CRUZ sex scandel incoming!

There used to be some kind of gentleman's agreement not to cross certain boundaries in seeking an office. Now with this election it seems that a candidate will be subject to impossible scrutiny. None of these people are perfect. The path to winning may just be who has the best private detective firm finding dirt on one's opposition.
Republicans broke that truce when 10 Republicans who all had mistresses all busted bill Clinton for having one.

No one told on kennedy

Did any of those ten do it in the Oval Office?

President Clinton is the one who committed perjury.
If he had not done that he would have been fine.
If you ask a married man if he cheated he's gonna lie. Even under oath. Slap on the wrist
You voted for a Republican?

Sure...destroy all the preconceived notions I have ever had...thanks...

The only time I voted for a Democrat was for Obama in 2012 because you guys rented out your party to the Mormon Cult Infomercial.

Of Romney has a quiet dignity compared to what your party is doing now.

Bombing Libya sure worked out just keen.
It's with a woman. This is surprising. I figured Ted to be a fag like Rubio.

Sorry to dash your hopes about Rubio...married to an ex-Dolphin cheerleader, 4 kids...all the things you gave up when you started singing like Tiny Tim. :lol:
It's with a woman. This is surprising. I figured Ted to be a fag like Rubio.

Sorry to dash your hopes about Rubio...married to an ex-Dolphin cheerleader, 4 kids...all the things you gave up when you started singing like Tiny Tim. :lol:

Hey sperm drinker, a lot of Republican fags marry women. Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Rich Perry, Mark Foley are a few examples of Republican closet faggotry.

Hey sperm drinker, a lot of Republican fags marry women. Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Rich Perry, Mark Foley are a few examples of Republican closet faggotry.

Can't stop thinking about fellatio can ya, Tiny Tim? :suck: Why not just admit you have a picture of Rubio hidden under your mattress for those lonely nights at the YMCA?
Bombing Libya sure worked out just keen.

Do you really think Khadafy would still be in power if we hadn't bombed? Or that would be a better situation if he controlled Tripoli while the rest of the country was under the control of the same rabble who control it now?
He had put down revolution time and time again in the past...................I don't give a shiite about that oxygen thief........but Obama.....the vacuum cleaner salesman...............left the place in a vacuum and it's gone to complete hell.............leaving the damage for someone else to clean up..............

It now has ISIS strongholds that someone else will have to KILL..............Then he ran guns out of there to give the rebels.........with most of it going to ISIS...........

Obama is Scum.
He had put down revolution time and time again in the past...................I don't give a shiite about that oxygen thief........but Obama.....the vacuum cleaner salesman...............left the place in a vacuum and it's gone to complete hell.............leaving the damage for someone else to clean up..............

It now has ISIS strongholds that someone else will have to KILL..............Then he ran guns out of there to give the rebels.........with most of it going to ISIS...........

Obama is Scum.

Hey, we found the perfect girl for you.

He had put down revolution time and time again in the past...................I don't give a shiite about that oxygen thief........but Obama.....the vacuum cleaner salesman...............left the place in a vacuum and it's gone to complete hell.............leaving the damage for someone else to clean up..............

It now has ISIS strongholds that someone else will have to KILL..............Then he ran guns out of there to give the rebels.........with most of it going to ISIS...........

Obama is Scum.

Hey, we found the perfect girl for you.

The Thanks Obama Rant................spray perfume and put a ribbon on his foreign policy and it's still smells like ass...........

He's a failure on a new level. The World laughs at him............and has ditched him at every turn..............He is the poster child on what not to do in foreign policy................

But, you kiss his ass now don't you...............Then claim to vote Republican......except for him.........You are a tool............and a troll......and you are not worth what I stepped regards to your posts about a Priest being killed by ISIS.............You might make a good door mat.
The Thanks Obama Rant................spray perfume and put a ribbon on his foreign policy and it's still smells like ass...........

He's a failure on a new level. The World laughs at him............and has ditched him at every turn..............He is the poster child on what not to do in foreign policy................

But, you kiss his ass now don't you...............Then claim to vote Republican......except for him.........You are a tool............and a troll......and you are not worth what I stepped regards to your posts about a Priest being killed by ISIS.............You might make a good door mat.

Yawn, guy, don't see hundreds of Americans coming home in body bags like we did with you boy Bush.

In 2012, the least crazy g uy the GOP could find thought he was wearing magic underwear.

In 2016, you have a Reality TV Rodeo Clown and a religious nut.

I'll happily start voting GOP again when you stop nominating crazy people.
The Thanks Obama Rant................spray perfume and put a ribbon on his foreign policy and it's still smells like ass...........

He's a failure on a new level. The World laughs at him............and has ditched him at every turn..............He is the poster child on what not to do in foreign policy................

But, you kiss his ass now don't you...............Then claim to vote Republican......except for him.........You are a tool............and a troll......and you are not worth what I stepped regards to your posts about a Priest being killed by ISIS.............You might make a good door mat.

Yawn, guy, don't see hundreds of Americans coming home in body bags like we did with you boy Bush.

In 2012, the least crazy g uy the GOP could find thought he was wearing magic underwear.

In 2016, you have a Reality TV Rodeo Clown and a religious nut.

I'll happily start voting GOP again when you stop nominating crazy people.
So far all I've seen is accusations, which several of the ladies themselves denied.......come on now lets get this over with if something is there bring it
It's with a woman. This is surprising. I figured Ted to be a fag like Rubio.

No doubt he's buggered a few staffers male and female... Just like a Roman Senator.

When it comes to sex scandals Republicans are the champs and like a Roman senator often its with young boys or something that really reaches the depth of human depravity. Heck, the Reagan Bush Whitehouse was running a gay boy prostitution ring.

The Child Prostitution Ring that Reached Bush Whitehouse


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