Cruz, Rubio Have Lied About their Fathers' Cuban History


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013

CLARIFICATION: On some occasions since 2005, Ted Cruz has publicly mentioned the date of his father’s departure from Cuba and even the fact he fought on the same side as Fidel Castro. However, in the past two months, the newspaper found no instances in which he offered audiences any clues that his father was a pre-Castro exile.

But what the stumping GOP Senate candidate hadn’t clarified, until asked by The Dallas Morning News this week, was that his father departed for the U.S. in 1957, more than a year before Fidel Castro came to power.

Cruz hasn’t incorrectly described when his father fled from Cuba, as has U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. According to the Washington Post, Rubio said on three occasions since 2006 and on his official Senate website that his parents came to the U.S. after Castro’s forces overthrew Batista in January 1959. They actually arrived here in May 1956, the Post said.

Ted Cruz says he hasn?t misled about his father?s exodus from Cuba | Trail Blazers Blog
Both these liars have characterized their Fathers as persecuted and suffering under Castro.

Neither Father ever lived under Castro.

Both Fathers fled the Country while the Fascist Battista was still in power, with other Battisti exiles.

This one has a long, long tail ...

Castro didn't just spring forth fully formed one day. He started long before the day he actually took power. He started his revolution when he was still going to school in New York.

The liberal fanatics are really digging for anything they can portray as "wrong" on these two.

Interesting. I wonder what they are so afraid of?
Both their fathers worked for the Right Wing Fascist killer Fulgencio Battista.

As did most of the exiles who flooded Miami after Castro kicked the bastard out of Cuba.

This is a story that will be told as necessity requires.


The liberal fanatics are really digging for anything they can portray as "wrong" on these two.

Interesting. I wonder what they are so afraid of?

We're afraid Cruz and Rubio will be thrown in the trash by the RNC before we can tell their real story ....


The liberal fanatics are really digging for anything they can portray as "wrong" on these two.

Interesting. I wonder what they are so afraid of?

Can't imagine, maybe Donnie Trump and Darrell Issa could help answer that ...

But what the stumping GOP Senate candidate hadn’t clarified, until asked by The Dallas Morning News this week, was that his father departed for the U.S. in 1957, more than a year before Fidel Castro came to power.

.... and set up a money laundering operation of the Battista regime ...

People are so used to democrat's lying that it no longer matters what they say. Even if it's true, it will be assume to be another lie.
Both their fathers worked for the Right Wing Fascist killer Fulgencio Battista.

As did most of the exiles who flooded Miami after Castro kicked the bastard out of Cuba.

This is a story that will be told as necessity requires.

:) that's the problem..... you lefties are mad they didn't support the 'esteemed' Communist killer Fidel Castro......the facist dictator you lefties fawn over...:rolleyes:
How ALL communists should end up....


And no, Virginia. I'm not kidding.

I actually had a T-Shirt up made with that pic on the front and the usual 'Che' in scripted red on the front.

Should have seen the looks I got in New Yawk Shitty.

Funny as hell.
alright, left winger birthers with a TWIST..

funny how they can dig all this up eh?

a long long time ago Democrats used to abide FAMILY was off it's even their down syndrome babies and their pets, horses..all is fair game in their dirty politics to win..
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Cruz and Rubio have carefully crafted their rhetoric to give the rubes the impression their fathers fled Castro's persecution. Cruz has been more artful than Rubio, but they both deliberately misled their sheep to gain street cred.

Cruz hasn't even been a Senator for 9 months and yet no one is harping about his inexperience even though Obama's government inexperience has caused him to fall on his face mulitple times.
Cruz and Rubio have carefully crafted their rhetoric to give the rubes the impression their fathers fled Castro's persecution. Cruz has been more artful than Rubio, but they both deliberately misled their sheep to gain street cred.

Cruz hasn't even been a Senator for 9 months and yet no one is harping about his inexperience even though Obama's government inexperience has caused him to fall on his face mulitple times.

no comparison, Cruz isn't running for President...Obama should of took the time to at least finish ONE TERM in congress..His fall on his face is all his own doing...

Who cares what his father did. Find something that HE did or you have nothing at all. I could care less about his family, it is immaterial to the way he governs.

Who cares what his father did. Find something that HE did or you have nothing at all. I could care less about his family, it is immaterial to the way he governs.

Seems the tea party spent a lot of time and money on Obama's GRANDMOTHER, GRANDFATHER, MOTHER AND DAD ....

Cruz and Rubio's Dads certainly deserve equal time and money.

(We're checking on the rest of their families)

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