Critical Race Theory is a poison we must not drink.

Turn on FOX, and there's about a 60% likelihood that they're talking about CRT. If it isn't that, it's going to be another culture-based issue.

As a political strategy, they're doing the right thing. The Democrats are dead set on letting some cultural issues make the party unattractive.

This really isn't a good time for this.
Please list some of the specific things that CRT teaches that must not be taught or it will cause 'disorder and discord will sweep the nation like a plague'. That's some sweeping hyperbole based on very non specific allegations. But the Neo-GOP is big on allegations and very short on evidence or facts.

What is the worst thing, (specifically not some sweeping hyperbole), about CRT that really bugs you?
” critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.”


I object to everything about critical race theory

Its just a way of dividing Americans by skin color based on lies

Laws are not written to oppress black people
Critical Race Theory (CRT) sounds too academic. No wonder it upsets NaziCons. Sort of like the Theory of Evolution. We must dumb it down for them and make it sound less threatening.
Says the dumbass Leftist Racist who has no clue what CRT is ..... :rolleyes:
Turn on FOX, and there's about a 60% likelihood that they're talking about CRT. If it isn't that, it's going to be another culture-based issue.
Oops, guilty as charged

I turned on Fox and discovered that Tucker Carlson is causing trouble for good ole joe biden by telling the truth about him

“Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.”


Shame on Carlson for stirring up white people when all Mac1958 only wants to bash Trump voters
Critical Race Theory is a symptom of the problem.

It isn't what needs to be stamped out.

It's the Communist Left that needs to be stamped out.

Stamping out CRT will only cause the Communist Left to grow another head.
CRT is about growing left wing power by indoctrinating children.
CRT is about growing left wing power by indoctrinating children.
That's right ....

And, stamping it out will only lead the "Left Wing" .... aka the Communist Left to create something else similar.

You want to kill the snake you need to cut off the head.
I have tried to figure out exactly what crt is and all I ever see is a bunch of double-talking bullshit using big-sounding ambiguous phrases that could mean anything, put forward by people who look like this:

Critical Race Theory (CRT) sounds too academic. No wonder it upsets NaziCons. Sort of like the Theory of Evolution. We must dumb it down for them and make it sound less threatening.
CRT is simply teaching kids and adults to be racist.
Actually CRT is how racism is embedded into our thinking and our laws.
WHich is a fallacy in and of it self. It is teaching racism specifically against whites. It is nothing more than indoctrination to teach white kids to hate themselves
Critical Race Theory (CRT) sounds too academic. No wonder it upsets NaziCons. Sort of like the Theory of Evolution. We must dumb it down for them and make it sound less threatening.
CRT is simply teaching kids and adults to be racist.
Actually CRT is how racism is embedded into our thinking and our laws.

Yes it is. Institutional racism was built into the U.S. Constitution.
It was not. This is the sort of revisionist racist fallacy which CRT tries to program kids with
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.
You mean you really believe that retarded shit? I thought you were joking too.

It's all going to be revealed.........soon.
You said the same thing about 4Mar21. You really cant expect me to trust you after you whiffed on that date can you?
The true sigh will be when you start seeing myna birds in the park repeating "Here kitty kitty kitty, here Kitty kitty kitty!" The Illuminati are just toying with us. Sick bastards.
Please list some of the specific things that CRT teaches that must not be taught or it will cause 'disorder and discord will sweep the nation like a plague'. That's some sweeping hyperbole based on very non specific allegations. But the Neo-GOP is big on allegations and very short on evidence or facts.

What is the worst thing, (specifically not some sweeping hyperbole), about CRT that really bugs you?
” critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.”


I object to everything about critical race theory

Its just a way of dividing Americans by skin color based on lies

Laws are not written to oppress black people

Thank you for a cognizant reply. US History just doesn't bear that out though. The laws were written to maintain the status quo of the majority from the very start of the nation. However considering human history to that point 250 years ago, is seems like a natural evolution of civilization. I mean in the clash of civilizations, the European modal won out. That modal included the institution of slavery. We have made a lot a changes to the laws in the last 50 years, but laws don't necessarily change beliefs, attitudes or actions. I think the theory tends to skew history because they start the study in the middle of the European expansion/colonization phase. However, just teaching the historical events the CRT theorist use in their thesis is not teaching CRT. Imo.
That modal included the institution of slavery.
So did every society in the 16th Century

The US has done everything reasonably possible to make government race neutral

And there is nothing more that government should do

Particularly burden white children with guilt
Critical Race Theory (CRT) sounds too academic. No wonder it upsets NaziCons. Sort of like the Theory of Evolution. We must dumb it down for them and make it sound less threatening.
I must ask, my curiosity being piqued as it is by your hatred of every good thing, how you manage to arise each and every day from drug addled stupor of night before, knowing that the world will become that much a nicer, finer place once you are dead, and thus removed from it????? :ahole-1:
The first problem with CRT is why should any child in school in 2021 feel any guilt about slavery? There’s not a single child born and raised today that has any disadvantages because of their race. Learning history is necessary, feeling any guilt about it or personal responsibility is bullshit.

The second problem is if we do decide to gown down the CRT shit road. MLK needs to be removed from any holiday, building, road or monuments built for him or named after him. If you racist fucks want to make skin color your primary focus and not character then he has no place in the public lexicon. He was anti-racist. CRT is pure racism. The two can’t coexist.
That modal included the institution of slavery.
So did every society in the 16th Century

The US has done everything reasonably possible to make government race neutral

And there is nothing more that government should do

Particularly burden white children with guilt
It is an institution that cannot be separated from human history. At the turn of the 16th Columbus had barely return with news and fresh slaves from the New World.

The US, like the rest of the world, begrudgingly gave some rights to to descendants of those we conquered and made our slaves. The US has made great strides towards equality especially in the last 50 years and those accomplishments should not be ignored by anyone or tarnished by street thugs who seem embolden and are taking advantage with lawless behavior.

I agree it's up to the people to change.

History is history. CRT is like a class in differential equations. How could you teach that to K-12 kids? They have to learn basic math first.
The first problem with CRT is why should any child in school in 2021 feel any guilt about slavery? There’s not a single child born and raised today that has any disadvantages because of their race. Learning history is necessary, feeling any guilt about it or personal responsibility is bullshit.

The second problem is if we do decide to gown down the CRT shit road. MLK needs to be removed from any holiday, building, road or monuments built for him or named after him. If you racist fucks want to make skin color your primary focus and not character then he has no place in the public lexicon. He was anti-racist. CRT is pure racism. The two can’t coexist.
"The first problem with CRT is why should any child in school in 2021 feel any guilt about slavery?"

No the problem is you and other inferiority complex stricken individuals like yourself. CRT doesnt teach guilt. Guilt is an emotion you feel when you have done something wrong. No child alive today has anything to do with what transpired in history. What you are upset about is the teaching of truth instead of the white washed, good white man, white mans burden bullshit they taught us in school.
The first problem with CRT is why should any child in school in 2021 feel any guilt about slavery? There’s not a single child born and raised today that has any disadvantages because of their race. Learning history is necessary, feeling any guilt about it or personal responsibility is bullshit.

The second problem is if we do decide to gown down the CRT shit road. MLK needs to be removed from any holiday, building, road or monuments built for him or named after him. If you racist fucks want to make skin color your primary focus and not character then he has no place in the public lexicon. He was anti-racist. CRT is pure racism. The two can’t coexist.
"The first problem with CRT is why should any child in school in 2021 feel any guilt about slavery?"

No the problem is you and other inferiority complex stricken individuals like yourself. CRT doesnt teach guilt. Guilt is an emotion you feel when you have done something wrong. No child alive today has anything to do with what transpired in history. What you are upset about is the teaching of truth instead of the white washed, good white man, white mans burden bullshit they taught us in school.
They lways taught tyhe truth abouyt history from an objective position. CRT teaches racism against whites and encourages whites to hate being white.

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