"Crumbs" My Foot! Got My First Paycheck Under the Trump Tax Cuts!

Well, today I am home sick so I had lots of time to read your bullshit.

Home sick?

I thought you work at home asshole?

Yup my theory is correct lefties are always sick for some damn reason and they want us to pay for them

Yes, home sick. We have an office policy not to share our germs with each other. My bosses would much rather me use a sick day that I have earned than get everyone in the office sick. When one has COPD they tend to cough a lot when they have a cold/flu.

I work from home on average of two days a week, depending on what I have going on. Rarely do I get more than two and often I get less. I could have worked from home but I was back and forth between the bathroom a lot so it seemed unfair to do so, plus I am caught up on all my work.

I am sorry that Wendy's does not do sick days, but I am sure they make up for it in other ways.
I expect my employees to show up to work sick or not, excuses are just that... excuses.
In washington state I think it's a crime to go outside if you have a cold now.

Dumb Laws, Stupid Laws: We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!

RCW 70.54.050
Exposing contagious disease -- Penalty.

Every person who shall wilfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health; and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1909 c 249 § 287; RRS § 2539.]

It is a rude thing to go to work sick when you work in a fairly enclosed space with not a lot of outside air circulation.

You people are morons.
Well, today I am home sick so I had lots of time to read your bullshit.

Home sick?

I thought you work at home asshole?

Yup my theory is correct lefties are always sick for some damn reason and they want us to pay for them

Yes, home sick. We have an office policy not to share our germs with each other. My bosses would much rather me use a sick day that I have earned than get everyone in the office sick. When one has COPD they tend to cough a lot when they have a cold/flu.

I work from home on average of two days a week, depending on what I have going on. Rarely do I get more than two and often I get less. I could have worked from home but I was back and forth between the bathroom a lot so it seemed unfair to do so, plus I am caught up on all my work.

I am sorry that Wendy's does not do sick days, but I am sure they make up for it in other ways.
I expect my employees to show up to work sick or not, excuses are just that... excuses.
In washington state I think it's a crime to go outside if you have a cold now.

Dumb Laws, Stupid Laws: We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!

RCW 70.54.050
Exposing contagious disease -- Penalty.

Every person who shall wilfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health; and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1909 c 249 § 287; RRS § 2539.]
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.
Home sick?

I thought you work at home asshole?

Yup my theory is correct lefties are always sick for some damn reason and they want us to pay for them

Yes, home sick. We have an office policy not to share our germs with each other. My bosses would much rather me use a sick day that I have earned than get everyone in the office sick. When one has COPD they tend to cough a lot when they have a cold/flu.

I work from home on average of two days a week, depending on what I have going on. Rarely do I get more than two and often I get less. I could have worked from home but I was back and forth between the bathroom a lot so it seemed unfair to do so, plus I am caught up on all my work.

I am sorry that Wendy's does not do sick days, but I am sure they make up for it in other ways.
I expect my employees to show up to work sick or not, excuses are just that... excuses.
In washington state I think it's a crime to go outside if you have a cold now.

Dumb Laws, Stupid Laws: We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!

RCW 70.54.050
Exposing contagious disease -- Penalty.

Every person who shall wilfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health; and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1909 c 249 § 287; RRS § 2539.]
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.
Commies finding ways to keep people from working.
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.

yeah, sick days are part of political correctness? Fuck you are one dumb MoFo. It is painfully obvious you don't actually have any employees.
Well, today I am home sick so I had lots of time to read your bullshit.

Home sick?

I thought you work at home asshole?

Yup my theory is correct lefties are always sick for some damn reason and they want us to pay for them

Yes, home sick. We have an office policy not to share our germs with each other. My bosses would much rather me use a sick day that I have earned than get everyone in the office sick. When one has COPD they tend to cough a lot when they have a cold/flu.

I work from home on average of two days a week, depending on what I have going on. Rarely do I get more than two and often I get less. I could have worked from home but I was back and forth between the bathroom a lot so it seemed unfair to do so, plus I am caught up on all my work.

I am sorry that Wendy's does not do sick days, but I am sure they make up for it in other ways.
I expect my employees to show up to work sick or not, excuses are just that... excuses.

That is because you are a moron.

You remind me of a boss I once had who asked me why I was nice to the people that worked for me and when I told her that happy employees make better employees she laughed at me. You and her seem to have a lot in common.
It’s a privilege to work not a right, work is a place where you go to work not to make friends.
Home sick?

I thought you work at home asshole?

Yup my theory is correct lefties are always sick for some damn reason and they want us to pay for them

Yes, home sick. We have an office policy not to share our germs with each other. My bosses would much rather me use a sick day that I have earned than get everyone in the office sick. When one has COPD they tend to cough a lot when they have a cold/flu.

I work from home on average of two days a week, depending on what I have going on. Rarely do I get more than two and often I get less. I could have worked from home but I was back and forth between the bathroom a lot so it seemed unfair to do so, plus I am caught up on all my work.

I am sorry that Wendy's does not do sick days, but I am sure they make up for it in other ways.
I expect my employees to show up to work sick or not, excuses are just that... excuses.
In washington state I think it's a crime to go outside if you have a cold now.

Dumb Laws, Stupid Laws: We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!

RCW 70.54.050
Exposing contagious disease -- Penalty.

Every person who shall wilfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health; and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1909 c 249 § 287; RRS § 2539.]

It is a rude thing to go to work sick when you work in a fairly enclosed space with not a lot of outside air circulation.

You people are morons.
Ya, right.
That’s one of many reasons why socialism is a failure.
Yup my theory is correct lefties are always sick for some damn reason and they want us to pay for them

Yes, home sick. We have an office policy not to share our germs with each other. My bosses would much rather me use a sick day that I have earned than get everyone in the office sick. When one has COPD they tend to cough a lot when they have a cold/flu.

I work from home on average of two days a week, depending on what I have going on. Rarely do I get more than two and often I get less. I could have worked from home but I was back and forth between the bathroom a lot so it seemed unfair to do so, plus I am caught up on all my work.

I am sorry that Wendy's does not do sick days, but I am sure they make up for it in other ways.
I expect my employees to show up to work sick or not, excuses are just that... excuses.
In washington state I think it's a crime to go outside if you have a cold now.

Dumb Laws, Stupid Laws: We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!

RCW 70.54.050
Exposing contagious disease -- Penalty.

Every person who shall wilfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health; and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1909 c 249 § 287; RRS § 2539.]
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.
Commies finding ways to keep people from working.

My job gets done and it gets done well. That is why I started off the year with a 12 grand raise.

I know that folks like you that have only worked at McDonalds or Wendy's do not understand how the corporate world operates, but don't feel bad.

To paraphrase the great Judge Smails, "the world needs fry cooks too".
Yup my theory is correct lefties are always sick for some damn reason and they want us to pay for them

Yes, home sick. We have an office policy not to share our germs with each other. My bosses would much rather me use a sick day that I have earned than get everyone in the office sick. When one has COPD they tend to cough a lot when they have a cold/flu.

I work from home on average of two days a week, depending on what I have going on. Rarely do I get more than two and often I get less. I could have worked from home but I was back and forth between the bathroom a lot so it seemed unfair to do so, plus I am caught up on all my work.

I am sorry that Wendy's does not do sick days, but I am sure they make up for it in other ways.
I expect my employees to show up to work sick or not, excuses are just that... excuses.
In washington state I think it's a crime to go outside if you have a cold now.

Dumb Laws, Stupid Laws: We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!

RCW 70.54.050
Exposing contagious disease -- Penalty.

Every person who shall wilfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health; and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[1909 c 249 § 287; RRS § 2539.]

It is a rude thing to go to work sick when you work in a fairly enclosed space with not a lot of outside air circulation.

You people are morons.
Ya, right.
That’s one of many reasons why socialism is a failure.

Oh yeah, Fortune 500 companies are just the epitome of socialism! You get stupider with every post. I did not think it was possible, but yet here it is.
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.

yeah, sick days are part of political correctness? Fuck you are one dumb MoFo. It is painfully obvious you don't actually have any employees.
Actually I do have, and I expect shit to get done no excuses. If there wasn’t deadlines nothing would get done.
Before self-employment, I was The Night Manager for 3 1/2 years for a 24 hour grocery store Never used one single sick day.
And I heard every excuse in the book by people I managed… Work is a privilege not a right
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.

yeah, sick days are part of political correctness? Fuck you are one dumb MoFo. It is painfully obvious you don't actually have any employees.
Actually I do have, and I expect shit to get done no excuses. If there wasn’t deadlines nothing would get done.
Before I was self-employed, I was The Night Manager for 3 1/2 years for a 24 hour grocery store Never used one single sick day.
And I heard every excuse in the book by people I managed… Work is a privilege not a right

And if I had a deadline today or tomorrow I would have met it, I never miss a deadline. But if you do not suck at your job you do not need every last second to meet a deadline, there should be some wiggle room.

I know all about working when sick, did it for many a year, and now I have progressed to where I do not have to. That is part of the reward for not being a one of the masses.

Before this job I was a Shift manager at a 24 hour WalMart. I treated my associast like human being and not slaves and the work got done faster and with less errors.

Being a dick for a boss is not something to brag about, but you will never grasp that as it is beyond your intelligence level.

Even in the Marines I treated my troops like humans and not maggots, and the loyalty they gave in exchange showed it was the way to do things.

But cavemen will never be able to move past the 1950s
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.

yeah, sick days are part of political correctness? Fuck you are one dumb MoFo. It is painfully obvious you don't actually have any employees.
Actually I do have, and I expect shit to get done no excuses. If there wasn’t deadlines nothing would get done.
Before I was self-employed, I was The Night Manager for 3 1/2 years for a 24 hour grocery store Never used one single sick day.
And I heard every excuse in the book by people I managed… Work is a privilege not a right

And if I had a deadline today or tomorrow I would have met it, I never miss a deadline. But if you do not suck at your job you do not need every last second to meet a deadline, there should be some wiggle room.

I know all about working when sick, did it for many a year, and now I have progressed to where I do not have to. That is part of the reward for not being a one of the masses.

Before this job I was a Shift manager at a 24 hour WalMart. I treated my associast like human being and not slaves and the work got done faster and with less errors.

Being a dick for a boss is not something to brag about, but you will never grasp that as it is beyond your intelligence level.

Even in the Marines I treated my troops like humans and not maggots, and the loyalty they gave in exchange showed it was the way to do things.

But cavemen will never be able to move past the 1950s

In the marines..that's funny.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025
It does not have to. In fact, Ted Cruz asked Bernie Sanders to help him make it permanent. Try telling the whole truth.
And what makes you think sanders will help him continue a situation where GOP’ers can continue to whine that we can’t afford anything because of the deficit they’re intentionally running up?

I know Sanders won't help him, but others will. And when revenue increases it will not effect the deficit unless shrinking it counts.
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.

yeah, sick days are part of political correctness? Fuck you are one dumb MoFo. It is painfully obvious you don't actually have any employees.
Actually I do have, and I expect shit to get done no excuses. If there wasn’t deadlines nothing would get done.
Before I was self-employed, I was The Night Manager for 3 1/2 years for a 24 hour grocery store Never used one single sick day.
And I heard every excuse in the book by people I managed… Work is a privilege not a right

And if I had a deadline today or tomorrow I would have met it, I never miss a deadline. But if you do not suck at your job you do not need every last second to meet a deadline, there should be some wiggle room.

I know all about working when sick, did it for many a year, and now I have progressed to where I do not have to. That is part of the reward for not being a one of the masses.

Before this job I was a Shift manager at a 24 hour WalMart. I treated my associast like human being and not slaves and the work got done faster and with less errors.

Being a dick for a boss is not something to brag about, but you will never grasp that as it is beyond your intelligence level.

Even in the Marines I treated my troops like humans and not maggots, and the loyalty they gave in exchange showed it was the way to do things.

But cavemen will never be able to move past the 1950s

In the marines..that's funny.

It was fun at times and could be funny as well. 20 years in the Marines.

When you spend time in the Marines you get cool things like these things...


Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.

yeah, sick days are part of political correctness? Fuck you are one dumb MoFo. It is painfully obvious you don't actually have any employees.
Actually I do have, and I expect shit to get done no excuses. If there wasn’t deadlines nothing would get done.
Before I was self-employed, I was The Night Manager for 3 1/2 years for a 24 hour grocery store Never used one single sick day.
And I heard every excuse in the book by people I managed… Work is a privilege not a right

And if I had a deadline today or tomorrow I would have met it, I never miss a deadline. But if you do not suck at your job you do not need every last second to meet a deadline, there should be some wiggle room.

I know all about working when sick, did it for many a year, and now I have progressed to where I do not have to. That is part of the reward for not being a one of the masses.

Before this job I was a Shift manager at a 24 hour WalMart. I treated my associast like human being and not slaves and the work got done faster and with less errors.

Being a dick for a boss is not something to brag about, but you will never grasp that as it is beyond your intelligence level.

Even in the Marines I treated my troops like humans and not maggots, and the loyalty they gave in exchange showed it was the way to do things.

But cavemen will never be able to move past the 1950s

In the marines..that's funny.

But I understand that a little snowflake like you wouldnt understand what it means to be a Marine. Only a small percent of the country has what it takes to claim that title.
Good lord!!
Parts of This country are so soft because of political correctness.

yeah, sick days are part of political correctness? Fuck you are one dumb MoFo. It is painfully obvious you don't actually have any employees.
Actually I do have, and I expect shit to get done no excuses. If there wasn’t deadlines nothing would get done.
Before I was self-employed, I was The Night Manager for 3 1/2 years for a 24 hour grocery store Never used one single sick day.
And I heard every excuse in the book by people I managed… Work is a privilege not a right

And if I had a deadline today or tomorrow I would have met it, I never miss a deadline. But if you do not suck at your job you do not need every last second to meet a deadline, there should be some wiggle room.

I know all about working when sick, did it for many a year, and now I have progressed to where I do not have to. That is part of the reward for not being a one of the masses.

Before this job I was a Shift manager at a 24 hour WalMart. I treated my associast like human being and not slaves and the work got done faster and with less errors.

Being a dick for a boss is not something to brag about, but you will never grasp that as it is beyond your intelligence level.

Even in the Marines I treated my troops like humans and not maggots, and the loyalty they gave in exchange showed it was the way to do things.

But cavemen will never be able to move past the 1950s

In the marines..that's funny.

Here is me the day I graduated boot camp way back in 1988.

don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025
Only if democrats keep hating the middle class....IF they are smart they will come up with 8 votes and make it permanent.

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