Cruz "Not Expected" To Endorse Trump

Cruz is an asshole like Trump - but at least Cruz had enough balls to not endorse Trump. However, I doubt balls had anything to do with it - Cruz was just pissed about the comments Trump made against his wife and father.
No, much more than that. Even more than HRC, Cruz is the most political animal in the election forest. He wants Trump down and defeated, so he can run in 2020.

Next to Trump - Cruz has to be the most hated man in politics. I can't imagine that he's dumb enough to think he has any chance of becoming president in the future. Crazy Cruz thought he was going steamroll his psycho ass into the White House with all his bizarre political stunts - but they backfired. People won't forget all the green eggs and ham shit and his obstruction of important legislation.
Cruz is an asshole like Trump - but at least Cruz had enough balls to not endorse Trump. However, I doubt balls had anything to do with it - Cruz was just pissed about the comments Trump made against his wife and father.
No, much more than that. Even more than HRC, Cruz is the most political animal in the election forest. He wants Trump down and defeated, so he can run in 2020.

Next to Trump - Cruz has to be the most hated man in politics. I can't imagine that he's dumb enough to think he has any chance of becoming president in the future. Crazy Cruz thought he was going steamroll his psycho ass into the White House with all his bizarre political stunts - but they backfired. People won't forget all the green eggs and ham shit and his obstruction of important legislation.
Cruz has four years to re-create himself and slide some toward the center. If he milds down his rhetoric, yeah, he has a chance. He will have to pacify the GOP senate. Solid campaign money raised and donated by him would help tremendously. That is exactly with Richard Nixon did in 1963 to 1967.
Cruz is an asshole like Trump - but at least Cruz had enough balls to not endorse Trump. However, I doubt balls had anything to do with it - Cruz was just pissed about the comments Trump made against his wife and father.
No, much more than that. Even more than HRC, Cruz is the most political animal in the election forest. He wants Trump down and defeated, so he can run in 2020.

Next to Trump - Cruz has to be the most hated man in politics. I can't imagine that he's dumb enough to think he has any chance of becoming president in the future. Crazy Cruz thought he was going steamroll his psycho ass into the White House with all his bizarre political stunts - but they backfired. People won't forget all the green eggs and ham shit and his obstruction of important legislation.
Cruz has four years to re-create himself and slide some toward the center. If he milds down his rhetoric, yeah, he has a chance. He will have to pacify the GOP senate. Solid campaign money raised and donated by him would help tremendously. That is exactly with Richard Nixon did in 1963 to 1967.

I don't recall Nixon ever being as bizarre as Cruz. I even voted for Tricky Dick.
Cruz is an asshole like Trump - but at least Cruz had enough balls to not endorse Trump. However, I doubt balls had anything to do with it - Cruz was just pissed about the comments Trump made against his wife and father.
No, much more than that. Even more than HRC, Cruz is the most political animal in the election forest. He wants Trump down and defeated, so he can run in 2020.

Next to Trump - Cruz has to be the most hated man in politics. I can't imagine that he's dumb enough to think he has any chance of becoming president in the future. Crazy Cruz thought he was going steamroll his psycho ass into the White House with all his bizarre political stunts - but they backfired. People won't forget all the green eggs and ham shit and his obstruction of important legislation.
The pseudo-cons have whined for eight years that the reason they keep losing elections is because the GOP doesn't put up a conservative enough candidate.

This go-round, they rejected several conservatives and revealed what they really wanted was a bigot.

Ted Cruz is the most conservative of all the candidates. If and when Trump loses, Cruz will be in pole position for the next election.

Last night was Cruz's 2020 acceptance speech.
MSNBC is now reporting that the Trump campaign knew exactly what Cruz was going to say last night - that they even saw his speech.

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