Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

I just read that 6200 people showed up to hear the POTUS speak at a 6000 seat venue in Chicago yesterday.

With pictures....

Obama headlines rally for Gov. Quinn at Chicago State University Early Often

Meh....doesn't matter.
They never get it right, do they. :lol:

Talk to us in 2 weeks.

Really? Famous last words. Just how many Democratic seats do you think Rs will take from us?

I'll go with: Six.
In the House? :lol:

In the Senate, of course. The GOP already controls the House, and will continue to do so after the election.

While most Democratic midterm election hopefuls have steered clear of being with President Barack Obama in public, due to his tanking job performance numbers and quickly fading popularity among masses of American people, some Democratic politicians have chosen to give the president’s support a chance. Such was the case with Anthony Brown, the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland who is running for his state’s governor. However, according to Yahoo! News and a host of other media outlets, the event highlighting Obama’s support didn’t go so well. As a matter of fact, the only real highlight of the event was watching people walk out as Obama spoke.
As can be expected, many on the political-left are crying foul over the reports of persons walking out of Obama’s presentation, but the proof is obviously in the walking. At least the naysayers can get relief from a report asserting that a heckler in the crowd was, for the most part, non-disruptive. Yet, the fact remains that people actually streamed out of the venue as Obama spoke.
The president, sporting record-low job approval ratings at 38 percent, was speaking for Brown in Upper Marlboro, Maryland when the incident occurred. According to the Baltimore Sun, Obama and Brown were at an event in Prince George’s County. Obama reportedly spoke of his usual campaign themes which persons have likely heard over and over before - including the topics of the economy and jobs. Ironically, those are issues that have caused Obama’s poll numbers to head for the deep south in recent times. Obama also encouraged the people to vote.
In spite of Obama’s negativity on his political party’s candidates, he has spent a great deal of time doing fundraising events for the Democratic Party in general – as politicians for the most part, again, are keeping their distance. Atypical of most Democratic politicians this time around, Gov. Pat Quinn - who is severely struggling to keep his job in Obama’s home state – is also campaigning with the president. Likely figuring that Chicago is pro-Obama since it’s the president’s hometown, Quinn is latching on to the president two weeks prior to the election and just before early voting begins in the state.
Obama spoke with Quinn in Chicago on Sunday at Chicago State University which is in close proximity to Obama’s Chicago home which is in the Kenwood neighborhood. While it is somewhat confusing as to why Brown took a chance of appearing with Obama in Maryland - because he currently has a healthy lead over his Republican opponent Larry Hogan – it seems logical that Quinn would want Obama’s support in Chicago. Quinn is currently locked in a very close race in Obama’s Land of Lincoln.
As for Obama, he is spending Sunday night in Chicago. He is also doing some Democratic fundraising while he is away from Washington. Critics are concerned about Obama spending so much time fundraising around the nation with the number of issues on the table in Washington, D.C., including terrorism via ISIS, health concerns via Ebola and enterovirus 68, and immigration which logically links itself to both of the concerns which involve terrorism and health.

Obama speaks in Maryland as people walk out - National Conservative
Crowds WALK OUT during President Barack Obama s speech in Maryland Daily Mail Online

Oh man! When the homies start walking out, on the first black president, that IS bad news for Obama.
Did you see the video? The mostly black crowd was booing and jeering then got up and left. How embarrassing.

While most Democratic midterm election hopefuls have steered clear of being with President Barack Obama in public, due to his tanking job performance numbers and quickly fading popularity among masses of American people, some Democratic politicians have chosen to give the president’s support a chance. Such was the case with Anthony Brown, the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland who is running for his state’s governor. However, according to Yahoo! News and a host of other media outlets, the event highlighting Obama’s support didn’t go so well. As a matter of fact, the only real highlight of the event was watching people walk out as Obama spoke.
As can be expected, many on the political-left are crying foul over the reports of persons walking out of Obama’s presentation, but the proof is obviously in the walking. At least the naysayers can get relief from a report asserting that a heckler in the crowd was, for the most part, non-disruptive. Yet, the fact remains that people actually streamed out of the venue as Obama spoke.
The president, sporting record-low job approval ratings at 38 percent, was speaking for Brown in Upper Marlboro, Maryland when the incident occurred. According to the Baltimore Sun, Obama and Brown were at an event in Prince George’s County. Obama reportedly spoke of his usual campaign themes which persons have likely heard over and over before - including the topics of the economy and jobs. Ironically, those are issues that have caused Obama’s poll numbers to head for the deep south in recent times. Obama also encouraged the people to vote.
In spite of Obama’s negativity on his political party’s candidates, he has spent a great deal of time doing fundraising events for the Democratic Party in general – as politicians for the most part, again, are keeping their distance. Atypical of most Democratic politicians this time around, Gov. Pat Quinn - who is severely struggling to keep his job in Obama’s home state – is also campaigning with the president. Likely figuring that Chicago is pro-Obama since it’s the president’s hometown, Quinn is latching on to the president two weeks prior to the election and just before early voting begins in the state.
Obama spoke with Quinn in Chicago on Sunday at Chicago State University which is in close proximity to Obama’s Chicago home which is in the Kenwood neighborhood. While it is somewhat confusing as to why Brown took a chance of appearing with Obama in Maryland - because he currently has a healthy lead over his Republican opponent Larry Hogan – it seems logical that Quinn would want Obama’s support in Chicago. Quinn is currently locked in a very close race in Obama’s Land of Lincoln.
As for Obama, he is spending Sunday night in Chicago. He is also doing some Democratic fundraising while he is away from Washington. Critics are concerned about Obama spending so much time fundraising around the nation with the number of issues on the table in Washington, D.C., including terrorism via ISIS, health concerns via Ebola and enterovirus 68, and immigration which logically links itself to both of the concerns which involve terrorism and health.

Obama speaks in Maryland as people walk out - National Conservative
Crowds WALK OUT during President Barack Obama s speech in Maryland Daily Mail Online

Oh man! When the homies start walking out, on the first black president, that IS bad news for Obama.
Did you see the video? The mostly black crowd was booing and jeering then got up and left. How embarrassing.

Obama's Latest Speech About The Economic "Recovery" Results In Mass Audience Exodus

Obama s Latest Speech About The Economic Recovery Results In Mass Audience Exodus Zero Hedge

Yesterday, Obama made a rare campaign trail appearance in Maryland where he spoke in support of Democratic candidate for governor, Anthony Brown, proceeded with his usual bulletin of reading fabricated economic data off the teleprompter in which he highlighted improvements in US unemployment (if not the 46.5 million people on foodstamps or the 93 million Americans out of the labor force), a rebounding housing market (just as the bouncing dead cat is once again dead), the benefits of health insurance (if no mention of the disaster for small businesses that Obamacare now definitively is) a resurgent manufacturing sector (just don't look at this chart) even if he did point out the unfairness of families having "two folks working", and... a mass audience exodus followed.

They never get it right, do they. :lol:

Talk to us in 2 weeks.

Really? Famous last words. Just how many Democratic seats do you think Rs will take from us?

I'll go with: Six.
In the House? :lol:

In the Senate, of course. The GOP already controls the House, and will continue to do so after the election.
Okay, six seats in the Senate... That isn't going to happen but don't worry, I won't come looking for those of you who won't be showing your faces after these outrageous predictions.

Has Liability made any bets yet?
Okay, six seats in the Senate... That isn't going to happen but don't worry, I won't come looking for those of you who won't be showing your faces after these outrageous predictions.

Has Liability made any bets yet?

Why the hell would anyone worry if you came looking for them?

S'not like you would scare anyone, now, is it, bitch? :badgrin:
What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

If the R controls both houses, it will be business as usual. They'll go right on being the Do Nothing Party, voting to kill the middle class and enrich the 1%.

Talk to us in 2 weeks.

Really? Famous last words. Just how many Democratic seats do you think Rs will take from us?

I'll go with: Six.
In the House? :lol:

In the Senate, of course. The GOP already controls the House, and will continue to do so after the election.
Okay, six seats in the Senate... That isn't going to happen but don't worry, I won't come looking for those of you who won't be showing your faces after these outrageous predictions.

Has Liability made any bets yet?

You know something RealClear Politics does not.

Or is this just you slobbering again ?
Judging by the photos in that link it was still a capacity crowd to begin with.

Not in this picture but there are hoards of people walking out while he was giving another speech. Obama is so low in popularity it's really crazy for any Democrat who wants to share a stage with him.

This Ebola scare is just another nail in the coffin. 67% of the country want travel restrictions set in place coming in from the infected areas! and he won't do it.
Really? Famous last words. Just how many Democratic seats do you think Rs will take from us?
Okay, six seats in the Senate... That isn't going to happen but don't worry, I won't come looking for those of you who won't be showing your faces after these outrageous predictions.

They aren't outrageous. Fox has had all kinds of former democratic strategists and former democratic White House advisers on. Six seats seems to be the consensus. I just turned my ballot in this morning. Fellow Coloradans, don't forget to vote! Or for that matter, everybody, don't forget to vote!
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What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

If the R controls both houses, it will be business as usual. They'll go right on being the Do Nothing Party, voting to kill the middle class and enrich the 1%.

Not the 1%. Please, not them. Obama has made more one percent households than you can shake a stick at.



Warren: Obama 'protected' Wall Street

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) accused President Obama and his team of protecting Wall Street in the aftermath of the financial collapse.

In an interview with Salon, Warren said the administration repeatedly favored Wall Street when it came time to draft rules and punish wrongdoers.

“He picked his economic team and when the going got tough, his economic team picked Wall Street,” she said. “They protected Wall Street. Not families who were losing their homes. Not people who lost their jobs. ... And it happened over and over and over.”
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What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

But the country loses even more.

If we get a Repub prez, how long before all the jobs Obama has crated are gone and we're back to losing a half million more every single month?

ObamaCare has been passed more than 50 times now but they plan to hold another expensive and idiotic vote to repeal - AFTER the mid-terms.


That's what we'll get from Republicans.
Really? Famous last words. Just how many Democratic seats do you think Rs will take from us?
Okay, six seats in the Senate... That isn't going to happen but don't worry, I won't come looking for those of you who won't be showing your faces after these outrageous predictions.

They aren't outrageous. Fox has had all kinds of former democratic strategists and former democratic White House advisers on. Six seats seems to be the consensus. I just turned my ballot in this morning. Fellow Coloradans, don't forget to vote! Or for that matter, everybody, don't forget to vote!
Every election the GOP has this magic number they need to get and the posters here are always threatening they are going to take the senate this time for sure!

I say remember the Virginia surprise? You don't know what is coming election day, you never know for sure.
Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.

With approval levels hovering around record lows, Obama has spent most of his campaign-related efforts this year raising money for struggling Democrats, who risk losing control of the U.S. Senate in the Nov. 4 midterm election.

Most candidates from his party have been wary of appearing with him during their election races because of his sagging popularity.

Not so Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown of Maryland, who is running for governor, and Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, who is running for re-election. Obama plans to appear at an event for Quinn later in the evening.

Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance people leave early Reuters

His Unpopularity is growing. I'd go to get my car to beat what traffic there was, too.

Democrats made a horrible mistake by not running on Obama's record and not blasting Republicans for all of their lies. The economy is getting better and better by the month. Compared to when Obama began his presidency, the economy is roaring. Republicans have brainwashed the majority of Americans into believing everything is so horrible while at the same time, Republicans running for re-election at the state level are running on their records of extraordinary economic growth. The contradiction is absolutely mind-boggling, and yet everyone is buying into it.
Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.

With approval levels hovering around record lows, Obama has spent most of his campaign-related efforts this year raising money for struggling Democrats, who risk losing control of the U.S. Senate in the Nov. 4 midterm election.

Most candidates from his party have been wary of appearing with him during their election races because of his sagging popularity.

Not so Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown of Maryland, who is running for governor, and Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, who is running for re-election. Obama plans to appear at an event for Quinn later in the evening.

Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance people leave early Reuters

His Unpopularity is growing. I'd go to get my car to beat what traffic there was, too.

Democrats made a horrible mistake by not running on Obama's record and not blasting Republicans for all of their lies. The economy is getting better and better by the month. Compared to when Obama began his presidency, the economy is roaring. Republicans have brainwashed the majority of Americans into believing everything is so horrible while at the same time, Republicans running for re-election at the state level are running on their records of extraordinary economic growth. The contradiction is absolutely mind-boggling, and yet everyone is buying into it.

I hope you changed your underwear after this little dream.
Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.

With approval levels hovering around record lows, Obama has spent most of his campaign-related efforts this year raising money for struggling Democrats, who risk losing control of the U.S. Senate in the Nov. 4 midterm election.

Most candidates from his party have been wary of appearing with him during their election races because of his sagging popularity.

Not so Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown of Maryland, who is running for governor, and Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, who is running for re-election. Obama plans to appear at an event for Quinn later in the evening.

Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance people leave early Reuters

His Unpopularity is growing. I'd go to get my car to beat what traffic there was, too.

Democrats made a horrible mistake by not running on Obama's record and not blasting Republicans for all of their lies. The economy is getting better and better by the month. Compared to when Obama began his presidency, the economy is roaring. Republicans have brainwashed the majority of Americans into believing everything is so horrible while at the same time, Republicans running for re-election at the state level are running on their records of extraordinary economic growth. The contradiction is absolutely mind-boggling, and yet everyone is buying into it.

I hope you changed your underwear after this little dream.

I see, you think our economy would be doing much better if we went back to January of 2009 when we were losing 750,000 jobs per month rather than where we are today. Now I understand. Dumb and dumber is all I can say.
Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.

With approval levels hovering around record lows, Obama has spent most of his campaign-related efforts this year raising money for struggling Democrats, who risk losing control of the U.S. Senate in the Nov. 4 midterm election.

Most candidates from his party have been wary of appearing with him during their election races because of his sagging popularity.

Not so Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown of Maryland, who is running for governor, and Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, who is running for re-election. Obama plans to appear at an event for Quinn later in the evening.

Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance people leave early Reuters

His Unpopularity is growing. I'd go to get my car to beat what traffic there was, too.

Democrats made a horrible mistake by not running on Obama's record and not blasting Republicans for all of their lies. The economy is getting better and better by the month. Compared to when Obama began his presidency, the economy is roaring. Republicans have brainwashed the majority of Americans into believing everything is so horrible while at the same time, Republicans running for re-election at the state level are running on their records of extraordinary economic growth. The contradiction is absolutely mind-boggling, and yet everyone is buying into it.

I hope you changed your underwear after this little dream.

I see, you think our economy would be doing much better if we went back to January of 2009 when we were losing 750,000 jobs per month rather than where we are today. Now I understand. Dumb and dumber is all I can say.

I agree.....your vocabulary seems very limited.

Confirmed Obamacare is Hurting Democrats - Guy Benson

Not only did the political benefits that Democrats thought the 2010 law would eventually bring them not materialize, opposition has only grown, according to an analysis of multiple polls taken between 2010 and last month. “There have been backlashes, but never like this,” said Robert Blendon, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and co-author of the analysis released Wednesday by the New England Journal of Medicine. That backlash doesn’t appear directed at the mechanics of the law but at its underlying core principle. Only 47 percent of Americans agree that it’s the government’s job to make sure everyone has health coverage, down from 69 percent in 2006, the analysis found. That shift is particularly pronounced among likely voters. Of those who are most likely to show up at the polls on Nov. 4, one in four believe in this principle.

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