Crusaders Explains it all: Progressive Ideology


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Listening to Bernie Sanders, it's easy to get confused about what Progressives want out of life. Is it fairness? Equality? Justice? What?

Let me explain. Progressives want ALL of the above. They want fairness, equality and justice, it's just that their methods blow.

They seek to achieve it not helping the less fortunate, that's your job; they do not seek to achieve it by raising themselves up, that's too much like work. They seek to achieve fairness, equality and justice merely by pulling people down to their level. That's how you destroy a once vibrant Venezuelan economy in a decade, you make everyone equally miserable, well, except for the ruling class. The leaders LOVE hearing Progressives crusading for social justice, it's a ticket to become a billionaire and they're more then willing to help you get there.

So, it doesn't only look like they want to tear down success, like Amazon, Walmart and Apple, THEY LIVE TO TEAR DOWN SUCCESS. It's what they do, it's who they are.

I hope this helps.
"Progressives" are only interested in power. Everything else is just means to that end.
Progs know they are a tiny minority of thought...if they ever told the truth of what they really want for America they would never get another they only have one lie and shout and scream and march and protest...but try and get them to tell you what they want and its all over the foolish idea after another...

We have beaten them so far....don't let them off the mat.....VOTE! for sanity!!!

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