Cruz: All of America Needs to be a Real "Promise Zone"


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I'm liking Cruz more and more


January 9, 2014


(202) 228-7561

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the follow statement regarding President Obama's "Promise Zones" announcement:

"It's altogether fitting that President Obama is today talking about income inequality because income inequality has increased dramatically as a direct result of his economic policies. Out-of-control government spending, debt, taxes, and regulations have killed millions of jobs. Unfortunately, rather than stop Washington's job-killing policies, President Obama proposes yet more government spending and debt. People need jobs. All of America needs to be a real 'Promise Zone'--with reduced barriers to small businesses creating private-sector jobs--and we should start by repealing every word of Obamacare, building the Keystone pipeline, abolishing the IRS, and rolling back abusive regulations.”

Cruz: All of America Needs to be a Real "Promise Zone" | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas

this is what he was responding too about "promise zones"
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"repealing every word of Obamacare, building the Keystone pipeline, abolishing the IRS, and rolling back abusive regulations"

I'll vote for that.
Yep, the promise land through killing science, slicing infrastructure funding and fucking over tens of millions of America.

Real promise land.

Time to look at China, south Korea and Germany for a fucking clue.
[ame=]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]

this is who caused this mess
At least Bush spent on infrastructure, science(outside of green) and r@d. ;) Did some stupid stuff within some areas, truthmatters. But is a hell of a lot better then what cruz would be.
I agree with some of what Cruz said. Too bad there's no politician in Washington who will do it. Go ahead and vote republican, they'll add just as much to the debt/deficit as democrats.

This was all fluff, and no substance.
I agree with some of what Cruz said. Too bad there's no politician in Washington who will do it. Go ahead and vote republican, they'll add just as much to the debt/deficit as democrats.

This was all fluff, and no substance.

Cutting everything to the bone is a recipe for failure as a first rate nation. We need a plan and to refocus on efficacy...

Cutting and gutting is the dumbing thing this nation has ever done.
So Obama wants to give "tax breaks" to select places in the US to "stimulate economic growth."

Oh wait.....I thought he said before that tax breaks don't stimulate the economy....
I agree with some of what Cruz said. Too bad there's no politician in Washington who will do it. Go ahead and vote republican, they'll add just as much to the debt/deficit as democrats.

This was all fluff, and no substance.

Cutting everything to the bone is a recipe for failure as a first rate nation. We need a plan and to refocus on efficacy...

Cutting and gutting is the dumbing thing this nation has ever done.

Depends on where you cut and how you cut it.
Yep, the promise land through killing science, slicing infrastructure funding and fucking over tens of millions of America.

Real promise land.

Time to look at China, south Korea and Germany for a fucking clue.

Matthew I'm really not kidding. Are you on drugs? Not even good drugs because I used to be a stoner.

I know good drugs.

You just keep repeating the same shit over and over and over.
Fanfuckin'tastic! A pathological liar is bringing us promise zones!

If you want economic freedom zones you can have them. Period.

That promise zone failed due to a youtube video.

The promise zone acted stupidly.
Even if I was on drugs I'd make more sense then the cut to the bone conservative you people are.

Look at countries that are successful. They're aren't cutting.
Obama..."Um, uh, um...well since I uh and I fucked up uh the economy. I am uh going to uh create these 'promise uh zones' with tax breaks I have trashed uh in the past."

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