than Harris in terms of public service. Feinstein, Collins and dozens of others have served very well and in a nonpartisan way, mostly.

How exactly am I insulting all women? I'm saying she is qualified. Others may have served very well but that doesn't mean she didn't either. Also partisan or nonpartisan makes no difference in the world of politics, as to how well they served.

Harris is a far-left ideologue who would be a disastrous President in pragmatic terms because she is an idiot.

I would say that is a matter of opinion and remains to be seen.
Define "qualified"?
That is a great question.

Let's use an analogy.

Suppose you needed a manager to run your other store while you worked at your main store, and you have only two.

Who would you pick to run that other store across town?

1) Gabbard

2) Feinstein

3) Harris

4) Klobuchar

5) Warren

6) Harris

If you picked Harris you are silly and not engaging in the conversation honestly. You would want a person with managerial training and experience, of which Harris has none as far as top executive experience is concerned..

And why would Obama's VP need credibility among black voters? He needed an Hispanic more than a black VP in simple terms.

But picking the best person for the job is usually the way to go, but of course, that would leave us with 90% men in politics, though, wouldn't it? :scared1:

But you are ignoring one critical difference...running a business and politics are too very different things.

VP's are picked for a variety of reasons most of which involve which demographic they can bring to the table. Other considerations are how well they will work with the President (personality), whether they have strengths that will complement the President's strengths/weaknesses, etc.

He could have picked an Hispanic, but then again, what demographic did he most need the support of? Could be either - but women were a big one, and blacks. Picking a VP that is black tells them he is serious and not just "talking the talk". And it was a strategy that worked.
Why on earth do you try to diminish that? I'm not about to diminish any of those GoP women's achievements, or any Dem women's achievements (though I think both sides have some whackos).
Because she was chosen specifically because she was a black woman, thats why.

She was chosen because she was a black woman AND qualified. It's possible to be both.

But was she more qualified than Tammy Duckworth or Elizabeth Warren or even Susan Rice?

My opinion is she was picked to pacify those like Sanders and Cortez but I believe Biden and company would have been better served taking someone like Duckworth but that is not happening now...

Define "qualified"?

VP's are not priced on "qualified" alone, but on who they can bring to the table with them. What demographics, or geographical regions, or talents. Sure, Duckworth was qualified, but Biden needed someone who could attract black voters, just like Pence would attract the evangelicals. Susan Rice, while black and qualified, also came with a certain amount of Obama era baggage that could weaponized.

And, I wouldn't underestimate the value of interpersonal relationships in a choice. Joe's son Beau knew Kamala and thought highly of her.

Harris is from California and did not add anything from that Avenue seeing California was guaranteed to go Biden...

Harris brought nothing as a Senator and as a AG of California she did have a horrible record.

Sure, Susan Rice had her baggage but she was more qualified than Harris but Rice was hated by Sanders and Cortez which meant the Progressive side of the Democratic Party would have rejected her.

Duckworth had a few things going for her from her Military career to the fact she is also a Minority and woman that also is in the Senate...

Comparing Harris to Pence is not logical seeing Pence is not a female and that might come off sexist but if you are going to compare Harris then you have to go with Clinton, Palin and Ferraro and I have to say Harris is more of a Palin than Clinton or Ferraro and that is not a compliment!

I am not happy that Harris is a heartbeat away from being President and I hope Biden stays the entire four years...

Also the OP is correct the GOP adding Females is important because it is showing a shift again and in 2022 it make me wonder if the shift will continue?
Pence was a one term governor. Was he "successful"? Kinda depends on who you talk to.
I am not talking about subjective opinion, the guy was able to run the state well enough and did not cause a disaster, the economy of the state improved, etc.

Harris has done none of that. She is inexperienced as top executive for a state or anything else including a 7-11.

Why does she need that to be qualified? She has other political experience.
Define "qualified"?
That is a great question.

Let's use an analogy.

Suppose you needed a manager to run your other store while you worked at your main store, and you have only two.

Who would you pick to run that other store across town?

1) Gabbard

2) Feinstein

3) Harris

4) Klobuchar

5) Warren

6) Harris

If you picked Harris you are silly and not engaging in the conversation honestly. You would want a person with managerial training and experience, of which Harris has none as far as top executive experience is concerned..

And why would Obama's VP need credibility among black voters? He needed an Hispanic more than a black VP in simple terms.

But picking the best person for the job is usually the way to go, but of course, that would leave us with 90% men in politics, though, wouldn't it? :scared1:

Off that list it would have been Warren. I might disagree with her political stances but Warren was more qualified and would have gave Biden the woman he needed to pacify Sanders but not Cortez.

I agree sooner or later one of the major political parties will have to take a Latino/Hispanic for VP or President...
Why on earth do you try to diminish that? I'm not about to diminish any of those GoP women's achievements, or any Dem women's achievements (though I think both sides have some whackos).
Because she was chosen specifically because she was a black woman, thats why.

She was chosen because she was a black woman AND qualified. It's possible to be both.

But was she more qualified than Tammy Duckworth or Elizabeth Warren or even Susan Rice?

My opinion is she was picked to pacify those like Sanders and Cortez but I believe Biden and company would have been better served taking someone like Duckworth but that is not happening now...

Define "qualified"?

VP's are not priced on "qualified" alone, but on who they can bring to the table with them. What demographics, or geographical regions, or talents. Sure, Duckworth was qualified, but Biden needed someone who could attract black voters, just like Pence would attract the evangelicals. Susan Rice, while black and qualified, also came with a certain amount of Obama era baggage that could weaponized.

And, I wouldn't underestimate the value of interpersonal relationships in a choice. Joe's son Beau knew Kamala and thought highly of her.

Harris is from California and did not add anything from that Avenue seeing California was guaranteed to go Biden...

Harris brought nothing as a Senator and as a AG of California she did have a horrible record.

Sure, Susan Rice had her baggage but she was more qualified than Harris but Rice was hated by Sanders and Cortez which meant the Progressive side of the Democratic Party would have rejected her.

And...that is a point. I'm sure concessions were made with the Bernie group in exchange for his support. Again - that is politics.

Duckworth had a few things going for her from her Military career to the fact she is also a Minority and woman that also is in the Senate...

Duckworth would have been a good choice too, but - I'm glad she wasn't, because she is great in the Senate and that would have been a loss. She's a minority, but not black and that is the group he most needed the support of.

Comparing Harris to Pence is not logical seeing Pence is not a female and that might come off sexist but if you are going to compare Harris then you have to go with Clinton, Palin and Ferraro and I have to say Harris is more of a Palin than Clinton or Ferraro and that is not a compliment!

I disagree - because no matter how you look at it, VP's are picked for a variety of reasons, including what they can add to the ticket. Harris added female and black to the ticket. And like it or not - it was a more successful choice than McCain's choice of Palin which doomed his ticket. The definition of "success" in an election is winning.

I am not happy that Harris is a heartbeat away from being President and I hope Biden stays the entire four years...

Also the OP is correct the GOP adding Females is important because it is showing a shift again and in 2022 it make me wonder if the shift will continue?

I totally agree - but, the OP's point was - the media isn't covering it - and that was a lie.

The GOP got scrutinized because they LOST so many women in the last two elections coming out very male and very white. So this is good for them. And for me personally? I'm pleased as punch to see more women running successfully in both parties.

I just wish that Qanon follower wasn't among them...
Define "qualified"?
That is a great question.

Let's use an analogy.

Suppose you needed a manager to run your other store while you worked at your main store, and you have only two.

Who would you pick to run that other store across town?

1) Gabbard

2) Feinstein

3) Harris

4) Klobuchar

5) Warren

6) Harris

If you picked Harris you are silly and not engaging in the conversation honestly. You would want a person with managerial training and experience, of which Harris has none as far as top executive experience is concerned..

And why would Obama's VP need credibility among black voters? He needed an Hispanic more than a black VP in simple terms.

But picking the best person for the job is usually the way to go, but of course, that would leave us with 90% men in politics, though, wouldn't it? :scared1:

Off that list it would have been Warren. I might disagree with her political stances but Warren was more qualified and would have gave Biden the woman he needed to pacify Sanders but not Cortez.

I agree sooner or later one of the major political parties will have to take a Latino/Hispanic for VP or President...

One thing though, that this election showed. Hispanics are not one unified demographic. They are diverse. There is a big difference between those from Cuba and those from Mexico for example.
Why on earth do you try to diminish that? I'm not about to diminish any of those GoP women's achievements, or any Dem women's achievements (though I think both sides have some whackos).
Because she was chosen specifically because she was a black woman, thats why.

She was chosen because she was a black woman AND qualified. It's possible to be both.

But was she more qualified than Tammy Duckworth or Elizabeth Warren or even Susan Rice?

My opinion is she was picked to pacify those like Sanders and Cortez but I believe Biden and company would have been better served taking someone like Duckworth but that is not happening now...

Define "qualified"?

VP's are not priced on "qualified" alone, but on who they can bring to the table with them. What demographics, or geographical regions, or talents. Sure, Duckworth was qualified, but Biden needed someone who could attract black voters, just like Pence would attract the evangelicals. Susan Rice, while black and qualified, also came with a certain amount of Obama era baggage that could weaponized.

And, I wouldn't underestimate the value of interpersonal relationships in a choice. Joe's son Beau knew Kamala and thought highly of her.

Harris is from California and did not add anything from that Avenue seeing California was guaranteed to go Biden...

Harris brought nothing as a Senator and as a AG of California she did have a horrible record.

Sure, Susan Rice had her baggage but she was more qualified than Harris but Rice was hated by Sanders and Cortez which meant the Progressive side of the Democratic Party would have rejected her.

And...that is a point. I'm sure concessions were made with the Bernie group in exchange for his support. Again - that is politics.

Duckworth had a few things going for her from her Military career to the fact she is also a Minority and woman that also is in the Senate...

Duckworth would have been a good choice too, but - I'm glad she wasn't, because she is great in the Senate and that would have been a loss. She's a minority, but not black and that is the group he most needed the support of.

Comparing Harris to Pence is not logical seeing Pence is not a female and that might come off sexist but if you are going to compare Harris then you have to go with Clinton, Palin and Ferraro and I have to say Harris is more of a Palin than Clinton or Ferraro and that is not a compliment!

I disagree - because no matter how you look at it, VP's are picked for a variety of reasons, including what they can add to the ticket. Harris added female and black to the ticket. And like it or not - it was a more successful choice than McCain's choice of Palin which doomed his ticket. The definition of "success" in an election is winning.

I am not happy that Harris is a heartbeat away from being President and I hope Biden stays the entire four years...

Also the OP is correct the GOP adding Females is important because it is showing a shift again and in 2022 it make me wonder if the shift will continue?

I totally agree - but, the OP's point was - the media isn't covering it - and that was a lie.

The GOP got scrutinized because they LOST so many women in the last two elections coming out very male and very white. So this is good for them. And for me personally? I'm pleased as punch to see more women running successfully in both parties.

I just wish that Qanon follower wasn't among them...

Jim brought up something that I believe both sides are ignoring and that is the Hispanic/Latino Vote...

Biden did poorly in Miami and he should have carried that region with a larger margin and had he taken someone from the Hispanic/Latino community it would have helped him.

Let be clear the African American vote was going to back Biden but the Hispanic/Latino vote is never guaranteed and this must be addressed.

I just do not see Harris as you see her and believe Biden would have been served with someone like Warren or Duckworth and you and I will have to agree to disagree on Harris...
Define "qualified"?
That is a great question.

Let's use an analogy.

Suppose you needed a manager to run your other store while you worked at your main store, and you have only two.

Who would you pick to run that other store across town?

1) Gabbard

2) Feinstein

3) Harris

4) Klobuchar

5) Warren

6) Harris

If you picked Harris you are silly and not engaging in the conversation honestly. You would want a person with managerial training and experience, of which Harris has none as far as top executive experience is concerned..

And why would Obama's VP need credibility among black voters? He needed an Hispanic more than a black VP in simple terms.

But picking the best person for the job is usually the way to go, but of course, that would leave us with 90% men in politics, though, wouldn't it? :scared1:

Off that list it would have been Warren. I might disagree with her political stances but Warren was more qualified and would have gave Biden the woman he needed to pacify Sanders but not Cortez.

I agree sooner or later one of the major political parties will have to take a Latino/Hispanic for VP or President...

One thing though, that this election showed. Hispanics are not one unified demographic. They are diverse. There is a big difference between those from Cuba and those from Mexico for example.

For sure!

I just addressed that in my other response to you and the Democratic Party and the GOP need to learn this and I believe in 2024 you will see either Rubio or Cruz as either the Presidential Candidate for the GOP or the VP...

Cubans, Colombians, El Salvadorians and so on are different from Mexicans and even Tejanos are not like Chicanos ...

This has to be addressed and understood or both political parties will lose out of a great base...
But you are ignoring one critical difference...running a business and politics are too very different things.
And I and millions of other people that voted for Trump are sick to death of political needs causing the gradual decay and degeneration of our economy, our miulitary and the integrity of our elections.

And it did not pay off for Biden as he has not won, and the recounts will flip about five states back to him when done.
Define "qualified"?
That is a great question.

Let's use an analogy.

Suppose you needed a manager to run your other store while you worked at your main store, and you have only two.

Who would you pick to run that other store across town?

1) Gabbard

2) Feinstein

3) Harris

4) Klobuchar

5) Warren

6) Harris

If you picked Harris you are silly and not engaging in the conversation honestly. You would want a person with managerial training and experience, of which Harris has none as far as top executive experience is concerned..

And why would Obama's VP need credibility among black voters? He needed an Hispanic more than a black VP in simple terms.

But picking the best person for the job is usually the way to go, but of course, that would leave us with 90% men in politics, though, wouldn't it? :scared1:

Off that list it would have been Warren. I might disagree with her political stances but Warren was more qualified and would have gave Biden the woman he needed to pacify Sanders but not Cortez.

I agree sooner or later one of the major political parties will have to take a Latino/Hispanic for VP or President...
Personally I would pick Gabbard, but Klobuchar was the most qualified to step in as POTUS IMO.
They don't count as women because they are the "wrong" women.

Crickets Over Republicans Adding 11 New Female Representatives in the House

Don’t expect a million articles in the @washingtonpost describing how angry women are fighting back against being defined as single issue voters, you probably won’t see them on @TIME covers, but here is what you will see, at least a dozen NEW REPUBLICAN female faces in Congress!
Where do you get your news?

Your crickets never chirped. I suggest you get a refund.

Took them long enough.

The point was that would have been headline news right away if they were lesbian nazi hookers, abducted by aliens and forced into weight loss clinics.

Actually, my search to the past week. My initial had older articles on the number of women running for office in the Republican Party. Maybe your news outlet chooses not to show you this? :dunno: (I still say you should get a refund on those crickets).

buried stories, nothing more.

So how is Kamala's encrusted dildo in your ass?
So I assume you fight all your own fires, grow your all your own food, and slaughter all your own animals?

No, but I don't ask anyone to DIE to do those things.

The problem with you CHICKENHAWKS is that you are more than happy to send other people's kids off to war.

I have my wonderful plan for piece. Bring back the draft, and take the kids of all the wealthy and politicians and put them in an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Peace in our time.

But of course, it's better for the rich to get us into wars, and send the kids of the POOR out to fight.

Um, you ask firefighters to risk death all the time, same as many other jobs. Eat a Crab cake? That industry has a higher death rate than most.

Ah the chickenhawk argument, which went away with the all volunteer armed forces, but old farts like you keep dragging it up.

The armed forces don't want a draft, because they don't want random people to do the fighting, it doesn't work that way anymore with modern military equipment and tactics.

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