Criticising migration could become CRIMINAL offence under new plan

There is a huge difference between criticism and hate speech.

There is a huge difference between criticism and hate speech.

And you're just the one to decide.

Islam sucks...….criticism or hate speech?
Muhammad liked little girls.....criticism or hate speech?
Sound like criticism to me. Do you have a point?

In EU, people could be arrested for saying that. That is the point.
For threatening to nuke Mecca, maybe you'd get a jingle from the PD, but you guys aren't actually persuading me. It sounds like a lot of propaganda to me.
Hate of Muslims is just plain wrong folks. Hate of the Jews was wrong in the 1930's and '40's. Glorifying the Teutonic race as superior was wrong. It led to hell on earth. The same folks are setting the same fires for the same reasons. Some people don't want to see us burned again. It is time the brakes were put on. Hostility and blind hatred has no place in civil discourse. I have no problem whatever in putting a public gag on it.

"Some people don't want to see us burned again."

And many more WANT it burned, the Western World is SICK and PERVERTED and RANCID and GODLESS and it NEEDS to be TORCHED and this will occur within approx 10-15 years, it NEEDS burning down and from this WE will create a New Order, this where Faith, Family and Patriotism are instilled and paramount and where Godless and God Hating, Perversions and Traitors have NO part. And we WILL PREVAIL. Deus Vult.

"It is time the brakes were put on."

No it is time to sabotage the brakes.
Over my dead body, Lucy.
There is a huge difference between criticism and hate speech.

And you're just the one to decide.

Islam sucks...….criticism or hate speech?
Muhammad liked little girls.....criticism or hate speech?
Sound like criticism to me. Do you have a point?

In EU, people could be arrested for saying that. That is the point.
For threatening to nuke Mecca, maybe you'd get a jingle from the PD, but you guys aren't actually persuading me. It sounds like a lot of propaganda to me.
Hate of Muslims is just plain wrong folks. Hate of the Jews was wrong in the 1930's and '40's. Glorifying the Teutonic race as superior was wrong. It led to hell on earth. The same folks are setting the same fires for the same reasons. Some people don't want to see us burned again. It is time the brakes were put on. Hostility and blind hatred has no place in civil discourse. I have no problem whatever in putting a public gag on it.

"Some people don't want to see us burned again."

And many more WANT it burned, the Western World is SICK and PERVERTED and RANCID and GODLESS and it NEEDS to be TORCHED and this will occur within approx 10-15 years, it NEEDS burning down and from this WE will create a New Order, this where Faith, Family and Patriotism are instilled and paramount and where Godless and God Hating, Perversions and Traitors have NO part. And we WILL PREVAIL. Deus Vult.

"It is time the brakes were put on."

No it is time to sabotage the brakes.
Over my dead body, Lucy.

Lucy is speaking for her side of the ocean.

For that matter, so is Tommy, abeit for the faggot leftist/Muslim lover part of that side of the ocean.

Way off topic but, who here knew that Casey Kasem was Lebanese?

I think that's pretty cool! He's an American legend.
There is a huge difference between criticism and hate speech.

And you're just the one to decide.

Islam sucks...….criticism or hate speech?
Muhammad liked little girls.....criticism or hate speech?
Sound like criticism to me. Do you have a point?

In EU, people could be arrested for saying that. That is the point.
For threatening to nuke Mecca, maybe you'd get a jingle from the PD, but you guys aren't actually persuading me. It sounds like a lot of propaganda to me.
Hate of Muslims is just plain wrong folks. Hate of the Jews was wrong in the 1930's and '40's. Glorifying the Teutonic race as superior was wrong. It led to hell on earth. The same folks are setting the same fires for the same reasons. Some people don't want to see us burned again. It is time the brakes were put on. Hostility and blind hatred has no place in civil discourse. I have no problem whatever in putting a public gag on it.

"Some people don't want to see us burned again."

And many more WANT it burned, the Western World is SICK and PERVERTED and RANCID and GODLESS and it NEEDS to be TORCHED and this will occur within approx 10-15 years, it NEEDS burning down and from this WE will create a New Order, this where Faith, Family and Patriotism are instilled and paramount and where Godless and God Hating, Perversions and Traitors have NO part. And we WILL PREVAIL. Deus Vult.

"It is time the brakes were put on."

No it is time to sabotage the brakes.
Over my dead body, Lucy.

Nobody on this Continent cares about your ilks dead bodies. Period.
Sound like criticism to me. Do you have a point?

In EU, people could be arrested for saying that. That is the point.
For threatening to nuke Mecca, maybe you'd get a jingle from the PD, but you guys aren't actually persuading me. It sounds like a lot of propaganda to me.
Hate of Muslims is just plain wrong folks. Hate of the Jews was wrong in the 1930's and '40's. Glorifying the Teutonic race as superior was wrong. It led to hell on earth. The same folks are setting the same fires for the same reasons. Some people don't want to see us burned again. It is time the brakes were put on. Hostility and blind hatred has no place in civil discourse. I have no problem whatever in putting a public gag on it.

"Some people don't want to see us burned again."

And many more WANT it burned, the Western World is SICK and PERVERTED and RANCID and GODLESS and it NEEDS to be TORCHED and this will occur within approx 10-15 years, it NEEDS burning down and from this WE will create a New Order, this where Faith, Family and Patriotism are instilled and paramount and where Godless and God Hating, Perversions and Traitors have NO part. And we WILL PREVAIL. Deus Vult.

"It is time the brakes were put on."

No it is time to sabotage the brakes.
Over my dead body, Lucy.

Lucy is speaking for her side of the ocean.

For that matter, so is Tommy, abeit for the faggot leftist/Muslim lover part of that side of the ocean.

Way off topic but, who here knew that Casey Kasem was Lebanese?

I think that's pretty cool! He's an American legend.
Yeah, I'd heard that about Casey. Very cool. He sure didn't sound it, did he?

Lucy scares the poop out of me, ocean between us or not.
Sound like criticism to me. Do you have a point?

In EU, people could be arrested for saying that. That is the point.
For threatening to nuke Mecca, maybe you'd get a jingle from the PD, but you guys aren't actually persuading me. It sounds like a lot of propaganda to me.
Hate of Muslims is just plain wrong folks. Hate of the Jews was wrong in the 1930's and '40's. Glorifying the Teutonic race as superior was wrong. It led to hell on earth. The same folks are setting the same fires for the same reasons. Some people don't want to see us burned again. It is time the brakes were put on. Hostility and blind hatred has no place in civil discourse. I have no problem whatever in putting a public gag on it.

"Some people don't want to see us burned again."

And many more WANT it burned, the Western World is SICK and PERVERTED and RANCID and GODLESS and it NEEDS to be TORCHED and this will occur within approx 10-15 years, it NEEDS burning down and from this WE will create a New Order, this where Faith, Family and Patriotism are instilled and paramount and where Godless and God Hating, Perversions and Traitors have NO part. And we WILL PREVAIL. Deus Vult.

"It is time the brakes were put on."

No it is time to sabotage the brakes.
Over my dead body, Lucy.

Nobody on this Continent cares about your ilks dead bodies. Period.
I'm aware of that. But what you are defending cannot, will not, stand. You shall not pass.
Man, I can't find the gif I'm looking for. It's where a guy goes to break up a fight and gets punched from both sides?

I know that searching "Hot shots fight gif" returns some mighty nice pics..

except for the one (1) dude sucking a dick.

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The implication in the OP (derived from the nutty express) is that all discussion about immigration will lead to prison. Thats just not going to happen anywhere. Show me the clase that backs up this nonsense ?

Ask and ye shall receive, faggot:

Man arrested for Facebook posts about Syrian refugees in Scotland

“Great” Britain Imprisons Man for Speaking Out Against Child Rape
Well no details are given in your first link. What was said ?
And the second link is just a lie. "Robinson" was jailed for contempt of court.

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Here is a link to one group. Tommys old mates ho still spread their shite on facebook.

It is only certain things that can get you banned. Incitement is a crime in most countries.

Stfu you fat faggot. I provided plenty enough proof in what was linked.

You have never linked a factual anything, Go Fuck Yourself.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.
Well no details are given in your first link. What was said ?
And the second link is just a lie. "Robinson" was jailed for contempt of court.

Log In or Sign Up to View
Here is a link to one group. Tommys old mates ho still spread their shite on facebook.

It is only certain things that can get you banned. Incitement is a crime in most countries.

Stfu you fat faggot. I provided plenty enough proof in what was linked.

You have never linked a factual anything, Go Fuck Yourself.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.

Marion would have a hard time over there, then.
Well no details are given in your first link. What was said ?
And the second link is just a lie. "Robinson" was jailed for contempt of court.

Log In or Sign Up to View
Here is a link to one group. Tommys old mates ho still spread their shite on facebook.

It is only certain things that can get you banned. Incitement is a crime in most countries.

Stfu you fat faggot. I provided plenty enough proof in what was linked.

You have never linked a factual anything, Go Fuck Yourself.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.

Marion would have a hard time over there, then.

I think so. Our murder rates are a lot lower than yours. I wonder if that is because we are required to be responsible for what we say ?
Stfu you fat faggot. I provided plenty enough proof in what was linked.

You have never linked a factual anything, Go Fuck Yourself.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.

Marion would have a hard time over there, then.

I think so. Our murder rates are a lot lower than yours. I wonder if that is because we are required to be responsible for what we say ?

Interesting question. The fact that kids don't grow up hearing certain slop might influence their attitudes as adults. Might be.
Stfu you fat faggot. I provided plenty enough proof in what was linked.

You have never linked a factual anything, Go Fuck Yourself.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.

Marion would have a hard time over there, then.

I think so. Our murder rates are a lot lower than yours. I wonder if that is because we are required to be responsible for what we say ?

It's because you lack balls! That's why we kicked your asses out of this country and then some, boy!

True story! Try and refute that one, faggot!
In EU, people could be arrested for saying that. That is the point.
For threatening to nuke Mecca, maybe you'd get a jingle from the PD, but you guys aren't actually persuading me. It sounds like a lot of propaganda to me.
Hate of Muslims is just plain wrong folks. Hate of the Jews was wrong in the 1930's and '40's. Glorifying the Teutonic race as superior was wrong. It led to hell on earth. The same folks are setting the same fires for the same reasons. Some people don't want to see us burned again. It is time the brakes were put on. Hostility and blind hatred has no place in civil discourse. I have no problem whatever in putting a public gag on it.

"Some people don't want to see us burned again."

And many more WANT it burned, the Western World is SICK and PERVERTED and RANCID and GODLESS and it NEEDS to be TORCHED and this will occur within approx 10-15 years, it NEEDS burning down and from this WE will create a New Order, this where Faith, Family and Patriotism are instilled and paramount and where Godless and God Hating, Perversions and Traitors have NO part. And we WILL PREVAIL. Deus Vult.

"It is time the brakes were put on."

No it is time to sabotage the brakes.
Over my dead body, Lucy.

Lucy is speaking for her side of the ocean.

For that matter, so is Tommy, abeit for the faggot leftist/Muslim lover part of that side of the ocean.

Way off topic but, who here knew that Casey Kasem was Lebanese?

I think that's pretty cool! He's an American legend.
Yeah, I'd heard that about Casey. Very cool. He sure didn't sound it, did he?

Lucy scares the poop out of me, ocean between us or not.

"Lucy scares the poop out of me, ocean between us or not."

There are only two camps in the Human Jungle, the strong and the weak and it is the purpose of the strong to frighten the weak and this is how the strong will always survive, frighten then dominate then eliminate, Western Civilisation cannot survive if weakness and softness is allowed to prevail and this is why it will be crushed by the dominant and strong and cold-hearted. Western Civilisation has ALWAYS been ruled and dominated by the Strong and this is why we are still around because OUR Ancestors were strong and dominant and this is why we will still be around in another 1,000 years from now with our descendants with their strong DNA then ruling and dominating and why all the weak DNA will have turned to dust.
Well no details are given in your first link. What was said ?
And the second link is just a lie. "Robinson" was jailed for contempt of court.

Log In or Sign Up to View
Here is a link to one group. Tommys old mates ho still spread their shite on facebook.

It is only certain things that can get you banned. Incitement is a crime in most countries.

Stfu you fat faggot. I provided plenty enough proof in what was linked.

You have never linked a factual anything, Go Fuck Yourself.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.

Marion would have a hard time over there, then.

Yeah...let me over there.. hoo boy! :auiqs.jpg:

I'm coming with everything I got! .303s, .06s, Mausers, It's fucking on and popping if I get over in that bitch!

That's right, Tommy, I own one of your military's guns. A Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 with a 10-round magazine. You may start pissing yourself now at the mention of a gun.
Last edited:
Their allowing the far left to take over is equally terrifying. .... :cool:
Neither extreme should "take over," but you probably know how I feel about hate speech. It doesn't actually make anything illegal. It is just a UN statement.

I posted a year or two ago that all my female cousins and my nieces in Germany carry pepper spray which is illegal there but I would rather see them in jail rather than raped or killed. Both Germany and England have made criticism a crime. Euro countries have lost their rabbit ass minds.
There is a huge difference between criticism and hate speech.

There is a huge difference between criticism and hate speech.

And you're just the one to decide.

Islam sucks...….criticism or hate speech?
Muhammad liked little girls.....criticism or hate speech?

Islam is pedos, and nuke Mecca, and my balls itch.

^ I would be imprisoned in Europe for that.
Your gold bond medicated powder is on its way .
Stfu you fat faggot. I provided plenty enough proof in what was linked.

You have never linked a factual anything, Go Fuck Yourself.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.

Marion would have a hard time over there, then.

Yeah...let me over there.. hoo boy! :auiqs.jpg:

It would be Banned Camp with real bars for you, Marion.
There is a huge difference between criticism and hate speech.

And you're just the one to decide.

Islam sucks...….criticism or hate speech?
Muhammad liked little girls.....criticism or hate speech?
Sound like criticism to me. Do you have a point?

In EU, people could be arrested for saying that. That is the point.
For threatening to nuke Mecca, maybe you'd get a jingle from the PD, but you guys aren't actually persuading me. It sounds like a lot of propaganda to me.
Hate of Muslims is just plain wrong folks. Hate of the Jews was wrong in the 1930's and '40's. Glorifying the Teutonic race as superior was wrong. It led to hell on earth. The same folks are setting the same fires for the same reasons. Some people don't want to see us burned again. It is time the brakes were put on. Hostility and blind hatred has no place in civil discourse. I have no problem whatever in putting a public gag on it.

"Some people don't want to see us burned again."

And many more WANT it burned, the Western World is SICK and PERVERTED and RANCID and GODLESS and it NEEDS to be TORCHED and this will occur within approx 10-15 years, it NEEDS burning down and from this WE will create a New Order, this where Faith, Family and Patriotism are instilled and paramount and where Godless and God Hating, Perversions and Traitors have NO part. And we WILL PREVAIL. Deus Vult.

"It is time the brakes were put on."

No it is time to sabotage the brakes.
Pour yourself a drink Lucy.

Interesting comment as I am literally going out to a Cocktail party now, so I will I think have two Martini's.
I debunked your links and gave proof that sub humans can still spread their shite. The fact that you cant process the data is not my problem.

You said "Nuh uh" and went :lalala:.

In case you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with your beyond-retarded faggot ass.

Of which today I will be kicking you in:

Topic: Man arrested in UK for saying 'alright geezer' (it means 'hey dude') | MGTOW

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

The "mean things" guy was advocating killing muslims. That isnt acceptable in a civilised society.

Marion would have a hard time over there, then.

I think so. Our murder rates are a lot lower than yours. I wonder if that is because we are required to be responsible for what we say ?

It's because you lack balls! That's why we kicked your asses out of this country and then some, boy!

True story! Try and refute that one, faggot!

You havent kicked anyones ass you sad fuck. Why not quote something to back up the op ?

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