Cruz: Abolish The IRS...

“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?
How does it favor the rich?

The reduce the tax burden on the rich and shift it to the poor and middle class. There's a reason why the Koch brothers and Forbes are advocating a flat tax.

And its not because it costs them more money.
It will probably cost them more money in tax bill but save them money in attorney and accountant fees.
Meanwhile 47% of taxpayers get more back from the system than they pay in. WHere is this fair in any respect?
47% don't pay income taxes, but they pay plenty of taxes, nearly all of them regressive ones, which isn't fair.
As most of you know, I support a simpler tax code 100 percent. One that has ZERO carve-outs, exemptions, deductions, credits, what-have-you.

A level playing field. People earning identical incomes should be paying identical taxes. It is insanity they currently are not. It's as bogus as it gets. One man's exemption comes out of another man's pocket. It's robbery. It's wealth redistribution. Put simply, it is socialism.

Rafael "Blind Squirrel" Cruz has found a nut I can eat.

I haven't researched Cruz lately, but if he doesn't offer a workable solution and complete replacement program, then it's just "Repeal Obamacare" Part Deux bullshit.
Cruz is an empty suit. Granted, probably Savile Row, but still empty.
Abolishing the IRS before enacting a flat tax is putting the cart before the horse, but the article clearly indicates Cruz was speaking tongue-in-cheek.

Ted Cruz has been advocating a flat tax for years. And he always says, "Abolish the IRS" whenever he talks about the flat tax because that over-simplification is a tasty morsel for his audience to consume.

When you talk about tax expenditures and broadening the base and so forth, people's eyes glaze over. Hell, every time I talk about banning tax expenditures on this forum, I get more resistance from the Right than I do the Left, because people can't do the math. They have been programmed with the idiotic meme that a tax deduction means "I get to keep more of MY money!" blah, blah, blah. They can't do the math which tells them that money comes out of someone else's pocket. It isn't their money, it is someone else's.

Banning all tax expenditures is a rock bottom Tea Party principle, but I have frequently been mistaken as some sort of commie for advocating this. :laugh:

People are stupid. So Ted Cruz tosses them a bone they can grok. "Abolish the IRS!" Rah rah rah.
spending falls as a share of income as income rises. Low-income people spend all their income or more. High-income people spend only a tiny fraction. A VAT or flat tax inevitably exempts most of the income of high-income people from tax. If it is going to raise the same amount of revenue as the current system, it must raise somebody else’s taxes. That would be low- and middle-income people..


People tend to discount Cruz. They shouldn't. He is very powerful.
He's a nutjob, who can't get elected nationally, especially after they find out about the extreme racism of his father. He is Canadian toast.

Cruz is Sarah Palin in pants. But at least he's smart enough to know not to make noises about running for POTUS, and figures he can reap the rewards without all the derision.
HE's actually nothing like SArah Palin. ANd of cours he's exploring running for president. Why wouldnt he?

Actually I do see some comparisons with Palin. they are both out for "we the people" and is taking on BIG GOVERNMENT so they stop hosing us down. that's why I would for both of them in a heartbeat

Next time Cruz hands out $1200 checks to every resident of Texas after creating a special tax on the oil companies, you let us know, OK? Sarah was a socialist before she decided it was more lucrative for her to become a conservative.

Each Alaskan got 1 200 PolitiFact
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?
It doesnt favor the rich. More lies from the left.

Why don't you post Cruz's plan here and prove it?
Oh, he doesn't HAVE one. Surprise, surprise.
I dont recall him saying he had a plan? What would be the purpose of it, given the likely veto of Obama?
People tend to discount Cruz. They shouldn't. He is very powerful.
He's a nutjob, who can't get elected nationally, especially after they find out about the extreme racism of his father. He is Canadian toast.

Cruz is Sarah Palin in pants. But at least he's smart enough to know not to make noises about running for POTUS, and figures he can reap the rewards without all the derision.
HE's actually nothing like SArah Palin. ANd of cours he's exploring running for president. Why wouldnt he?

Actually I do see some comparisons with Palin. they are both out for "we the people" and is taking on BIG GOVERNMENT so they stop hosing us down. that's why I would for both of them in a heartbeat

Though Cruz is far less confused by questions like 'what do you read' or 'what did you do today'.

Go grow up, we are tired of your all's obsession with Sarah Palin and what you heard off SNL or John Stewart. Please tell us you're not old enough to VOTE
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?
How does it favor the rich?

The reduce the tax burden on the rich and shift it to the poor and middle class. There's a reason why the Koch brothers and Forbes are advocating a flat tax.

And its not because it costs them more money.
It will probably cost them more money in tax bill but save them money in attorney and accountant fees.
Meanwhile 47% of taxpayers get more back from the system than they pay in. WHere is this fair in any respect?

With most of them being the elderly, students, and the working poor. And nothing says 'fair' like sticking it to those getting an education or having worked their entire life.
You have zero proof of your assertion so just move on, m'kay?
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
See? You are wrong. It is not as simple as the same rate for everyone. It includes "no write offs" as well.
So that being said, how do you know it will favor the rich?
If I pay 33% on my gross adjusted income....the taxes on my gross income is likely somewhere around 23%....but if the flat rate is 25% then I will be paying MORE with a flat tax....putting more burden on me and less on the poor and middle class.

The fact that you automatically say that it will favor the rich without having a clue what the flat rate will be is something you need to look into as it pertains to where you get your information from.

Look at it this way....when all was said and done with his writeoffs...the Obamas paid about 19% in federal taxes on their gross income.....if the flat tax was 25%, they will pay much more...

Got it?
so, Teddie is and idiot and its off to Palin, another idiot ..

As most of you know, I support a simpler tax code 100 percent. One that has ZERO carve-outs, exemptions, deductions, credits, what-have-you.

A level playing field. People earning identical incomes should be paying identical taxes. It is insanity they currently are not. It's as bogus as it gets. One man's exemption comes out of another man's pocket. It's robbery. It's wealth redistribution. Put simply, it is socialism.

Rafael "Blind Squirrel" Cruz has found a nut I can eat.

I haven't researched Cruz lately, but if he doesn't offer a workable solution and complete replacement program, then it's just "Repeal Obamacare" Part Deux bullshit.
Cruz is an empty suit. Granted, probably Savile Row, but still empty.
Abolishing the IRS before enacting a flat tax is putting the cart before the horse, but the article clearly indicates Cruz was speaking tongue-in-cheek.

Ted Cruz has been advocating a flat tax for years. And he always says, "Abolish the IRS" whenever he talks about the flat tax because that over-simplification is a tasty morsel for his audience to consume.

When you talk about tax expenditures and broadening the base and so forth, people's eyes glaze over. Hell, every time I talk about banning tax expenditures on this forum, I get more resistance from the Right than I do the Left, because people can't do the math. They have been programmed with the idiotic meme that a tax deduction means "I get to keep more of MY money!" blah, blah, blah. They can't do the math which tells them that money comes out of someone else's pocket. It isn't their money, it is someone else's.

Banning all tax expenditures is a rock bottom Tea Party principle, but I have frequently been mistaken as some sort of commie for advocating this. :laugh:

People are stupid. So Ted Cruz tosses them a bone they can grok. "Abolish the IRS!" Rah rah rah.
It has more substance than "Hope and Change" or "Ready for Hillary". No?
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

bingo. our citizens today are so misinformed on Politics from when I started voting 45 years ago. it really should chill us to bone they are voting for all of OUR LIVES
Our country is sorely in need of tax reform. Everyone with more than two brain cells knows it. We are heading toward a crisis point, just like the crisis point Reagan reached in 1986.

Reagan closed a lot of tax expenditures that favored the rich. But he did not close all tax expenditures. And for over a decade now, tax expenditures have been getting added back into the tax code at an average of one a day.

This is insanity.

It is time to outright ban tax expenditures. All of them.

Tinkering with the current tax structure just brings temporary relief, like Reagan's adjustments did. The politicians go right back to the same old game of putting carve-outs back into the tax code in exchange for campaign cash.

It's bullshit, and it is time for it to end.

You want REAL campaign finance reform that would actually work? Then take away the ability of a politician to grant favors to special interests. THAT is how you achieve real CHANGE.

If a politician can't grant a favor, then there is no incentive to give him campaign cash.

All this fucking love of big government is just handing politicians more gift-giving powers, which means more and more money flows to them.


Wake up, folks.
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you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

here's why you're an idiot ...

family-of-4 "A" makes $5,000 a month which translates to $2,500 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $500 left over.

family-of-4 "B" makes $10,000 a month which translates to $5,000 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $3,000 left over. All things being equal (aside from income) a flat tax has Family "A" with a tax burden 6 times that of family B

there is an example of a flat tax ... did it leave a mark ?

“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?

Favors the rich?
No it would take away the rich & corporations loopholes.
here's why you're an idiot ...

family-of-4 "A" makes $5,000 a month which translates to $2,500 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $500 left over.

family-of-4 "B" makes $10,000 a month which translates to $5,000 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $3,000 left over. All things being equal (aside from income) a flat tax has Family "A" with a tax burden 6 times that of family B

there is an example of a flat tax ... did it leave a mark ?

This is why Cruz supports the Fair Tax. Do you understand how it works?

Hint: It does not work the same way as a flat tax.
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?
How does it favor the rich?

The reduce the tax burden on the rich and shift it to the poor and middle class. There's a reason why the Koch brothers and Forbes are advocating a flat tax.

And its not because it costs them more money.
you did not answer my question.
How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?
Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Here's your answer:

Flat Tax Will Benefit Only the Rich - US News

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