Cruz, Rubio Have Lied About their Fathers' Cuban History

Both their fathers worked for the Right Wing Fascist killer Fulgencio Battista.

As did most of the exiles who flooded Miami after Castro kicked the bastard out of Cuba.

This is a story that will be told as necessity requires.

:) that's the problem..... you lefties are mad they didn't support the 'esteemed' Communist killer Fidel Castro......the facist dictator you lefties fawn over...:rolleyes:
Actually Cruz's father fought with Castro. He's said since, he didn't know Castro was Communist.

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, who was born in Matanzas, Cuba,[11] was jailed and tortured by the Fulgencio Batista regime and fought for Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution[14][15] but "didn't know Castro was a Communist" and later became a staunch critic of Castro when "the rebel leader took control and began seizing private property and suppressing dissent. that's the problem..... you lefties are mad they didn't support the 'esteemed' Communist killer Fidel Castro......the facist dictator you lefties fawn over...

tea baggers do have a problem with ideology: Castro was a Communist, Battista was a Fascist.

You're welcome ...

Cruz and Rubio have carefully crafted their rhetoric to give the rubes the impression their fathers fled Castro's persecution. Cruz has been more artful than Rubio, but they both deliberately misled their sheep to gain street cred.

Cruz hasn't even been a Senator for 9 months and yet no one is harping about his inexperience even though Obama's government inexperience has caused him to fall on his face mulitple times.

no comparison, Cruz isn't running for President...Obama should of took the time to at least finish ONE TERM in congress..His fall on his face is all his own doing...

Cruz is floating trial balloons for the Presidency and hasn't even completed a single year, much less a single term.

If and when he runs in 2016, he still won't have completed two thirds of a single term.
Both these liars have characterized their Fathers as persecuted and suffering under Castro.

Neither Father ever lived under Castro.

Both Fathers fled the Country while the Fascist Battista was still in power, with other Battisti exiles.

This one has a long, long tail ...


You are either monumentally stupid or a liar or both.


Let me put this in crayon for you troll.

The revolution began in July 1953

Cuban Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Both these liars have characterized their Fathers as persecuted and suffering under Castro.

Neither Father ever lived under Castro.

Both Fathers fled the Country while the Fascist Battista was still in power, with other Battisti exiles.

This one has a long, long tail ...


The revolution began in July 1953

Castro didn't control a port-a-john in 1953

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Cruz and Rubio have carefully crafted their rhetoric to give the rubes the impression their fathers fled Castro's persecution. Cruz has been more artful than Rubio, but they both deliberately misled their sheep to gain street cred.

Cruz hasn't even been a Senator for 9 months and yet no one is harping about his inexperience even though Obama's government inexperience has caused him to fall on his face mulitple times.

no comparison, Cruz isn't running for President...Obama should of took the time to at least finish ONE TERM in congress..His fall on his face is all his own doing...

Cruz is floating trial balloons for the Presidency and hasn't even completed a single year, much less a single term.

If and when he runs in 2016, he still won't have completed two thirds of a single term.

tea party can't take anywhere near what they dish out ....

Cruz will cave if he ever comes out of Texas - from the punishment

Cruz and Rubio have carefully crafted their rhetoric to give the rubes the impression their fathers fled Castro's persecution. Cruz has been more artful than Rubio, but they both deliberately misled their sheep to gain street cred.

Cruz hasn't even been a Senator for 9 months and yet no one is harping about his inexperience even though Obama's government inexperience has caused him to fall on his face mulitple times.

no comparison, Cruz isn't running for President...Obama should of took the time to at least finish ONE TERM in congress..His fall on his face is all his own doing...

Cruz is floating trial balloons for the Presidency and hasn't even completed a single year, much less a single term.

If and when he runs in 2016, he still won't have completed two thirds of a single term.

He'll have served the same as Obama, but I doubt he'll run this time...time will tell
Both these liars have characterized their Fathers as persecuted and suffering under Castro.

Neither Father ever lived under Castro.

Both Fathers fled the Country while the Fascist Battista was still in power, with other Battisti exiles.

This one has a long, long tail ...


The revolution began in July 1953

Castro didn't control a port-a-john in 1953


The brothers started the "Movement" in '52. Kicked into the Revolution in '53.

Fact. :eusa_angel:

Who cares what his father did. Find something that HE did or you have nothing at all. I could care less about his family, it is immaterial to the way he governs.

Seems the tea party spent a lot of time and money on Obama's GRANDMOTHER, GRANDFATHER, MOTHER AND DAD ....

Cruz and Rubio's Dads certainly deserve equal time and money.

(We're checking on the rest of their families)


Don’t care either not to mention I don’t remember ANY time spent on them at all unless it was to push the birther mime (that is not time spent on them btw but rather time spent examining where the president was born). Either way, it is equally irrelevant.

You do just realize that you are justifying your actions by looking at the tea party. IOW, you are saying that you are on that same level.
You do just realize that you are justifying your actions by looking at the tea party. IOW, you are saying that you are on that same level.

Cruz and Rubio say they are tea party ... yes, we must stoop to their level to determine what breed of roach these insects are.

here comes the dirty HIT PIECES already and look who is happy to pass it on...

the useful idiot troll
a long long time ago Democrats used to abide FAMILY was off limits

Until Republicans decided to go after the Clinton and Obama FAMILIES

Then all bets were off ....

here comes the dirty HIT PIECES

If we didn't learn from Republicans, who would we learn from?

... besides Cruz's dad is out making anti-democracy speeches and viciously attacking our President with lies and vitriole.

... this Battista fascisti scum bag's time has come.

BTW, is that the 'Stephanie' who's a better man than I am?

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