Cruz and Rubio have differing opinions on THE DONALD!

To whom was Trump referring?
The Illegal CRIMINAL ELEMENT crossing the border with impunity. The Very same element our government does ZERO about.
The Obama administration deported a record 438,421 unauthorized immigrants in fiscal year 2013, continuing a streak of stepped up enforcement that has resulted in more than 2 million deportations since Obama took office, newly released Department of Homeland Security data show.
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013 Pew Research Center
This is 2015, you insufferable twit. Even failed to answer the feckin question.
You should lay off the scotch this time of day...
Rubio is a clone of Romney...who is a clone of McCant...who is a clone of W...who is a clone of Dole....who is a clone of Pappy Bush...who is a clone of Ford......and on and on....

If only the establishment Rs would just out themselves and join the D Party.
Sounds like Rubio wants a shot at winning the general election. Of course, he just blew his chance of getting the Republican nomination. Now THAT'S irony!!! :laugh2:
Go Cruz

This little snake politicians won't even criticize Obama/Democrats for the thuggish crap they spew about them, but will dump on someone in their own party

they can forget my vote
Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.
Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It - Breitbart

He's DEAD to my eyes!
Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It - Breitbart

He's DEAD to my eyes!
He never had a chance regardless. I'd ask why you little shits can't pick a nice normal person but that's pointless since you'd have to be nice normal people first when you are nothing like that.
Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It - Breitbart

He's DEAD to my eyes!
Agreed. But I am willing to bet most of the Rs running for POTUS did much the same.

Time to leave the R part entirely. Fuck them!!!
Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It - Breitbart

He's DEAD to my eyes!
Agreed. But I am willing to bet most of the Rs running for POTUS did much the same.

Time to leave the R part entirely. Fuck them!!!
The Dems appreciate your support in doing so...
lets SEE, three weeks ago they were using black people, last week homosexuals, THIS week Latinios/illegal immigrants. who would want to belong in a party where they don't see you AS INDIVIDUALS ? They see you only AS A GROUP to be USED by them for their snake/dirty politics? How low down and offending
Go Cruz

This little snake politicians won't even criticize Obama/Democrats for the thuggish crap they spew about them, but will dump on someone in their own party

they can forget my vote
That is how the cookie crumbles.......they won't start attacking the dems until next year....
lets SEE, three weeks ago they were using black people, last week homosexuals, THIS week Latinios/illegal immigrants. who would want to be a party where they don't see you AS INDIVIDUALS ? A HUMAN being only to be USED by them for the snake politics? how they aren't offended by it beats the hell out of me
The GOP members insult them better....
Trump won't hurt the GOP. We are a diverse group and the candidates that have a chance are people like rubio, kasich, bush and Paul all whome Latinos like.
Whome(?) Gracie? And WHOM cares what LATINOS like and/or dislike? Are they NOT humans as YOU? Me? Y classify by RACE? what is wrong with some of you people? YOU still don't get it, do you? DROP the classifications and TREAT PEOPLE as INDIVIDUALS. This classification shit is just that...SHIT. WE ALL occupy the same fucking rock in space in time. ENOUGH!

^^Home schooled?^^

I LOVE Donald Trump. I just wish he could get $arah Palin as his running mate. Or maybe Lil Glenny (Baby Huey) Beck.

If Trump isn't the nominee, and he won't be, I hope the rabid RWs mount a grass roots drive to write him in.

You guys get to work on that, wouldja?

Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It - Breitbart

He's DEAD to my eyes!
Agreed. But I am willing to bet most of the Rs running for POTUS did much the same.

Time to leave the R part entirely. Fuck them!!!
The Dems appreciate your support in doing so...
You and your kind are so distorted you can't see that the establishment Rs are just like your Ds....but you being you, hate the establishment Rs.

Distorted is a nice word....for you because I am trying not to get too crazy.
Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It - Breitbart

He's DEAD to my eyes!
Agreed. But I am willing to bet most of the Rs running for POTUS did much the same.

Time to leave the R part entirely. Fuck them!!!
The Dems appreciate your support in doing so...
You and your kind are so distorted you can't see that the establishment Rs are just like your Ds....but you being you, hate the establishment Rs.

Distorted is a nice word....for you because I am trying not to get too crazy.

YEP, that's a die hard subject/SLAVE of a PARTY
Anyone ever hear of Reagan's 11th commandment?

Ted Cruz defends Donald Trump, slams 'Washington cartel' on immigration

Politico ^

Sen. Ted Cruz defended Donald Trump on immigration and called out the Washington cartel he says is ignoring the issue, in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC's Meet the Depressed salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration, Cruz said of his rival for the 2016 GOP nomination, adding that it seems the favorite sport of the Washington media is to encourage some Republicans to attack other Republicans. Im not interested in Republican on Republican violence, he told host Chuck Todd, adding that bold & brash Trump has a colorful way of speaking.The Texas senators.....


Breitbart ^

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% released a statement Friday night attacking rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a statement made during his campaign announcement speech 16 days ago. Rubio’s statement reads: Trump’s comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive. Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our...


I thought it would take longer for Rubio to be assimilated into the establishment, damn shame.

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It - Breitbart

He's DEAD to my eyes!
Agreed. But I am willing to bet most of the Rs running for POTUS did much the same.

Time to leave the R part entirely. Fuck them!!!
The Dems appreciate your support in doing so...
You and your kind are so distorted you can't see that the establishment Rs are just like your Ds....but you being you, hate the establishment Rs.

Distorted is a nice word....for you because I am trying not to get too crazy.
I prefer my bastards to theirs, and you vote for people who can't get elected dog catcher.

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