CRUZ sex scandel incoming!

Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

Oh, you miss my point. Again.

I'm delighted to see this kind of mudslinging between two guys who are repugnant jerkwads. I really and truly am. I want to see Trump and Cruz go at it. I want them so diss each others wives. I want them to make jokes about each other's dicks. I want them to go into the Convention full of the kind of crazies who support both of them, with their misogyny, racism, homophobia, Islamaphobia and other assorted hate and fear on full display. I want to see an angry and bitter convention where half the delegates walk away saying, "We wuz Robbed".

And then... and then... after they lose 40+ states, we can get back to making a sensible Republican party, which will hopefully wake up like a drunk after a 3 day bender and get on the wagon.
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

Oh, you miss my point. Again.

I'm delighted to see this kind of mudslinging between two guys who are repugnant jerkwads. I really and truly am. I want to see Trump and Cruz go at it. I want them so diss each others wives. I want them to make jokes about each other's dicks. I want them to go into the Convention full of the kind of crazies who support both of them, with their misogyny, racism, homophobia, Islamaphobia and other assorted hate and fear on full display. I want to see an angry and bitter convention where half the delegates walk away saying, "We wuz Robbed".

And then... and then... after they lose 40+ states, we can get back to making a sensible Republican party, which will hopefully wake up like a drunk after a 3 day bender and get on the wagon.
You are from the lunatic left spare want the establishment and nothing are a whore.
You are from the lunatic left spare want the establishment and nothing are a whore.

Naw, guy, the whore is the person who let the rich rape the country on the hope they would pander to your racism, misogyny and homophobia. And when they didn't, they just screwed you over, you looked for a guy who traded in their dog-whistles for a bullhorn.

After Trump loses, after a lot of decent Republicans find themselves holding their noses and voting for Clinton, you are going to have to look at what you did wrong.

Or you can just whine about how you were robbed like you did the last two times you lost.
You are from the lunatic left spare want the establishment and nothing are a whore.

Naw, guy, the whore is the person who let the rich rape the country on the hope they would pander to your racism, misogyny and homophobia. And when they didn't, they just screwed you over, you looked for a guy who traded in their dog-whistles for a bullhorn.

After Trump loses, after a lot of decent Republicans find themselves holding their noses and voting for Clinton, you are going to have to look at what you did wrong.

Or you can just whine about how you were robbed like you did the last two times you lost. used all the leftist name calling talking points on that frustrated bitch.........

The establishment chose the last ones..............not this time...............and they are pissed............too fucking bag........How many Hillary bumper stickers do you have on your prius ass now.............

[ used all the leftist name calling talking points on that frustrated bitch.........

The establishment chose the last ones..............not this time...............and they are pissed............too fucking bag........How many Hillary bumper stickers do you have on your prius ass now.............


I don't put bumper stickers on my car anymore.

I'm sure AFTER Trump loses, none of you will admit you supported him to start with.
[ used all the leftist name calling talking points on that frustrated bitch.........

The establishment chose the last ones..............not this time...............and they are pissed............too fucking bag........How many Hillary bumper stickers do you have on your prius ass now.............


I don't put bumper stickers on my car anymore.

I'm sure AFTER Trump loses, none of you will admit you supported him to start with.
I'm a Saint's Fan............not a fair weather fan...........I support him given the options left on the table.....and I will not be voting left..........Hell would have to Freeze over to vote for her..............yet many against Trump........not so much........You will pull the lever for Hillary...........that is simply are dismissed by me because you are a the car is covered with liberal BS stickers.
Why didnt Cruz just deny it? Why did he attack Trump?

Me thinks Ted jumped the gun and spoke out of turn about this whole fake, planted story.

I don't think there ARE any Ted bimbos.

Extra: One of the girls in the lineup pic with the eyes blacked out has been identified as a Trump employee?
why wasnt this story brought up last summer? lets just make up a story about Hillary then, OK? how about that she may actually be 1/2 man 1/2 female 1/2 liar?
why wasnt this story brought up last summer? lets just make up a story about Hillary then, OK? how about that she may actually be 1/2 man 1/2 female 1/2 liar?

Don't you think you're giving her too much credit? Clinton is alot of things, but 150% is not one of them.
There used to be some kind of gentleman's agreement not to cross certain boundaries in seeking an office. Now with this election it seems that a candidate will be subject to impossible scrutiny. None of these people are perfect. The path to winning may just be who has the best private detective firm finding dirt on one's opposition.
Republicans broke that truce when 10 Republicans who all had mistresses all busted bill Clinton for having one.

No one told on kennedy
I'm a Saint's Fan............not a fair weather fan...........I support him given the options left on the table.....and I will not be voting left..........Hell would have to Freeze over to vote for her..............yet many against Trump........not so much........You will pull the lever for Hillary...........that is simply are dismissed by me because you are a the car is covered with liberal BS stickers.

The problem is, you guys rejected the better options. If it were based on qualifications, Kasich should be the nominee,notTrump.

So if Trump loses 49 states, are you guys going to admit you were wrong?
If Ted Cruz is sleeping around, he will capture the liberal vote. I am pretty sure JoeB and LoneLaugher are going to vote for the guy.
There used to be some kind of gentleman's agreement not to cross certain boundaries in seeking an office. Now with this election it seems that a candidate will be subject to impossible scrutiny. None of these people are perfect. The path to winning may just be who has the best private detective firm finding dirt on one's opposition.
Republicans broke that truce when 10 Republicans who all had mistresses all busted bill Clinton for having one.

No one told on kennedy

Did any of those ten do it in the Oval Office?

President Clinton is the one who committed perjury.
If he had not done that he would have been fine.

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