CROSSFIRE as Marjorie calls Fellow GOPers PEDOPHILES for supporting Ketanji

How does support for her confirmation as justice translate to a sexual lust for children? Only in Trump world.
Because she has a record of being light on pedophiles. That's not a red light for you? We are having to pass laws so an adult teacher cannot talk about sex with 4 to 8 year olds. That's not a red light for you?
If someone with all seriousness called you a pedophile in public what would you do? Laugh it off?
If you support a Supreme Court Justice that is light on Sentencing pedophiles. You are the problem, the only reason they are able to do this. Is with your support, so what you think?
Because she has a record of being light on pedophiles. That's not a red light for you? We are having to pass laws so an adult teacher cannot talk about sex with 4 to 8 year olds. That's not a red light for you?
Nope. This latest moral panic is ridiculous.
MTG is one of the greats. She tells the truth and it drives the left insane.
Exactly. And Dems can only react by going on the attack.

Remember the Tea Party. They were relentlessly attacked by Dems. Now the Dems are doing the same thing to QAnon. Instead of talking about whether or not the nominee is qualified, they are taking the opportunity to bash QAnon.

---QAnon Cheers Republican Attacks on Jackson---

If you support a Supreme Court Justice that is light on Sentencing pedophiles. You are the problem, the only reason they are able to do this. Is with your support, so what you think?
It's supposed to be against the rules on this board to accuse other members of pedophilia but the mods seem to be making an exception.
It's supposed to be against the rules on this board to accuse other members of pedophilia but the mods seem to be making an exception.
I said you support a Supreme Justice that is easy on pedophiles, and said if you support her. You're the problem, where did I call you a pedophile?
Judge Jackson's kids glove treatment of Chomos is a documented fact. And so is the support of these 3 senators for Jackson's policies.
Let's ask Lindsey Graham why he voted to appoint her to the federal appelate court if she's such a rotten human being.

Or is poor ole Trump asseating Lindsey Graham pissed because the judge HE wanted on the SC from his state was not the one picked by Biden?

Let's ask that lying sack of shit Lindsey Graham about it.
I said you support a Supreme Justice that is easy on pedophiles, and said if you support her. You're the problem, where did I call you a pedophile?
I know what you said, I also know what you mean. If you people are going to run with this you'll find it's kind of a touchy subject. I've already been called a "groomer" to the utter indifference of the moderators. So keep on asking your "when did you stop beating your wife" questions and I will keep calling you a fucking jerk.
I know what you said, I also know what you mean. If you people are going to run with this you'll find it's kind of a touchy subject. I've already been called a "groomer" to the utter indifference of the moderators. So keep on asking your "when did you stop beating your wife" questions and I will keep calling you a fucking jerk.
All I said, if you support a Supreme Court Judge that is light on pedophiles. That's a fact, then you're part of the problem. Liberals are fighting a law that won't let teachers teaching about sex with 4 to eight year olds. It's now to destroy the liberal agenda that promotes the pedophiles. Never called you one, but your party supports this sick stuff. So yes, democrats are the problem. What party do you support?
All I said, if you support a Supreme Court Judge that is light on pedophiles. That's a fact, then you're part of the problem. Liberals are fighting a law that won't let teachers teaching about sex with 4 to eight year olds. It's now to destroy the liberal agenda that promotes the pedophiles. Never called you one, but your party supports this sick stuff. So yes, democrats are the problem. What party do you support?
You still do not realize just how murderously angry even your veiled accusations are liable to make some people. That's alright, you'll figure it out eventually. Hopefully it will not be the moment you come to on the ground.
You still do not realize just how murderously angry even your veiled accusations are liable to make some people. That's alright, you'll figure it out eventually. Hopefully it will not be the moment you come to on the ground.
Answer this, are you against the law DeSantis signed? That in itself will answer all questions. I'm against pedophiles, the Supreme Court Justice Biden nominated is soft on them. That is a fact, you support her?
Answer this, are you against the law DeSantis signed? That in itself will answer all questions. I'm against pedophiles, the Supreme Court Justice Biden nominated is soft on them. That is a fact, you support her?
Yeah you probably do think that bill was for the sake of children.
They should sue her.

We really need to find a bottom here. At some point, this has to stop devolving.
Yes. Devolving. This behavior is being rewarded. Look at the people leaping to her defense.

It's a feedback loop. The elected nutters say something crazy they heard, and the footsoldiers have to rush to the defense of the idea, no matter how insane, immediately and forever.

Both of those questions are yes or no. Please answer so the people on here can see what policies you support.
I'm not going to talk about this as if any of it has merit. It's just a bunch of nasty smears that really makes me uncharacteristically angry. You're not trying to protect any kids. You're trying to win politically with the lowest most despicable smear campaign in resent memory. No one is soft on pedophiles. There is no organized grooming operation. Just your twisted little minds imagining perverts everywhere except where they really are: in your family, clergy, police and anyone else you dump your kids on and walk away.
With all this nutjobbery about pedophelia one is naturally led to the believe that QAnon has now gone mainstream.
At least 'mainstream' in the nutter side of the TDS'ers.
Mainstream in that now we must be alert to pizza shops with basements....if not tunnels.
After all pre-pubescent children are being trafficked down there along with the achovies and pepperoni.

Pedophelia is rare. It happens, of course. But what seemingly is energizing the new Anti-Pedo & Pizza demographic is that pictures of kids are available (I suppose) on the internet. And that, gives the impression that it is widespread and permeates all of American society.

It is a silly trap that the unsophisticated readily jump into: "If it is on the must be everywhere."

We even had at least one RWNJ in the thread claim ...."I am against pedophelia"!!!!
Thanks Captain Obvious. We weren't really expecting you to confess here anyway.

More importanly, are such blindingly insightful nutters.... FOR ...Mom and apple pie?
I now see the word "pedophelia" and think "QAnon Nutter". They are inevitably linked.

I love this bar.
Greene revives QAnon smear in attack on GOP senators backing Jackson's SCOTUS nomination — Yahoo News

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., on Monday launched an outlandish attack against three Republican senators who support Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, accusing them of somehow being “pro-pedophile.”

MTG has called her fellow GOPers - Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, and Lisa Murkowski - PEDOPHILES in this stunning attack on her own party. What are your thoughts on a brand new Rep attacking establish Senators by calling them Pedophiles?
She’s such a badass…we need about 534 more MTG’s

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