"Crumbs" My Foot! Got My First Paycheck Under the Trump Tax Cuts!

Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

Could Trump have bought you off for less?
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

By far the best way to pay for tax cuts is by cutting spending but like you said no politician has the courage to do that.

Paying for tax cuts but growing the economy is better than nothing and it sure as hell betas the Liberal idea of increasing taxes but the problem is that the stupid politicians will just spend the additional revenue coming in.
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.
So that is all it takes for you to sell out your Country.
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

What most Dems don't realize in their frenzied, irrational reaction to the Trump tax cuts, is that the tax-cut legislation actually created new revenue streams. It:

* Ended the ability of American companies to park money overseas to avoid paying the U.S. corporate income tax rate. It cut that rate from 35% to 21% and created a one-time special repatriation rate of 15.5%.These two provisions will bring in hundreds of billions of dollars in new revenue that the government would not otherwise be getting. (You'd think liberals would cheer these provisions, but the vast majority of liberals don't know about them because they are ignorant about the tax-cut legislation.)

* Ended the graduated scale of the corporate tax rate. Now it's a flat 21% for all companies big and small.

* Ended the ability of rich people to deduct all of their state and local taxes and mortgage interest. It caps SALT deductions at $10K, and ends the mortgage interest deduction for homes valued at over $750K. This will save the Treasury tens of billions of dollars. (Here, too, you'd think liberals would be pleased, but, suddenly, now they care about how much rich people pay in state and local taxes and in mortgage interest!)

True liberals-libertarians ,necessary government are pleased.

It's the socialist liberals who aren't. :)
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

By far the best way to pay for tax cuts is by cutting spending but like you said no politician has the courage to do that.

Paying for tax cuts but growing the economy is better than nothing and it sure as hell betas the Liberal idea of increasing taxes but the problem is that the stupid politicians will just spend the additional revenue coming in.

The Republicans are doing that.
They are doing cuts.
Why do you think the left are against the GOP's budget that they are trying to block?
The far left are the who are complaining about them.
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

By far the best way to pay for tax cuts is by cutting spending but like you said no politician has the courage to do that.

Paying for tax cuts but growing the economy is better than nothing and it sure as hell betas the Liberal idea of increasing taxes but the problem is that the stupid politicians will just spend the additional revenue coming in.

The Republicans are doing that.
They are doing cuts.
Why do you think the left are against the GOP's budget that they are trying to block?
The far left are the who are complaining about them.

The far Left complains about everything.

Every administration in my life time has increased spending and I was born when Harry Truman was President. Both parties are for big government. The Republicans are slightly better and the Democrats are always a disaster but at the end of the day nobody in government really cares about fiscal responsibility.

The Federal budget has increased with Trump. All the Republicans are doing is decreasing the rate of growth, which is always the best we can get out of them. The Democrats always increase the rate of growth.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same we would have got from the Democrats.

Trump will be better than most Presidents and is relatively doing a great job but at the end of the day we will still have a bloated corrupt oppressive welfare state.
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

By far the best way to pay for tax cuts is by cutting spending but like you said no politician has the courage to do that.

Paying for tax cuts but growing the economy is better than nothing and it sure as hell betas the Liberal idea of increasing taxes but the problem is that the stupid politicians will just spend the additional revenue coming in.

I agree, with no politician has the courage. I just think we are delaying the inevitable.
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

By far the best way to pay for tax cuts is by cutting spending but like you said no politician has the courage to do that.

Paying for tax cuts but growing the economy is better than nothing and it sure as hell betas the Liberal idea of increasing taxes but the problem is that the stupid politicians will just spend the additional revenue coming in.

The Republicans are doing that.
They are doing cuts.
Why do you think the left are against the GOP's budget that they are trying to block?
The far left are the who are complaining about them.

The far Left complains about everything.

Every administration in my life time has increased spending and I was born when Harry Truman was President. Both parties are for big government. The Republicans are slightly better and the Democrats are always a disaster but at the end of the day nobody in government really cares about fiscal responsibility.

The Federal budget has increased with Trump. All the Republicans are doing is decreasing the rate of growth, which is always the best we can get out of them. The Democrats always increase the rate of growth.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same we would have got from the Democrats.

Trump will be better than most Presidents and is relatively doing a great job but at the end of the day we will still have a bloated corrupt oppressive welfare state.

The budget bill that they are trying to pass,makes the cutbacks needed in that bloated welfare state.
It's a good start.
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

By far the best way to pay for tax cuts is by cutting spending but like you said no politician has the courage to do that.

Paying for tax cuts but growing the economy is better than nothing and it sure as hell betas the Liberal idea of increasing taxes but the problem is that the stupid politicians will just spend the additional revenue coming in.

The Republicans are doing that.
They are doing cuts.
Why do you think the left are against the GOP's budget that they are trying to block?
The far left are the who are complaining about them.

The far Left complains about everything.

Every administration in my life time has increased spending and I was born when Harry Truman was President. Both parties are for big government. The Republicans are slightly better and the Democrats are always a disaster but at the end of the day nobody in government really cares about fiscal responsibility.

The Federal budget has increased with Trump. All the Republicans are doing is decreasing the rate of growth, which is always the best we can get out of them. The Democrats always increase the rate of growth.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same we would have got from the Democrats.

Trump will be better than most Presidents and is relatively doing a great job but at the end of the day we will still have a bloated corrupt oppressive welfare state.

The budget bill that they are trying to pass,makes the cutbacks needed in that bloated welfare state.
It's a good start.

Remember the saying "show me the money"?

When I see a Federal budget that was less in one year than it was in the previous year I will believe it. However, that ain't gonna happen. They will always spend the money they have coming in and borrow more. Both parties. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats because they know how to grow the economy but we still have bloated corrupt welfare state government that both parties support.
I’m glad people are keeping more of their money. The best thing for this country long term, is to raise taxes and cut the federal budget by 25%. You won’t find one Democrat or Republican that will have the guts to even put forth a bill.

By far the best way to pay for tax cuts is by cutting spending but like you said no politician has the courage to do that.

Paying for tax cuts but growing the economy is better than nothing and it sure as hell betas the Liberal idea of increasing taxes but the problem is that the stupid politicians will just spend the additional revenue coming in.

The Republicans are doing that.
They are doing cuts.
Why do you think the left are against the GOP's budget that they are trying to block?
The far left are the who are complaining about them.

The far Left complains about everything.

Every administration in my life time has increased spending and I was born when Harry Truman was President. Both parties are for big government. The Republicans are slightly better and the Democrats are always a disaster but at the end of the day nobody in government really cares about fiscal responsibility.

The Federal budget has increased with Trump. All the Republicans are doing is decreasing the rate of growth, which is always the best we can get out of them. The Democrats always increase the rate of growth.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same we would have got from the Democrats.

Trump will be better than most Presidents and is relatively doing a great job but at the end of the day we will still have a bloated corrupt oppressive welfare state.

The budget bill that they are trying to pass,makes the cutbacks needed in that bloated welfare state.
It's a good start.

Remember the saying "show me the money"?

When I see a Federal budget that was less in one year than it was in the previous year I will believe it. However, that ain't gonna happen. They will always spend the money they have coming in and borrow more. Both parties. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats because they know how to grow the economy but we still have bloated corrupt welfare state government that both parties support.

The elitists in both parties do.
The two Sen. R's in AZ. are leaving. :)
Now we can get two that actually represents the state, rather than what they think is best.

The elitists in both parties do.
The two Sen. R's in AZ. are leaving. :)
Now we can get two that actually represents the state, rather than what they think is best.

It would be wonderful if we could replace a bunch of those filthy ass Democrats and also at the same time get rid of the RINOs and replace them with real Conservatives. Then maybe Trump could make major gains to make this country really great again. I think he knows what needs to be done.

The elitists in both parties do.
The two Sen. R's in AZ. are leaving. :)
Now we can get two that actually represents the state, rather than what they think is best.

It would be wonderful if we could replace a bunch of those filthy ass Democrats and also at the same time get rid of the RINOs and replace them with real Conservatives. Then maybe Trump could make major gains to make this country really great again. I think he knows what needs to be done.

Yes it would be wonderful.
Get us back to our constitution that gives us freedom and equality for all.
Isn't the liberal attitude here something to behold?! So now people who make between $100K and $200K are no longer part of the middle class! Wow, you just kicked out of the middle class hundreds of thousands of married/single teachers, military members, firefighters, policemen, mid-grade federal workers, mid-grade federal contractors, general contractors, many small business owners, low-level managers in the service industry, truck drivers, insurance salesmen, etc., etc.

Our liberals here probably have no clue that, for example, my kids aren't eligible for free or reduced school lunches, don't qualify for CHIP or other free children's health programs, and don't qualify for full FAFSA college grants. They also probably don't realize that I never get back all the federal and state taxes I pay, and I don't make a whole lot more than $100K.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025
So we're stuck with this for another 7 years?

each year the tax cuts get smaller and smaller till in 8 years you are paying more than you are now.

Humm, I read the tax reform bill and didn't see anything about a gradual reduction in the cuts in personal income tax rates. Perhaps you could give me a page cite or section-paragraph cite in the bill to verify this new claim of yours? I say "new claim" because no summary of the bill, even ones done by the Tax Foundation and Politifact, has mentioned any such provision--and, again, I don't recall reading about such a provision in the bill itself.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025
So we're stuck with this for another 7 years?

each year the tax cuts get smaller and smaller till in 8 years you are paying more than you are now.

Humm, I read the tax reform bill and didn't see anything about a gradual reduction in the cuts in personal income tax rates. Perhaps you could give me a page cite or section-paragraph cite in the bill to verify this new claim of yours? I say "new claim" because no summary of the bill, even ones done by the Tax Foundation and Politifact, has mentioned any such provision--and, again, I don't recall reading about such a provision in the bill itself.

I stand corrected. It was part of the original House bill but it was not part of the final. My apologies.
each year the tax cuts get smaller and smaller till in 8 years you are paying more than you are now.
and what? paying more taxes would be a bad thing? I'm interested in your opinion on that

I think until such time as we cut spending we should be taxed enough that there are no deficits.

Do that and then people would cry to the high heavens for spending cuts. I think it is shitty as all hell that we spend more and more each year but do not pay for it, instead passing it off to our kids and grandkids.

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