'Crisis' Or Not?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden says 13,000 kids in Biden 'Kiddie Cages' is NOT a 'crisis'.

Biden says thousands of COVID-19-positive illegals flooding into the US is NOT a 'crisis'.

Biden says Cartel drug, human, and child traffickers freely crossing into the US is 'NOT a 'crisis'

Biden's Immigration Czar says Cartel out-smarting Biden's border security is NOT a 'crisis'.

Biden says BPA calling for help due to being overwhelmed by the invasion is NOT a 'crisis'

Biden says the Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency called into help is neither an Emergency or 'crisis'

Speaker of the House Pelosi has declared the invasion at the border due to Biden's policy is NOT a 'crisis'

....while simultaneously saying,
"As far as the children are concerned, you can imagine me as a mother of five, every minute that a parent is separated from a child to me is a crisis"

(It is being reported there are 13,000 children in Biden Kiddie Cages, separated from their parents, and more being shipped all over the US....)

Its not only those kids, its the thousands of illegal pouring over our border. Many of them have the Chinese virus.

They should all be booted out of our country.
Can we sue the Biden administration if a 'real' crisis occurs and FEMA isn't available because they are too busy dealing with a 'non-crisis'?

As a side note, what would happen to American parents if they tried to send their child across the country unaccompanied? Shouldn't the foreign scumbags that do this with their kids through cartel country and worse be barred from entry to the US forever? I can't see why we would want such scum in this country. Look at any ghetto in America, we clearly have enough crappy parents, we certainly have no need to import more.

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