*Crushing Hamas: Liberating Gaza Of Evil*


Dec 9, 2007
Last edited:
And Hamas is in places other than Israel.
DA WHOLE UMMAH. The core crap has been ISLAM for the past
1400 years----and there is a BILLION of them. As to why the kids
"BELIEVE" ----the propaganda has been promulgated in the USA for
at least since the mid 1930s----from muslim sources. The way to creep into a society is APPEAL to the disaffected. Muslims have been playing with two very important disaffected groups for a long
time-----the imprisoned and the african americans. IT WORKED FOR THEM.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its getting to the point of no return, Israels are conquering of Evil, stepping on the head of Hamas.
2. Keep fighting, keep going, your doing good, we thank you for what your doing.
3. Please uproot all Hamas.
4. Don't stop till you get them all!

There would be no Hamas or mass massacre of Palestinians in Gaza today in 2024, if the Israelis had enforced the Torah in the land from the very beginning, requiring all non-Jews to become Shem Toshav. A legal alien or stranger, that is committed to keep the seven laws of Noah, under the authority of the Sanhedrin (rabbinical court). If Israel, would've obeyed YHWH's Torah, none of this would now be happening, and thousands of now-dead Jewish Israelis and Palestinian civilians would still be alive.

Since the Jewish Israelis, decided that they would have their "Jewish State", without enforcing the Torah, thumbing their noses at YHWH, we now see "Israel" on the brink of political, diplomatic, economic, and even military annihilation.
we now see "Israel" on the brink of political, diplomatic, economic, and even military annihilation.

That splendid news will not go down well here with our Rednecks .

But that certainly was the whole point of the Deep State False Flag and, in so doing , catch out the US cand UK, the two Israel sponsors .

From now on I suspect only clever brinkmanship might save matters from further bad repercussions , but, at minimum, the Jewish people have been taught an indelible lesson and they can ease their shame and pain by getting rid of the insane Hitler impersonator and his evil cronies as fast as possible.
One obvious and clear measure of atonement .
Democrats are not for freedom.
Why else would the LGBTqrst activists support Hamas. We all know they would be stoned to death by Hamas, or we should say Islam in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its getting to the point of no return, Israels are conquering of Evil, stepping on the head of Hamas.
2. Keep fighting, keep going, your doing good, we thank you for what your doing.
3. Please uproot all Hamas.
4. Don't stop till you get them all!

That shows absolutely no knowledge of the region or the conflict...

Hamas are a Guerilla force. Better get that... That is important...

IF you try and defeat a Guerilla force by bombing them you just end up killing a lot of innocent people. Those people don't take it that well and look for people to protect them and with a massive lack of options turn to the Guerilla force.

Added to this is regional sympathy, the Guerilla force can claim over the region that they are the only ones protecting these innocent people from the bombs of the bigger force killing them and starving them.

So instead of making Hamas weaker, you make them stronger. Hamas in Sept '23 had 32% support in West bank and 38% in Gaza... Hams is now polling 59%.... Well done, Hamas are moving to doubling their support, money and arms are pouring in from all over the ME...

Isreal has condemned themselves to another generation violence and war... The extreme right wing want this.. They want a war, they don't want peace, they have clearly stated that they don't believe Palestine should exist (which is similar to Hamas).

What should have Isreal actually done?
After Oct 7th:
Have international warrants issued for Hamas leaders involved in that War Crime. Have them arrested and tried in the Hague. Make it clear to the world these are war criminals and what Isreal has to deal with... This lets the air out of the war mongers... Quatar would be under huge pressure to hand them over or become a Pariah state...

Have elections and have Fatah win, they maybe corrupt but they want peace and support the two state solution. Fatah would root out the more extreme elements in the Gaza as they mainly do in West Bank...

Then sit down and talk about the illegal settlers... Present situation can't continue, Isreal is just invading West Bank, this is a war crime too..
Hamas are a Guerilla force. Better get that... That is important...
You could not have made a worse start .

Check up why they were created by Israel , when and by whom .And what funding and assistance they still get at the highest level .

If you think the conflict is one just between Jews and Palestinians you are sadly mistaken .Albeit that is what "they" want people to believe -- makes you all easier to play with and control .
Going after Hamas is good. However, Israel is likely shooting themselves in the foot by treating all those of Gaza as if they're militants.
Sorry bout that,

1. I've lived in Israel. 1993
2. And I know how it is there.
3. This war on evil has been brewing for years.
4. Why?
5. Arabs want it all or, none.
6. Well the Jews say, then its, (NONE).


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