Criminal Ted Cruz Used Former CIA Spook to Screw Ben Carson


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
What Cruz did should land in in prison.

Since what Cruz did is treason maybe he'll get sent to Gitmo.
I thought you people on the left, voted for Obama, who fixed everything including Gitmo. So now Gitmo, which you claimed to have closed with Obama, is now where you want to send someone?

Which is it? Didn't Obama supposedly fix all the mistakes of Bush? Or is Obama still using Gitmo, just like Bush? Once again, you people on the left, talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Retweeting a CNN story screwed Carson? Are we really to believe that encouraging people to vote cruz based on a real story caused Carson to lose 25000 votes? And yet we still haven't heard from a single person claiming to have been swayed by it?
Would be nice if this nasty piece of human crap ended up in gitmo!
Or send him 1000 more feet he'll be back home in Cuba. Then we won't have to pay for his sorry ass. We don't want him adding to the debt.

Or send him back to Canada where he was born.

Foreign people make fun of us. They think it's funny we don't know if Cruz is qualified to be president. We all grew up learning you had to be born in America. Even foreigners who take our citizen test say that's one of the questions on the test.

But now we have a Cuban Canadian running just because his mother was born here.

Why did cruz' mom move to Canada and fuck a Cuban? We were at war with Cuba. Cruz is a Manchurian candidate

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