Cruz Needs Public Speaking Lessons?

I have to say that the way Ted Cruz speaks is really beginning to grate on me. He has this systematic way of speaking that he NEVER deviates from when he's doing his stump speech or any other speech for that matter.

It goes something like this:

I'm the son of immigrants *stupid chuckle* *pause* We will stand unapologetically with Israel!! *stupid chuckle* pause* On day one I will rip to shreds the Iran deal *stupid chuckle* *pause* Now let me tell you folks *stupid chuckle* *pause* When I'm president of the United States I will repeal and replace Obama Care *stupid chuckle* *pause* You know when my dad came to the US *stupid chuckle* *pause* he had $100 in his pocket *stupid chuckle* *pause*

He continues this stream of a few words followed by this dumb chuckle and a pause throughout his entire speech. Never deviates. It's gotten so bad for me that I cannot handle listening to him anymore.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

I noticed. had to stop listening to him a while back.
PLUS his voice is a wee nasal and whiny sounding. Then there was that particular video I can't look at anymore. *shudder*
While we are on the topic of public speaking, let me give some advice to Hillary

You are a woman, stop trying to shout oratory like a deep voiced man. It does not work. Recognize the range of your own voice...when you raise it, you sound shrill

Take advantage of being a woman and speak in calm relaxed tones
Maybe her voice will lower during advanced stages of her throat cancer.

Are you wishing cancer on someone?
While we are on the topic of public speaking, let me give some advice to Hillary

You are a woman, stop trying to shout oratory like a deep voiced man. It does not work. Recognize the range of your own voice...when you raise it, you sound shrill

Take advantage of being a woman and speak in calm relaxed tones
Maybe her voice will lower during advanced stages of her throat cancer.

Are you wishing cancer on someone?
She already has it. Besides, she deserves it. She has broken a few commandments.
I have to say that the way Ted Cruz speaks is really beginning to grate on me. He has this systematic way of speaking that he NEVER deviates from when he's doing his stump speech or any other speech for that matter.

It goes something like this:

I'm the son of immigrants *stupid chuckle* *pause* We will stand unapologetically with Israel!! *stupid chuckle* pause* On day one I will rip to shreds the Iran deal *stupid chuckle* *pause* Now let me tell you folks *stupid chuckle* *pause* When I'm president of the United States I will repeal and replace Obama Care *stupid chuckle* *pause* You know when my dad came to the US *stupid chuckle* *pause* he had $100 in his pocket *stupid chuckle* *pause*

He continues this stream of a few words followed by this dumb chuckle and a pause throughout his entire speech. Never deviates. It's gotten so bad for me that I cannot handle listening to him anymore.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

Two possibilities:

1. When he is addressing the crowd he could be imagining them to be naked. Now I know you will think I am being my typical sarcastic flaming self but the reality is some use this trick to help them in public speaking.

2. He is doing it while thinking about how stupid those voting for him have to be seeing he was born in Canada... ( Alright, I will admit number two is me being me )
While we are on the topic of public speaking, let me give some advice to Hillary

You are a woman, stop trying to shout oratory like a deep voiced man. It does not work. Recognize the range of your own voice...when you raise it, you sound shrill

Take advantage of being a woman and speak in calm relaxed tones
Maybe her voice will lower during advanced stages of her throat cancer.

Are you wishing cancer on someone?
She already has it. Besides, she deserves it. She has broken a few commandments.

Are you really that level of lowlife scum ?
While we are on the topic of public speaking, let me give some advice to Hillary

You are a woman, stop trying to shout oratory like a deep voiced man. It does not work. Recognize the range of your own voice...when you raise it, you sound shrill

Take advantage of being a woman and speak in calm relaxed tones
Maybe her voice will lower during advanced stages of her throat cancer.

Are you wishing cancer on someone?
She already has it. Besides, she deserves it. She has broken a few commandments.

Are you really that level of lowlife scum ?
Not half as low as a Progressive Liberal pukes.
While we are on the topic of public speaking, let me give some advice to Hillary

You are a woman, stop trying to shout oratory like a deep voiced man. It does not work. Recognize the range of your own voice...when you raise it, you sound shrill

Take advantage of being a woman and speak in calm relaxed tones
Maybe her voice will lower during advanced stages of her throat cancer.

Are you wishing cancer on someone?
She already has it. Besides, she deserves it. She has broken a few commandments.

Are you really that level of lowlife scum ?
Not half as low as a Progressive Liberal pukes.

I keep forgetting I am speaking with conservatives on this board. Their political spectrum involves...."Conservatives GOOD, Liberals BAD" Liberals must die
Maybe her voice will lower during advanced stages of her throat cancer.

Are you wishing cancer on someone?
She already has it. Besides, she deserves it. She has broken a few commandments.

Are you really that level of lowlife scum ?
Not half as low as a Progressive Liberal pukes.

I keep forgetting I am speaking with conservatives on this board. Their political spectrum involves...."Conservatives GOOD, Liberals BAD" Liberals must die
By Jove, you've finally seen the light.
I have to say that the way Ted Cruz speaks is really beginning to grate on me. He has this systematic way of speaking that he NEVER deviates from when he's doing his stump speech or any other speech for that matter.

It goes something like this:

I'm the son of immigrants *stupid chuckle* *pause* We will stand unapologetically with Israel!! *stupid chuckle* pause* On day one I will rip to shreds the Iran deal *stupid chuckle* *pause* Now let me tell you folks *stupid chuckle* *pause* When I'm president of the United States I will repeal and replace Obama Care *stupid chuckle* *pause* You know when my dad came to the US *stupid chuckle* *pause* he had $100 in his pocket *stupid chuckle* *pause*

He continues this stream of a few words followed by this dumb chuckle and a pause throughout his entire speech. Never deviates. It's gotten so bad for me that I cannot handle listening to him anymore.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

Two possibilities:

1. When he is addressing the crowd he could be imagining them to be naked. Now I know you will think I am being my typical sarcastic flaming self but the reality is some use this trick to help them in public speaking.

2. He is doing it while thinking about how stupid those voting for him have to be seeing he was born in Canada... ( Alright, I will admit number two is me being me )

I tried the imagine everyone naked...couldn't do it, it always came back as me naked and my brain went blank with a red face.. I could never do what these people are doing..

He can sound like Donald Duck for all I care. Just as long as he is not Hitlary or Trump I am cool.

He does sound a bit like Elmer Gantry, it is true. But he is not a thief like Hillary or Trump.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wonder if Gawker scans the forums. Too funny!! Here's my OP come to life


I bet he does in his down time on the airplane..or with his milk and cookies before bed..while his wife reads him Green Eggs and Ham...


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