Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 11h11 hours ago
@ToddEberly Secret Service let Overflow clear after POTUS left, same for Gym. Standard for all events I have attended with him.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ToddEberly working on it

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ToddEberly thanks. I did

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@jeneps I was in main gym up top. Did not see what you saw. Secret Service held us until he cleared.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ErinatTheSun no audio in overflow room. They would not have been able to hear anything if they stayed which is why they got a visit

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ErinatTheSun they were leaving overflow which was set up because gym was too crowded. POTUS and Brown spent time with them before rally

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@ToddEberly they were in the overflow room where he spoke first. That is why they left

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@YahooNews they were in the overflow room where he spoke FIRST. Please report the whole story.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@YahooNews @ToddEberly they were in the overflow room where he spoke FIRST. Please tell the whole story. I was there.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 15h15 hours ago
@politico just so you know the people that left were in overflow room and POTUS spoke to the FIRST. Further proof of your crappy reporting

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 15h15 hours ago
@politico this report is a lie. I was there and up top so I could see. NOBODY left. Secret Service kept us till POTUS left.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · Oct 16
@Morning_Joe example of why MSNBC is tanking is in ratings. If I want to see Dem bashing I can watch Fox. #turn off MSNBC.

Overflow was cleared first, then the main area. Both were cleared as soon as the prez was finished speaking.
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If you guys would stop lying about every fucking thing, we wouldn't have to question this stuff all the time.

Who, exactly, are "you guys" and what are they supposedly "lying about"?

What is there to "question"? The article said people walked out on obama.

They did, in fact.
Maybe they did walk out on him but I am fairly sure they didn't walk out on the president unless they were TPers or Republicans. It's a big deal to see the president speak. Just because the Rs here have no respect doesn't mean most Americans don't.

The folks that walked out appeared to be black. Can't be TPers, according to the left.

As a matter of fact, every person in the photos appeared to be black.
Ohhh haha. Here we go... Of course they were Dems, they were Black.
Top Ten Reasons they walked out on Obama:

  1. They wanted to leave before they fainted
  2. They heard this speech already
  3. All they wanted was a picture of him
  4. They wanted to beat traffic
  5. One person left, and like Lemmings it started a chain reaction
  6. Ebola scare, the speech made them sick
  7. Most of them were paid just to show up
  8. The free box lunch that was provided to get them on the bus was fish (airplane movie reference)
  9. Obama kept repeating "Make sure you vote", and they'd heard enough
  10. They were excited to see the president but once he started talking they discovered he was just too damned boring to tolerate for any longer
Blog Crowd walks out as Obama addresses campaign rally in deep blue Maryland
Dems are desperate as well they should be. They know much of their base doesn't turn out for midterm elections. Not even when Bill and HIllary are rallying for them.

Self-proclaimed Clinton Democrats are struggling this election cycle, and not even their powerful namesakes may be enough to save them.

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have tried to turn on their charms to help centrist Democrats in Kentucky and Arkansas. But as candidates in both states are slipping, help from the party’s preeminent power couple is falling short.

Clinton Democrats falling flat TheHill
What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

But the country loses even more.

If we get a Repub prez, how long before all the jobs Obama has crated are gone and we're back to losing a half million more every single month?

ObamaCare has been passed more than 50 times now but they plan to hold another expensive and idiotic vote to repeal - AFTER the mid-terms.


That's what we'll get from Republicans.

"All the jobs Obama has created". That's quite a trick for someone who's never had a job, for a sloth who makes hate speeches against free enterprise; against business and large corporations who create all those jobs, or whose taxes pay for all the bureaucratic jobs. Meanwhile, Forbes, Family Dollar, Walmart etc., put the real unemployment rate at 13%. They're closing down stores while that little jerk off in the White House blathers about how wonderful the economy is. How far do you think bullshit can carry the left? We'll find out in two weeks, won't we?

So, you have never paid attention to his policies. They are all about free enterprise.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 11h11 hours ago
@ToddEberly Secret Service let Overflow clear after POTUS left, same for Gym. Standard for all events I have attended with him.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ToddEberly working on it

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ToddEberly thanks. I did

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@jeneps I was in main gym up top. Did not see what you saw. Secret Service held us until he cleared.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ErinatTheSun no audio in overflow room. They would not have been able to hear anything if they stayed which is why they got a visit

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 13h13 hours ago
@ErinatTheSun they were leaving overflow which was set up because gym was too crowded. POTUS and Brown spent time with them before rally

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@ToddEberly they were in the overflow room where he spoke first. That is why they left

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@YahooNews they were in the overflow room where he spoke FIRST. Please report the whole story.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 14h14 hours ago
@YahooNews @ToddEberly they were in the overflow room where he spoke FIRST. Please tell the whole story. I was there.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 15h15 hours ago
@politico just so you know the people that left were in overflow room and POTUS spoke to the FIRST. Further proof of your crappy reporting

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · 15h15 hours ago
@politico this report is a lie. I was there and up top so I could see. NOBODY left. Secret Service kept us till POTUS left.

Yvette Lewis @LewisYv · Oct 16
@Morning_Joe example of why MSNBC is tanking is in ratings. If I want to see Dem bashing I can watch Fox. #turn off MSNBC.

Overflow was cleared first, then the main area. Both were cleared as soon as the prez was finished speaking.
She's putting in overtime :lol:

Still....A steady stream of people walked out of the auditorium while he spoke, however, and a heckler interrupted his remarks.
Being there has nothing to do with reporting on an event that actually occurred.
I wasn't on the moon in 1969, but we landed there. It happened.
Partisans flailing around and desperately deflecting are quite amusing. :laugh2:

The source for what happened was the Baltimore Sun. They only reported that people left, they did not specify as to why.

Yes. We know. That's what reporters (are suposed to) do..They report on actual events that have occurred.

People walked out on obama.

That is a fact, isn't it?

Yes they did.

My point is that we do not know why.

Your "point" is running around and around in circles over the same ground, seeking attention and arguing for the sake of argument.
If you guys would stop lying about every fucking thing, we wouldn't have to question this stuff all the time.

No one is lying, it was reported by at least two reputable sources. They could have gotten the story wrong, but posting the story is not lying.
What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

He isn't, but those that support his policies are. This is what he said.

“I’m not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that,” Obama said. “But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot, every single one of them.”

Great. Can you identify those policies?

Can you offer an alternative policy?

This is what pisses me off. The Dems react to spin and then have a tendency to withdraw support=publicly. The Right Wing has no alternative or the exact same policy. If you look at his policies they are all about the free market. He does not, nor do the democrats, support unions. Our foreign policy has not changed in over 100 years.

When the Republicans hooked up with the religious right, and by hooking up I mean took all of their money and then promised a bunch of unConstitutional shit, many Republicans left...........where the hell do you think they went?

When Jackson said that many Democrats gave a nod to Kasich.............the question should be WTF are you doing giving a nod to a Republican?

And, Too Tall, I hope this didn't sound come off as all :argue: as that was not my intention.
Hey, they were told to leave by the Secret Service. There were billions of people waiting outside to get in and Obama didn't want to disappoint.

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