Critical Race Theory is a poison we must not drink.

Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.
How the fuck do you know my real name? Are you part of the Illuminati? I know they're everywhere, watching.
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:

It more like a bandwagon where one persons belief is another persons reason to deny that belief. Now you just have to choose which one to ride on. Then it becomes more about the ride that where are we going with this.

Entry level ethnic cleansing. Sounds really bad if it actually means anything.
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.
You mean you really believe that retarded shit? I thought you were joking too.
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.
You mean you really believe that retarded shit? I thought you were joking too.

It's all going to be revealed.........soon.
You fascists sure do like to talk about stamping out things. Has any idea ever been successfully stamped out by anyone?
You are the fascist, democrats, antifa, blm, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, Jack Dorsey, Hollywood, the US Chamber of Commerce, the NEA, ect ect ect, are all fascists! You, and every other democratic youth(irrefutable Nazi youth parallel)are textbook fascists, you don't even know what constitutes fascism, you'd have to be educated to know, indoctrination is not educated, its merely the intellectual aborting of young human minds!

Fascism is the permanent merging and coming together, of all of a nations industry, governmental institutions, and its ruling elite, under one absolute totalitarian political ideology, where all disparate political thought, and ideas are ruthlessly, savagely, suppressed, and anyone voicing them silenced via loss of job, social status, home, education, liberty, and eventually their lives! Does this not sound familiar even to your dead mind??? Is it Trump, and the great Americans who voted for him who embrace, and perpetuate the Stalinist/Maoist cultural revolutionary war psyop referred to as "woke????"

You, stupidly naming 100 million Americans who openly oppose the naked fascism of the democratic party, the treasonous American industrialists who run that party, the federal bureaucracy and all in its employ, including the vast vast totality of the nations education system, the ruling elite, and its media/propaganda monopoly, as fascists, is indisputable evidence of a dead mind literally running on autopilot!

It would be an act of utter mercy to have the same fascists who murdered your mind, finish the job on your body........... :fu:
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.
You mean you really believe that retarded shit? I thought you were joking too.

It's all going to be revealed.........soon.
You said the same thing about 4Mar21. You really cant expect me to trust you after you whiffed on that date can you?
Critical Race Theory (CRT) sounds too academic. No wonder it upsets NaziCons. Sort of like the Theory of Evolution. We must dumb it down for them and make it sound less threatening.
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.
You mean you really believe that retarded shit? I thought you were joking too.

It's all going to be revealed.........soon.
You said the same thing about 4Mar21. You really cant expect me to trust you after you whiffed on that date can you?
I can't help it that you have no patience. On the other hand I have the patience of Job.
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.
You mean you really believe that retarded shit? I thought you were joking too.

It's all going to be revealed.........soon.
You said the same thing about 4Mar21. You really cant expect me to trust you after you whiffed on that date can you?
I can't help it that you have no patience. On the other hand I have the patience of Job.
You do realize that I cant have patience if you keep whiffing on the date. 4Mar21 was back on 4Mar21 right?
Critical Race Theory (CRT) sounds too academic. No wonder it upsets NaziCons. Sort of like the Theory of Evolution. We must dumb it down for them and make it sound less threatening.
CRT is simply teaching kids and adults to be racist.
You dont really have a clue what CRT is do you?
Yep, it's nothing but a harebrained theory. Which makes it phony Democrat bullshit.
Truthful history is not a theory. Its facts. I know old farts like you hate the truth but children should be better educated than you old farts.

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