Cruz: Abolish The IRS...

When Republican say flat tax, they mean everyone should pay the same amount whether you make 50 thousand a year or 50 million.
There should be no tax on income, the tax should be on consumption. A poor person would pay less and a rich person would pay more but it would take the power to punish or favor anyone out of the hands of the politicians, which is where most of the country's problems lie (with the politicians).

I can live with that. but then who will employ all them special people working in the guberments IRS.
That's THEIR problem. Putting 100,000 IRS employees out of work would be a popular move.
Amen Brutha! Time for change.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday that Republicans should take advantage of their control of Congress to abolish the Internal Revenue Service.

“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

“The last two years have fundamentally changed the dynamics of this debate [on the tax code],” he said. “As we have seen the weaponization of the IRS, as we have seen the Obama administration using the IRS in a partisan manner to punish it’s political enemies.”

“In my view there is a powerful populist instinct to take the 110,000 employees at the IRS, to padlock the building, and to put all 110,000 of them down on our southern border.”

Cruz quickly clarified that that remark was somewhat tongue in cheek, but joked that anyone who had traveled thousands of miles to cross the border and saw thousands of IRS agents in their way would definitely turn around and go home.

He acknowledged it’s not really possible to abolish the IRS or adopt a flat tax while Obama is in office, but said Republicans should take steps in that direction by doing whatever they can to simplify the tax code and make its burden lighter and reduce the power of Washington.

Republicans will get “walloped” in 2016 if they return to business as usual while controlling Congress, he said, and urged leadership to take on a bold agenda.

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Cruz Abolish the IRS Fox News
Good luck with that. Of course you'll need to have the votes to override the President's veto, which you don't of course.

Do you think that abolishing the Internal Robbery Squad is a good idea?

Yes, the Socialist-In-Chief will veto the idea. , but that's to be expected.

I disagree with the entire concept of making individuals fund the federal government, let the states do it. This way when someone proposes to pay for snail darter research in Iowa, 49 other states will say "NFW!"

Do you know how those snail darter researches get done in DC? Horse trading. When one politician has a "get", he goes to a bunch of other politicians who have their own "gets", and they all agree to vote for each other's boondoggles. So 49 states do not say, "NFW!" to the snail darters. Because they all have their own boondoggles they want.

Your plan would not change that one whit.

To accomplish real change, you have to take away the power of snail darter funding from the federal level.
Fair Tax, poorer people spend most of their income, richer people need to spend less of their income.


I made1$ million this year. I'm good, I don't need to spend a dime.

I made 25$ K this year, I need to spend it all.
I never met a single person who went an entire year without spending any money. Unless he was in prison.

poor people have no disposable income you simpleton.
Do you think that abolishing the Internal Robbery Squad is a good idea?

Yes, the Socialist-In-Chief will veto the idea. , but that's to be expected.


There would still have to be an IRS, of course. Someone has to collect the federal revenues which pay for our military and so forth.

It would just be much smaller.
I disagree with the entire concept of making individuals fund the federal government, let the states do it. This way when someone proposes to pay for snail darter research in Iowa, 49 other states will say "NFW!"

Do you know how those snail darter researches get done in DC? Horse trading. When one politician has a "get", he goes to a bunch of other politicians who have their own "gets", and they all agree to vote for each other's boondoggles. So 49 states do not say, "NFW!" to the snail darters. Because they all have their own boondoggles they want.

Your plan would not change that one whit.

To accomplish real change, you have to take away the power of snail darter funding from the federal level.

Currently, the states aren't paying for anything. When they have to pay their proportional share, then they will start caring and saying NFW
Fair Tax, poorer people spend most of their income, richer people need to spend less of their income.


I made1$ million this year. I'm good, I don't need to spend a dime.

I made 25$ K this year, I need to spend it all.
I never met a single person who went an entire year without spending any money. Unless he was in prison.

poor people have no disposable income you simpleton.
So what? Do you even understand what you're talking about?
And of course poor people have disposable income. What do you consider new sneakers and big screen TVs?
There is no "Cruz proposal" other than eliminating the IRS. There is no plan he proposed in detail. How did you miss that?

There's a tad more to Cruz's proposal, which reading the OP rather than just the thread title would clue you into:

“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Post 1
Cruz Abolish The IRS... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Notice that 'flatter, simpler, fairer' part? If you want to watch it, its right here at around the 26 or 27 minute mark:

Senator Ted Cruz R-TX Remarks Conservative Video

Oh, and if you want details, here's the tax bill that Cruz co-sponsored on exactly this issue:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

Any tax reform will prbably benefit high income earners because they pay over 100% of income taxes. Who else is going to benefit?

100% tax rates, huh? Who are these people?
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Every citizen in the country should get behind this, I don't care if you're left, right, sideways or upside down.

We need to start CUTTING this over bloated Government down to size, they are becoming so big they now believe they are, OUR MASTERS.

and when they are done with the IRS, they can go after the EPA, NEA, etc etc or at least start putting a LEASH on them

So what is your solution for collecting taxes if you abolish the IRS?

How about a simple sales tax with no tax on food. That way you have your fast-food employee making $8/hr who can go to the grocery store and pay his taxes in proportion to his income and when Larry Ellison gets the itch for his next America's Cup yacht racer, he will pay more in taxes than the fast food worker can make in a lifetime at McDonald's.
Make sense?

Problem is Larry Ellison may get bored and stop buying yachts. There's only so many Masserati's and haircuts Larry Ellison can buy.
sales tax with no tax on food, gas, utilities, or homes (including rental).
Every citizen in the country should get behind this, I don't care if you're left, right, sideways or upside down.

We need to start CUTTING this over bloated Government down to size, they are becoming so big they now believe they are, OUR MASTERS.

and when they are done with the IRS, they can go after the EPA, NEA, etc etc or at least start putting a LEASH on them

So what is your solution for collecting taxes if you abolish the IRS?

How about a simple sales tax with no tax on food. That way you have your fast-food employee making $8/hr who can go to the grocery store and pay his taxes in proportion to his income and when Larry Ellison gets the itch for his next America's Cup yacht racer, he will pay more in taxes than the fast food worker can make in a lifetime at McDonald's.
Make sense?

Problem is Larry Ellison may get bored and stop buying yachts. There's only so many Masserati's and haircuts Larry Ellison can buy.

The Fair Tax Act is the ticket. No one pays taxes on what they make up to the poverty line, so no one is taxed on survival. 23% tax on all new goods and services. And yes, that includes food. Everyone receives a refund of 23% of whatever the poverty line is.
'With great power comes great responsibility'

CA has 10% of the electoral college, they should fund 10% of the federal government
Every citizen in the country should get behind this, I don't care if you're left, right, sideways or upside down.

We need to start CUTTING this over bloated Government down to size, they are becoming so big they now believe they are, OUR MASTERS.

and when they are done with the IRS, they can go after the EPA, NEA, etc etc or at least start putting a LEASH on them

So what is your solution for collecting taxes if you abolish the IRS?

How about a simple sales tax with no tax on food. That way you have your fast-food employee making $8/hr who can go to the grocery store and pay his taxes in proportion to his income and when Larry Ellison gets the itch for his next America's Cup yacht racer, he will pay more in taxes than the fast food worker can make in a lifetime at McDonald's.
Make sense?

Problem is Larry Ellison may get bored and stop buying yachts. There's only so many Masserati's and haircuts Larry Ellison can buy.

The Fair Tax Act is the ticket. No one pays taxes on what they make up to the poverty line, so no one is taxed on survival. 23% tax on all new goods and services. And yes, that includes food. Everyone receives a refund of 23% of whatever the poverty line is.

So we'd have to report *every* fucking purchase to the government throughout the year in order to get our refund?
so at the end of the day, the entire country wants to live like big shots ... they just don't want to pay for it.

no taxes, no problem.
There should be no tax on income, the tax should be on consumption. A poor person would pay less and a rich person would pay more but it would take the power to punish or favor anyone out of the hands of the politicians, which is where most of the country's problems lie (with the politicians).

I can live with that. but then who will employ all them special people working in the guberments IRS.
That's THEIR problem. Putting 100,000 IRS employees out of work would be a popular move.

Believe me, I wouldn't have a problem with it. We have way to many Fedreal (I'm not talking about the State governments I have no problems paying for those if I live there) government agencies to pay for and that includes the people employed for them
There is no "Cruz proposal" other than eliminating the IRS. There is no plan he proposed in detail. How did you miss that?

There's a tad more to Cruz's proposal, which reading the OP rather than just the thread title would clue you into:

“We need to pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, flatter, fairer,” he said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2015 conservative policy summit. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

Post 1
Cruz Abolish The IRS... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Notice that 'flatter, simpler, fairer' part? If you want to watch it, its right here at around the 26 or 27 minute mark:

Senator Ted Cruz R-TX Remarks Conservative Video

Oh, and if you want details, here's the tax bill that Cruz co-sponsored on exactly this issue:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

Any tax reform will prbably benefit high income earners because they pay over 100% of income taxes. Who else is going to benefit?

100% tax rates, huh? Who are these people?
So he wants a flatter fairer tax. And 2 years ago he sponsored a bill. ANd you think that constitutes a concrete proposal? SMH.

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