"Crime of the century" not being covered by media, even some conservative media

So you think America is post truth? i wonder why?
The Big Lie: as former Attorney General Bill Barr testified, Trump may have seemed “detached from reality,” but that is because he willed himself to be. He knew he was going to lose. He lost. And he decided to lie to his followers and the country in an effort to overturn the election.
The Big Lie: as former Attorney General Bill Barr testified, Trump may have seemed “detached from reality,” but that is because he willed himself to be. He knew he was going to lose. He lost. And he decided to lie to his followers and the country in an effort to overturn the election.
Barr is a Deep State snake. I trust him as far as I could throw his fat ass. And that is not to far.
Barr is a Deep State snake. I trust him as far as I could throw his fat ass. And that is not to far.
Barr was picked by Trump to replace Trump's first AG pick, Jeff Sessions, who Trump fired. At least Barr was loyal enough to Trump to lie about the Mueller report. It seems Trump is really bad at picking people for his administration giving the lie to another Trump campaign promise to only pick the best people.
AO News...the source of every other outlet.
But you knew that already.
I didn't know that since I've never heard of AO News. AP is NOT the source of every other outlet. Real news organizations (e.g., NY Times, Wash Post, etc.) have their own sources. If all your information comes from a single source, I can see why you seem arrogant and ignorant. Regardless, the AP News link contains no references to fact checking so I'm not sure why you offered it.
I didn't know that since I've never heard of AO News. AP is NOT the source of every other outlet. Real news organizations (e.g., NY Times, Wash Post, etc.) have their own sources. If all your information comes from a single source, I can see why you seem arrogant and ignorant. Regardless, the AP News link contains no references to fact checking so I'm not sure why you offered it.
99% of what those sites reports winds up being bullshit.
Reuters, AP News, BBC.
As my kids say, 90% of all statistics are made up. Come back when you have something from the 10% to offer.
Tell that to Golfing Gator.

I'm not talking statistics; I'm talking checking them out and seeing where the story goes within a week.\
Those sites report what the Chief Editor approves of, which is 99% bullshit.
Barr was picked by Trump to replace Trump's first AG pick, Jeff Sessions, who Trump fired. At least Barr was loyal enough to Trump to lie about the Mueller report. It seems Trump is really bad at picking people for his administration giving the lie to another Trump campaign promise to only pick the best people.

so what was the lie about the Mueller report?

let's hear it
Tell that to Golfing Gator.
You want GG to know, you tell him/her/it.

I'm not talking statistics; I'm talking checking them out and seeing where the story goes within a week.\
Those sites report what the Chief Editor approves of, which is 99% bullshit.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. 99% is a statistic, bullshit maybe, but a statistic nonetheless. Or do you have actual examples?
You want GG to know, you tell him/her/it.

I don't think you know what you're talking about. 99% is a statistic, bullshit maybe, but a statistic nonetheless. Or do you have actual examples?
It's a fact with which you lack the emotional capacity to handle.
It's a fact with which you lack the emotional capacity to handle.
So I lack the "emotional capacity" to blindly trust what some anonymous internet poster claims to be true while refusing to provide the data to back it the claims? Damn right I do.

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