Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

He isn't, but those that support his policies are. This is what he said.

“I’m not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that,” Obama said. “But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot, every single one of them.”
And here is how he looked while making that statement: :ack-1:

Im laughing.......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2009, Rush Limbaugh said this guy would leave office as the most unpopular president in American history!! Said a large majority would loath his policies.

Have to say......even I didn't think he'd be this much of a total disaster. It'll be decades before there is even a remote possibility of a black far left guy holding the presidency.

I don't recall Limbaugh predicting that. But he did say it would be Jimmy Carter's 2nd term.

I don't think that was quite true of Obama's first term (it wasn't great, but it wasn't a total disaster), but it surely is of his 2nd term.

His 2nd term is definitely a disaster.
What we normal mainstream GOP see here is the far right wing weirdies in the final days of this their last election to have some minimal influence on.

Beginning next January, the GOP mainstream will complete its turning away from the wacks, knowing that if we don't, we will never win another mainstream election again.
It's a Third World mess. An Obola Obomination. Seriously though, the fact we're even discussing Ebola in America, sums up this asshole's Presidency perfectly. It really does say it all.
Im laughing.......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2009, Rush Limbaugh said this guy would leave office as the most unpopular president in American history!! Said a large majority would loath his policies.

Have to say......even I didn't think he'd be this much of a total disaster. It'll be decades before there is even a remote possibility of a black far left guy holding the presidency.

He's not far left.

I'm laughing too.

There is nothing more hilarious than a liberal in denial.

Keep on living in denial. We will keep on laughing.


Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 11h11 hours ago
@ToddEberly Secret Service let Overflow clear after POTUS left, same for Gym. Standard for all events I have attended with him.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ToddEberly working on it

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ToddEberly thanks. I did

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@jeneps I was in main gym up top. Did not see what you saw. Secret Service held us until he cleared.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ErinatTheSun no audio in overflow room. They would not have been able to hear anything if they stayed which is why they got a visit

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ErinatTheSun they were leaving overflow which was set up because gym was too crowded. POTUS and Brown spent time with them before rally

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@ToddEberly they were in the overflow room where he spoke first. That is why they left

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@YahooNews they were in the overflow room where he spoke FIRST. Please report the whole story.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@YahooNews @ToddEberly they were in the overflow room where he spoke FIRST. Please tell the whole story. I was there.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 15h15 hours ago
@politico just so you know the people that left were in overflow room and POTUS spoke to the FIRST. Further proof of your crappy reporting

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 15h15 hours ago
@politico this report is a lie. I was there and up top so I could see. NOBODY left. Secret Service kept us till POTUS left.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · Oct 16
@Morning_Joe example of why MSNBC is tanking is in ratings. If I want to see Dem bashing I can watch Fox. #turn off MSNBC.

Overflow was cleared first, then the main area. Both were cleared as soon as the prez was finished speaking.

So my instincts were correct. This was just one more rightwing lie.

So you're saying Reuters lied about this ?
It's a Third World mess. An Obola Obomination. Seriously though, the fact we're even discussing Ebola in America, sums up this asshole's Presidency perfectly. It really does say it all.

I think it sums up Obama's arrogance and his incompetence. They go hand in hand.

Obama thought from the start that just because HE was in charge now, things would be different. All his liberal compadres thought the same thing.

The sea level's would fall. The world would love us. We would finally have respect in the world. Blah blah blah.

NONE of that turned out to be true.

So, when Obama said that it would be unlikely ebola would hit this country and they would be able to handle it, you KNOW the exact opposite was going to happen and it has.

Carter looks more competent in comparison with Obama.
And the reactionary right wing reactionary weirdies continue to run in circles.
It's a Third World mess. An Obola Obomination. Seriously though, the fact we're even discussing Ebola in America, sums up this asshole's Presidency perfectly. It really does say it all.

I think it sums up Obama's arrogance and his incompetence. They go hand in hand.

Obama thought from the start that just because HE was in charge now, things would be different. All his liberal compadres thought the same thing.

The sea level's would fall. The world would love us. We would finally have respect in the world. Blah blah blah.

NONE of that turned out to be true.

So, when Obama said that it would be unlikely ebola would hit this country and they would be able to handle it, you KNOW the exact opposite was going to happen and it has.

Carter looks more competent in comparison with Obama.

Yeah, the fact we're forced to discuss Ebola in America just says it all. It really does sum his Presidency up perfectly. Third World insanity.
It's a Third World mess. An Obola Obomination. Seriously though, the fact we're even discussing Ebola in America, sums up this asshole's Presidency perfectly. It really does say it all.

I think it sums up Obama's arrogance and his incompetence. They go hand in hand.

Obama thought from the start that just because HE was in charge now, things would be different. All his liberal compadres thought the same thing.

The sea level's would fall. The world would love us. We would finally have respect in the world. Blah blah blah.

NONE of that turned out to be true.

So, when Obama said that it would be unlikely ebola would hit this country and they would be able to handle it, you KNOW the exact opposite was going to happen and it has.

Carter looks more competent in comparison with Obama.

Yeah, the fact we're forced to discuss Ebola in America just says it all. It really does sum his Presidency up perfectly. Third World insanity.

The fact that Obama won't close the borders, stop flights from ebola ridden countries, etc, proves Obama is about his agenda first and us A DISTANT SECOND.

He doesn't care if he kills Americans with ebola. What he cares about is getting so many immigrants in that vote Democrat, they will swamp conservative votes forever.

It's about his agenda and keeping Democrats in power and that's all it's about. The country and it's people be damned.
I think about the most socialist presidents we ever had. That (in my mind) would be FDR and Carter.

But regardless of what you think of their policies, AT LEAST, they believed they were doing what was right for the American people! They believed what they were doing was a benefit for Americans. Whether that was right or wrong, they still believed what they were doing was helping us.


We are the enemy as far as he's concerned. He spies on us. He uses the IRS against us, and he doesn't care if we get ebola or our kids get that ento-virus. All he cares about is, his power, and the Democrat party's power AND THAT IS ALL!
Ebola disaster in the US is another RW joke, for USMB nutjobs only. Any notice 5 years of growth, and now, without phony RW crises, a real recovery? Your party is a disastrous, bought off, mindless disgrace.
I think about the most socialist presidents we ever had. That (in my mind) would be FDR and Carter.

But regardless of what you think of their policies, AT LEAST, they believed they were doing what was right for the American people! They believed what they were doing was a benefit for Americans. Whether that was right or wrong, they still believed what they were doing was helping us.


We are the enemy as far as he's concerned. He spies on us. He uses the IRS against us, and he doesn't care if we get ebola or our kids get that ento-virus. All he cares about is, his power, and the Democrat party's power AND THAT IS ALL!

This President only represents Foreign Interests and his own. He is a Traitor. Ebola in America really does sum it all up.
Ebola disaster in the US is another RW joke, for USMB nutjobs only. Any notice 5 years of growth, and now, without phony RW crises, a real recovery? Your party is a disastrous, bought off, mindless disgrace.

You notice how liberals made Katrina out to be a disaster even though there was no way Katrina could hit the rest of the country?

But ebola is a "joke." Benghazi is a "phony scandal."

Liberals just stay in denial of any incompetence on the president's part.

When do they get there's a problem? When THEY are exposed to ebola?

My guess is, that is what it would take for liberals to consider anyone else but themselves.
Can you even begin to imagine how POd he was – and still is. Nobody walks out on The Anointed One. Ever!

I think it's probably because they were so sick and tired of hearing the same old Hope and Change tripe that has turned out to be nothing but lies. It's really bad when your own turn on you.

Read one of many similar stories with links @ Barack Obama Election 2014 Maryland Democrats walkout
What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

He isn't, but those that support his policies are. This is what he said.

“I’m not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that,” Obama said. “But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot, every single one of them.”

Great. Can you identify those policies?

Can you offer an alternative policy?

This is what pisses me off. The Dems react to spin and then have a tendency to withdraw support=publicly. The Right Wing has no alternative or the exact same policy. If you look at his policies they are all about the free market. He does not, nor do the democrats, support unions. Our foreign policy has not changed in over 100 years.

When the Republicans hooked up with the religious right, and by hooking up I mean took all of their money and then promised a bunch of unConstitutional shit, many Republicans left...........where the hell do you think they went?

When Jackson said that many Democrats gave a nod to Kasich.............the question should be WTF are you doing giving a nod to a Republican?

And, Too Tall, I hope this didn't sound come off as all :argue: as that was not my intention.

No problem here! I was merely responding to your remark that Obama wasn't on the ballot. All of the Democrats that are running will support his policies when and if they are elected or reelected. Several of the Democrat candidates make noises like they won't support Obama's policies, but I venture to say that any Freshman Dem that gets elected will vote exactly the way Harry Reid tells them to. And is there any doubt that Harry Reid does not do exactly what Obama tells him to do?

It is not my job to identify or offer a policy. I vote for the person that I think will do that. I hope you do the same.
During the campaign in '08, I wondered what the hell kind of platform "hope" was?

"hope"...lamest BS I've ever heard..
but the sheep..I mean people... clapped and bleated...I mean cheered in approval...

..and "change"? What kind of policy is just "change"?....change to WHAT? was always my question.

Now we know.

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