Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware

Didn't say you did. So should we both go on a rampage sidetracking the thread because you heard something that was not said?

The years are about who is president at the time, who walked into what, because the thread is about FOX shilling for Trump and GOP

The president has little if anything to do with crime. That is largely a state and local issue.
The RATE that which USA is being destroyed is beyond mind blowing.
Most of the American public is too stoned or watching THUG NFL or NBA to notice.
They are not even hiding it and doing in right in the open.
WE are literally watching the END of America before are own eyes.
Not even Trump can save America now . We are way beyond the point of no return.
Soon every US city and state will look just like California
Great Headline. Good news gets hidden? Is it election interference in the way people like to claim the laptop story is?

Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware​

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week. Violent crime was down 8 percent in jurisdictions that reported data — law enforcement agencies covering three-quarters of U.S. residents. Property crime was down 6 percent. Murder was down more than 15 percent.

Fox News, for one, doesn’t want to hear it

Are there valid and credible reasons FOX would ignore this, since we know they do like to focus on crime?
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that many places like LA and NYC stopped reporting crime data to the FBI. So it’s really meaningless
You poor old links: 10/16/23 - July 2023
-- info before all the data is in?

Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware

WAPO quotes:

It’s important to recognize the limits on this data. For one thing, data on crime is notoriously slow. The FBI didn’t release summary data on 2022 until October. This quarter-to-quarter comparison, by contrast, is relatively expedient — but it is still only a look at one quarter of the year. It is also still several months old and limited to jurisdictions that returned information.

If we look at the 10 largest cities, for example, we see that Los Angeles and Chicago are missing. In five of the eight that returned data, property crime was up. Only in Dallas, though, had murder climbed relative to the third quarter of 2022.

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week.

View attachment 875077

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week. Violent crime was down 8 percent in jurisdictions that reported data — law enforcement agencies covering three-quarters of U.S. residents. Property crime was down 6 percent. Murder was down more than 15 percent.

Fox News, for one, doesn’t want to hear it.

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