CRT opposition based on political expediency not actual factual history

American kids have been brainwashed for generations.
They have. First it was the religious, now its the marxists.
a balancing act. Way to justify "indoctrination" that you supposedly dont like.
Disingenuous foreigner :rolleyes:
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Just answer the question.
circular arguments are dumb and a waste of time
Especially when you make up the problem in the first place.
why do you keep ignoring the posts that prove you wrong??
You havent provided any evidence. Just reiterated some right wing bullshit. Here is an easy question. Which schools are teaching this ?
how would you know if you didnt watch the video where he goes through in detail with documents to back it up,,

face it youre just a useful idiot repeating talking points,,
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
None of what you post on CRT is a fact, its just white bullshit.
I bet you would die for your marxist brethren, huh?
Fuckin cultist :lol:
Is throwing around the word "Marxism" make you feel good? Does it actually have any meaning or is it just an white insult in TN?

If Marx wrote about CRT, where can I find it in his manifesto? What page can you point me to?
I will help-----the current mood amongst that mental masturbators of today is not ONLY
"CRT' it INCLUDES support of the economic model upon which Marx expounded which
iis Communism
Show us all where that can be found in CRT...

I'll wait here for you.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
None of what you post on CRT is a fact, its just white bullshit.
I bet you would die for your marxist brethren, huh?
Fuckin cultist :lol:
Is throwing around the word "Marxism" make you feel good? Does it actually have any meaning or is it just an white insult in TN?

If Marx wrote about CRT, where can I find it in his manifesto? What page can you point me to?
I will help-----the current mood amongst that mental masturbators of today is not ONLY
"CRT' it INCLUDES support of the economic model upon which Marx expounded which
iis Communism
Show us all where that can be found in CRT...

I'll wait here for you.
try again-----at no time did I suggest that CRT as an issue INCLUDES marxism. In fact
BEETLEMANIA in the 60s did not specifically include sandals and miniskirts either-----
but they descended upon us during the same era
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?
Dont be willfully ignorant and read about it.
So you dont have a link. This is just another right wing bogeyman that none of you know anything about.
Dude, you cant just supply links. You have to read about it. You obviously know nothing about it.
Ignorant dumbfuck
You have nothing.
Do tell, where in CRT can I find references to Marx?
It was created by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL.
Things dont have to contain the word "marx" for it to be marxist.
Do you idiots EVER think?

CRT was not created at the fucking Frankfort school in Europe.

Can you even post when CRT was created and where?
I guess you just googled who started it? :lol:
Thats not who it works, dumbass.
Ms. Crenshaws influence was rooted off the frankfurt schools teachings on "critical theory."...... whos teaching were influenced by Karl. She just injected "race" into it. Its called an "off-shoot" There is even one for the disabled and latino critical race.
As i said, you people know NOTHING about it.
Yeah TN we don't need to teach uncomfortable truth in our state. We need to teach a whitewash of facts here...

Tennessee governor signs bill restricting how race and bias can be taught in schools


The new law, which essentially takes effect with the 2021-22 school year, will allow Tennessee Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn to withhold funds from schools and districts where teachers promote certain concepts about racism, sexism, bias, and other social issues that GOP lawmakers believe are cynical and divisive.

Among the 14 concepts that teachers will not be able to discuss: that one race bears responsibility for past actions against another; the United States is fundamentally racist; and a person is inherently privileged or oppressive due to their race.

Casey Black, the governor’s press secretary, said Lee “believes Tennessee students should be taught history and civics with facts, not divisive political commentary.”

In TN they don't need to learn about The Tulsa Race Massacre, Stonewall or any goddamn thing MLK did...because white white feelings can get hurt...
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?
Dont be willfully ignorant and read about it.
So you dont have a link. This is just another right wing bogeyman that none of you know anything about.
Dude, you cant just supply links. You have to read about it. You obviously know nothing about it.
Ignorant dumbfuck
You have nothing.
Even people that teach CRT dont agree on everything. Its malleable. I cant just supply links. That isnt how it works.
Even if, you wouldnt read it. You couldnt even be bothered to watch videos when you asked for proof.
You are a dishonest hack.
Acting like you care about links... :lol:
Do tell, where in CRT can I find references to Marx?
It was created by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL.
Things dont have to contain the word "marx" for it to be marxist.
Do you idiots EVER think?

CRT was not created at the fucking Frankfort school in Europe.

Can you even post when CRT was created and where?
I guess you just googled who started it? :lol:
Thats not who it works, dumbass.
Ms. Crenshaws influence was rooted off the frankfurt schools teachings on "critical theory."...... whos teaching were influenced by Karl. She just injected "race" into it. Its called an "off-shoot" There is even one for the disabled and latino critical race.
As i said, you people know NOTHING about it.

Hey dumbass, that is critical theory, not CRT.
and a person is inherently privileged or oppressive due to their race.
God forbid they indoctrinate children!
Dumbfuck. Thats not history. I have to assume you dont know what "facts" means EITHER.
Do tell, where in CRT can I find references to Marx?
It was created by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL.
Things dont have to contain the word "marx" for it to be marxist.
Do you idiots EVER think?

CRT was not created at the fucking Frankfort school in Europe.

Can you even post when CRT was created and where?
I guess you just googled who started it? :lol:
Thats not who it works, dumbass.
Ms. Crenshaws influence was rooted off the frankfurt schools teachings on "critical theory."...... whos teaching were influenced by Karl. She just injected "race" into it. Its called an "off-shoot" There is even one for the disabled and latino critical race.
As i said, you people know NOTHING about it.
I did not know, Harley-----but it is, certainly, true that the "CRITICAL ISSUE OF ECONOMIC
CLASS CONFLICT" as the main driver of human society does bear a kind of correlation to
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?
Dont be willfully ignorant and read about it.
So you dont have a link. This is just another right wing bogeyman that none of you know anything about.
Dude, you cant just supply links. You have to read about it. You obviously know nothing about it.
Ignorant dumbfuck
You have nothing.
Even people that teach CRT dont agree on everything. Its malleable. I cant just supply links. That isnt how it works.
Even if, you wouldnt read it. You couldnt even be bothered to watch videos when you asked for proof.
You are a dishonest hack.
Acting like you care about links... :lol:
Your videos are from wingnut hacks.
I want to discuss an issue that came up in a different thread. I think it is worth a thread of its own.

On the current events board, there is a thread about a book in which it is claimed that trump praised Hitler as having done good things.

I was a bit shocked to read many board members agreeing with this and it got me thinking about the teaching,or proposed teaching, of CRT in American schools.

I have no wish to go into the boring detail of CRT but my understanding is that it is a revisionist view of American history that shows a darker view of America than most people grew up with.

It has caused a great deal of upset amongst people who are actually quite happy with their history just the way it is. But that is a political stance and not one that takes account of actual history. And that seems to be the same attitude that I see when it comes to judging Hitler.

It means that CRT will not be judged through any historical or academic perspective. It will be judged purely on its perceived political stance and its possible impact on the youngsters who are taught it.

There is a fear that kids will grow to hate their country and for that reason the truth must be suppressed. But this is covered up in ignorant bluster because to admit that would be admitting that the US should come clean on its history.

Surely honesty is the best policy ? There isnt a country on earth that has not got some episodes that they would rather not discuss. I know all about that. People who can find the good in Hitler should not dictate the education of the kids.

Teachers' union president says CRT is NOT being taught in schools
At the heart of CRT is the 1619 project's false assertion that a primary reason the southern colonialists secceeded from england was to protect slavery.
One might debate Hannah-Jones' intent for intentionally making this falsity a primary leg for her thesis, but I won't. Still, the problem is CRT goes too far. Currently they are asserting that any school district with a lower % of blacks than the the general population in an area (who defines what area lol) is a direct result of race discrimination. That might surprise black parents who moved to find the best public school they can afford.

So, while the history most of us learned about the founding of America unquestionably downplays the roles of blacks, native americans, and hugely people of mexican descent in the SE, CRT is itself a movement with a political and not a historical agenda. And the debate it has created has simply been a godsend to those who want to perpetuate our unfair and false views of the contributions of non-white races.
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Do tell, where in CRT can I find references to Marx?
It was created by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL.
Things dont have to contain the word "marx" for it to be marxist.
Do you idiots EVER think?

CRT was not created at the fucking Frankfort school in Europe.

Can you even post when CRT was created and where?
I guess you just googled who started it? :lol:
Thats not who it works, dumbass.
Ms. Crenshaws influence was rooted off the frankfurt schools teachings on "critical theory."...... whos teaching were influenced by Karl. She just injected "race" into it. Its called an "off-shoot" There is even one for the disabled and latino critical race.
As i said, you people know NOTHING about it.

Hey dumbass, that is critical theory, not CRT.
OMFG :rofl:
Do tell, where in CRT can I find references to Marx?
It was created by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL.
Things dont have to contain the word "marx" for it to be marxist.
Do you idiots EVER think?

CRT was not created at the fucking Frankfort school in Europe.

Can you even post when CRT was created and where?
I guess you just googled who started it? :lol:
Thats not who it works, dumbass.
Ms. Crenshaws influence was rooted off the frankfurt schools teachings on "critical theory."...... whos teaching were influenced by Karl. She just injected "race" into it. Its called an "off-shoot" There is even one for the disabled and latino critical race.
As i said, you people know NOTHING about it.
You're wasting your time, but good effort. There is a mountain of resources explaining the communist origins of so much of what progressives are promoting but they don't want to know and they deny the facts. Proudly useful and stubborn idiots.
Do tell, where in CRT can I find references to Marx?
It was created by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL.
Things dont have to contain the word "marx" for it to be marxist.
Do you idiots EVER think?

CRT was not created at the fucking Frankfort school in Europe.

Can you even post when CRT was created and where?
I guess you just googled who started it? :lol:
Thats not who it works, dumbass.
Ms. Crenshaws influence was rooted off the frankfurt schools teachings on "critical theory."...... whos teaching were influenced by Karl. She just injected "race" into it. Its called an "off-shoot" There is even one for the disabled and latino critical race.
As i said, you people know NOTHING about it.
You're wasting your time, but good effort. There is a mountain of resources explaining the communist origins of so much of what progressives are promoting but they don't want to know and deny the facts. Proudly useful and stubborn idiots.
I know i am. And i am done trying to explain it. Basic english must be racist too :dunno:

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