Cruz: Abolish The IRS...

you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

I answered your question with my reply involving tax burden. If you want to play stupid and pretend not to understand what a tax burden is, I'll treat you as stupidly as you act.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Simply typing 'you're misinformed' doesn't actually demonstrate your claim. Nor have you ever factually established the claim.

You're playing stupid again. And I'm not implying your an idiot. I'm implying that your acting like an idiot as a form of rhetorical convenience. And if you play the role, surely you won't mind me treating you the way that you act.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, how can you claim I'm wrong? And since we're discussing Cruz's proposal, what possible relevance does your plan have with our conversation? No one has asked nor particularly gives a shit what you are 'for'. We're discussing what Cruz is for.

So demonstrate I'm wrong using Cruz's flat tax proposal. Or admit you simply don't know what you're talking about.
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?

Favors the rich?
No it would take away the rich & corporations loopholes.

aside from being unable to dispute my example of a flat tax favoring the richer, you have NO argument. Flat tax makes it easier to cheat.
spending falls as a share of income as income rises. Low-income people spend all their income or more. High-income people spend only a tiny fraction. A VAT or flat tax inevitably exempts most of the income of high-income people from tax. If it is going to raise the same amount of revenue as the current system, it must raise somebody else’s taxes. That would be low- and middle-income people..


Hey Einstein.....

A VAT tax is not a flat tax on income. It is a value added tax on consumption of goods and services.
A VAT tax IS a flat tax if implemented properly....but not a flat tax as it pertains to income.

And by the way.....the "rich" spend a shit load more than the poor on goods and to say that the rich will benefit from a VAT tax is fundamentally wrong.
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

I answered your question with my reply involving tax burden. If you want to play stupid and pretend not to understand what a tax burden is, I'll treat you as stupidly as you act.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Simply typing 'you're misinformed' doesn't actually demonstrate your claim. Nor have you ever factually established the claim.

You're playing stupid again. And I'm not implying your an idiot. I'm implying that your acting like an idiot as a form of rhetorical convenience. And if you play the role, surely you won't mind me treating you the way that you act.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, how can you claim I'm wrong? And since we're discussing Cruz's proposal, what possible relevance does your plan have with our conversation? No one has asked nor particularly gives a shit what you are 'for'. We're discussing what Cruz is for.

So demonstrate I'm wrong using Cruz's flat tax proposal. Or admit you simply don't know what you're talking about.
I did. My guess is you missed the post.....see post # 49.

I suggest you stop with the condescending attitude. You are wrong and you are looking silly.
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

here's why you're an idiot ...

family-of-4 "A" makes $5,000 a month which translates to $2,500 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $500 left over.

family-of-4 "B" makes $10,000 a month which translates to $5,000 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $3,000 left over. All things being equal (aside from income) a flat tax has Family "A" with a tax burden 6 times that of family B

there is an example of a flat tax ... did it leave a mark ?

Who is proposing a 50% flat tax rate???
It left a mark. On you. Of being an idiot.
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?

Favors the rich?
No it would take away the rich & corporations loopholes.

aside from being unable to dispute my example of a flat tax favoring the richer, you have NO argument. Flat tax makes it easier to cheat.
A flat tax is a tax based on the gross number found on ones w-2, 1099 and/or k-1. It not only makes it MORE difficult to cheat, it will force the employer (or ones own company) to lie on their return as well.
You have yet to show how it favors the rich.
Tell me how it will favor the rich.
I would be opposed to any flat tax which exempted any income such as investment income. All income should be subject to taxation. No one should receive a government handout through tax exemptions or deductions.

A flat income tax without income brackets is also unacceptable.

I am more supportive of the Fair Tax because it has rebates to offset the regressive nature of sales taxes.

And the best thing about the Fair Tax is that you can't hide a tax hike. Everyone knows instantaneously when their taxes have gone up.

I bet if you asked most people, they would not be able to tell you how much federal income tax they paid last year. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who knew the exact figure. They can tell you what their refund was, though!

This is why it is easy for the federal government to hide tax increases in the code. The Fair Tax would eliminate that scheme. But again, that would entirely depend on there being NO exemptions from the tax. Not milk, not baby food, not diapers, not yachts, not tractors, not coal.

The only people who can tell you how much federal income tax they paid last year are the ones who didn't pay any income tax at all.
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?
How does it favor the rich?

The reduce the tax burden on the rich and shift it to the poor and middle class. There's a reason why the Koch brothers and Forbes are advocating a flat tax.

And its not because it costs them more money.
you did not answer my question.
How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?
Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Here's your answer:

Flat Tax Will Benefit Only the Rich - US News
All tax reform will benefit "the rich" in some way because they are pretty much the only ones who pay tax.
Amen Brutha! Time for change.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday that Republicans should take advantage of their control of Congress to abolish the Internal Revenue Service.

“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

“The last two years have fundamentally changed the dynamics of this debate [on the tax code],” he said. “As we have seen the weaponization of the IRS, as we have seen the Obama administration using the IRS in a partisan manner to punish it’s political enemies.”

“In my view there is a powerful populist instinct to take the 110,000 employees at the IRS, to padlock the building, and to put all 110,000 of them down on our southern border.”

Cruz quickly clarified that that remark was somewhat tongue in cheek, but joked that anyone who had traveled thousands of miles to cross the border and saw thousands of IRS agents in their way would definitely turn around and go home.

He acknowledged it’s not really possible to abolish the IRS or adopt a flat tax while Obama is in office, but said Republicans should take steps in that direction by doing whatever they can to simplify the tax code and make its burden lighter and reduce the power of Washington.

Republicans will get “walloped” in 2016 if they return to business as usual while controlling Congress, he said, and urged leadership to take on a bold agenda.

Read More:
Cruz Abolish the IRS Fox News
Yeah.....:lol: That's gonna happen.
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

here's why you're an idiot ...

family-of-4 "A" makes $5,000 a month which translates to $2,500 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $500 left over.

family-of-4 "B" makes $10,000 a month which translates to $5,000 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $3,000 left over. All things being equal (aside from income) a flat tax has Family "A" with a tax burden 6 times that of family B

there is an example of a flat tax ... did it leave a mark ?

Who is proposing a 50% flat tax rate???
It left a mark. On you. Of being an idiot.
I said 25%.....Back in the 80's I was paying 25% on my 300 a week. It was tough, but I made it work. It gave me the incentive to better myself.
Last year I paid over 165K in taxes. I deemed it better to I did.
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?

Favors the rich?
No it would take away the rich & corporations loopholes.

aside from being unable to dispute my example of a flat tax favoring the richer, you have NO argument. Flat tax makes it easier to cheat.
A flat tax is a tax based on the gross number found on ones w-2, 1099 and/or k-1. It not only makes it MORE difficult to cheat, it will force the employer (or ones own company) to lie on their return as well.
You have yet to show how it favors the rich.
Tell me how it will favor the rich.
The flat taxes which have been proposed in the past have exemptions for investment income. That's a big boon to the rich.

And flat taxes are regressive. This is common knowledge. Regressive means the more money you make, the more advantageous the scheme is to you. The poor get screwed by regressive taxes.
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

here's why you're an idiot ...

family-of-4 "A" makes $5,000 a month which translates to $2,500 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $500 left over.

family-of-4 "B" makes $10,000 a month which translates to $5,000 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $3,000 left over. All things being equal (aside from income) a flat tax has Family "A" with a tax burden 6 times that of family B

there is an example of a flat tax ... did it leave a mark ?

Who is proposing a 50% flat tax rate???
It left a mark. On you. Of being an idiot.
I said 25%.....Back in the 80's I was paying 25% on my 300 a week. It was tough, but I made it work. It gave me the incentive to better myself.
Last year I paid over 165K in taxes. I deemed it better to I did.
Russia's is like 18%. I dont know the exact percentages bt no one is proposing 50%.
Amen Brutha! Time for change.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday that Republicans should take advantage of their control of Congress to abolish the Internal Revenue Service.

“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

“The last two years have fundamentally changed the dynamics of this debate [on the tax code],” he said. “As we have seen the weaponization of the IRS, as we have seen the Obama administration using the IRS in a partisan manner to punish it’s political enemies.”

“In my view there is a powerful populist instinct to take the 110,000 employees at the IRS, to padlock the building, and to put all 110,000 of them down on our southern border.”

Cruz quickly clarified that that remark was somewhat tongue in cheek, but joked that anyone who had traveled thousands of miles to cross the border and saw thousands of IRS agents in their way would definitely turn around and go home.

He acknowledged it’s not really possible to abolish the IRS or adopt a flat tax while Obama is in office, but said Republicans should take steps in that direction by doing whatever they can to simplify the tax code and make its burden lighter and reduce the power of Washington.

Republicans will get “walloped” in 2016 if they return to business as usual while controlling Congress, he said, and urged leadership to take on a bold agenda.

Read More:
Cruz Abolish the IRS Fox News
Good luck with that. Of course you'll need to have the votes to override the President's veto, which you don't of course.

Yeah, fuck Obama. We will just deem the law passed without him. He's an obstructionist
“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Gee, a conservative arguing for a flat tax that favors the rich. How did know that was coming?

Favors the rich?
No it would take away the rich & corporations loopholes.

aside from being unable to dispute my example of a flat tax favoring the richer, you have NO argument. Flat tax makes it easier to cheat.
A flat tax is a tax based on the gross number found on ones w-2, 1099 and/or k-1. It not only makes it MORE difficult to cheat, it will force the employer (or ones own company) to lie on their return as well.
You have yet to show how it favors the rich.
Tell me how it will favor the rich.
The flat taxes which have been proposed in the past have exemptions for investment income. That's a big boon to the rich.

And flat taxes are regressive. This is common knowledge. Regressive means the more money you make, the more advantageous the scheme is to you. The poor get screwed by regressive taxes.
How is a flat tax regressive? That's nuts. It is proportional. Certanlu better than progressive, which punishes success.
you did not answer my question.

Actually it does. But clearly I'm going to have to get super explicit. So...

How does it favor the rich? How does it take the burden off of the rich?

Flat tax rates reduce the quantity of money that the wealthy have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now. And increases the quantity of money that the middle class and poor have to pay in taxes each year to the federal government in comparison to what they pay now.

Is that clear enough? I'd be happy to define the words 'money', 'taxes' and 'quantity' and 'now' if you'd like.

Are you aware of what a flat tax is?

Same rate for everyone.
You know, as my post above demonstrates, you were not correct and you really were out of line to insult my intelligence with your condescending attitude.

There is nothing wrong with being you were....but there is something really embarrassing about implying someone else is an idiot when you are working with inaccurate information.

Without knowing the flat tax rate, you can not assume it will favor the rich. I am for a 25% flat rate. I NEVER paid more than 25% on my gross income....more often than not, a lot less after my write offs.

here's why you're an idiot ...

family-of-4 "A" makes $5,000 a month which translates to $2,500 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $500 left over.

family-of-4 "B" makes $10,000 a month which translates to $5,000 after taxes. They spend $500 a month on food and a remaining $1,500 on other essential bills. After taxes they have $3,000 left over. All things being equal (aside from income) a flat tax has Family "A" with a tax burden 6 times that of family B

there is an example of a flat tax ... did it leave a mark ?

Who is proposing a 50% flat tax rate???
It left a mark. On you. Of being an idiot.
Not only that....but siete does not seem to understand the basic concept of how a certain amount of income goes to expenses....but the more you make, those expenses stay the your "end income" will always be at a higher rate than your earned income in comparison.
Certain people are not qualified to debate topics such as these.
There should be no tax on income, the tax should be on consumption. A poor person would pay less and a rich person would pay more but it would take the power to punish or favor anyone out of the hands of the politicians, which is where most of the country's problems lie (with the politicians).

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