Cruz is panicking

When I heard about it I thought, I'll bet he knows Trump was going to pick a woman because he needs help in that department, so he'll pick one first to make Trump look like a copy cat if he does.
good thing he didn't make Justin Trudeau VP then threaten to commit suicide!

Ted Cruz is panicking
Colludes with Kasich
Next day cannot remember what a basketball hoop (rim) is called
Next Day names Fiorina as VP (What about the Kasich partnership)
I can hardly wait until tomorrow
While I think Trump wrapped everything up last night, for the life of me I don't see how naming Carly Fiorina as his Vice President is a sign of "panic". If anything, it sounds to me like you are panicking. Sounds like you are deathly afraid of Ted Cruz.
Cruz’s is a desperate, pathetic, bizarre, Palinesque attempt to attract attention and regain ‘momentum’ – it’s as ridiculous as it is moronic.

No one is 'afraid' of Cruz.
Ted Cruz is panicking
Colludes with Kasich
Next day cannot remember what a basketball hoop (rim) is called
Next Day names Fiorina as VP (What about the Kasich partnership)
I can hardly wait until tomorrow
While I think Trump wrapped everything up last night, for the life of me I don't see how naming Carly Fiorina as his Vice President is a sign of "panic". If anything, it sounds to me like you are panicking. Sounds like you are deathly afraid of Ted Cruz.
Cruz’s is a desperate, pathetic, bizarre, Palinesque attempt to attract attention and regain ‘momentum’ – it’s as ridiculous as it is moronic.

No one is 'afraid' of Cruz.

Then why are the trumpets covering this board with threads on Cruz and Carly? Seems to me if Trump had it wrapped up they wouldn't care.
Ted Cruz is panicking
Colludes with Kasich
Next day cannot remember what a basketball hoop (rim) is called
Next Day names Fiorina as VP (What about the Kasich partnership)
I can hardly wait until tomorrow

Yep that phony Texan all hat no cattle smirch cockle fart did this just for attention. Had to get in the news somehow and can't do it without cheap political stunts.

Punt that ass wizzle out the door.

Trump 2016
Oh the irony. For one, you show a tremendous amount of class with your language. Roughly the same amount your average immature 12 year old would show.

Second, the only person on either side of the aisle that did anything for "attention" was Donald Trump. The reality show clown ran simply to get more publicity for his shows and his business. He never intended to win and now the word is he's panicking as he has no idea what to do moving forward. How is going to to run his company and run the country at the same time? What's he going to do with his pitiful reality tv shows?

People wonder how this guy could even remotely be taken seriously as a candidate. Then we see posts like yours and we realize that the world is full of exceptionally uneducated, classless buffoons who wouldn't know policy from polish sausage. Suck back some more beers, hoot like a red-neck, and scream "Trump 2016" (as if you even know what that really means).
Ted Cruz is panicking
Colludes with Kasich
Next day cannot remember what a basketball hoop (rim) is called
Next Day names Fiorina as VP (What about the Kasich partnership)
I can hardly wait until tomorrow
While I think Trump wrapped everything up last night, for the life of me I don't see how naming Carly Fiorina as his Vice President is a sign of "panic". If anything, it sounds to me like you are panicking. Sounds like you are deathly afraid of Ted Cruz.
Cruz’s is a desperate, pathetic, bizarre, Palinesque attempt to attract attention and regain ‘momentum’ – it’s as ridiculous as it is moronic.

No one is 'afraid' of Cruz.
The OP clearly is. Based on your post, I'd say you are too. If you weren't afraid of him, you wouldn't comment on him. For instance, you're not commenting on Dr. Ben Carson because you're not afraid of him. But you're clearly scared stupid of both Cruz and Trump. Guarantee you're crying at least a few times per day hoping that Kasich wins it.
Ted Cruz is panicking
Colludes with Kasich
Next day cannot remember what a basketball hoop (rim) is called
Next Day names Fiorina as VP (What about the Kasich partnership)
I can hardly wait until tomorrow
While I think Trump wrapped everything up last night, for the life of me I don't see how naming Carly Fiorina as his Vice President is a sign of "panic". If anything, it sounds to me like you are panicking. Sounds like you are deathly afraid of Ted Cruz.
Cruz’s is a desperate, pathetic, bizarre, Palinesque attempt to attract attention and regain ‘momentum’ – it’s as ridiculous as it is moronic.

No one is 'afraid' of Cruz.

Then why are the trumpets covering this board with threads on Cruz and Carly? Seems to me if Trump had it wrapped up they wouldn't care.

just havin fun and passin the time until Wonderful Donald becomes EMPEROR OF THE UNITED STATES.

so, fellow trumpets, tell me......

since when does a Loser need a Vice Loser???
folks from Brooklyn and Queens curse the most and they're the most sophisticated folks.

stop gettin butthurt.
When you've just been mathematically eliminated but pick a VP anyway, is it really a running mate? More like a walking mate. A limping mate.

So I guess Ugly Carly can check, "Join a failed ticket to get my ass kicked," off her bucket list.
Sleepy Ben slept through his whole campaign and polled higher than Ugly Carly. Great choice Lyin Ted! Great choice!

When you've just been mathematically eliminated but pick a VP anyway, is it really a running mate? More like a walking mate. A limping mate.

So I guess Ugly Carly can check, "Join a failed ticket to get my ass kicked," off her bucket list.

You do realize when no one reaches the magic number they have a second ballot right?
he has no choice,,,he needs a female woman to take out Hillary (whatever gender she is)

Worked so well for McCain...
if only Palin had a wardrobe malfunction where he pants came off and she forgot to wear panties,,,,then we would of had a president McCain

Calling bull shit. Palin has been to many years ravaged by gravity even back then. No desire ever to see her naked.

Probably has scares from falling around during one of her families drunken parties also. Hey! Maybe that is how her daughter got knocked up.....TWICE?

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