CRUZ sex scandel incoming!

The morons who support Rafael Cruz are judeo/christian idiots so maybe they will stop supporting him now that he violated the commandment of jesus to not have sex.

The religious wing nuts figure that Cruz is born again that therefore is automatically forgiven by Jesus for any sins past, present and future. That mentality is why the fundagelicals are so dangerous.
Watching this unfold today, this has Trump's fingerprints all over it. Whether or not it's true or not is the interesting part.

I suspect it is.

I doubt it Trump is involved. The Enquirer Busted John Edwards and I doubt is Hillary of Obama were behind it. It's more likely that a Cruz insider wanting to make some money hamstringed him.

This election is gonna be a barn burner..........

Cracks me up............The establishment deserves this.
Flawed candidates are pushed by their respective parties so that they can be controlled while in office.
There is no way this story is true. Not a chance in hell that five different women wanted to sleep with Ted Cruz.

Jesus Christ, 99% of broads getting impregnated today are done by dudes far more repugnant than Rafael Cruz. Get over yourself.
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.
So is the scandal still coming? It isn't even breathing hard yet.

No this is it.

All the have is there are rumors on Twitter and Facebook. Detectives have been working for months to verify that it might be true.

That's it. Literally
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

Well Trump does understand the mob
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

Well Trump does understand the mob
Which is exactly why he is winning.................our country is dumbed down..............He simply plays to that and is good at it........His policy statements aren't out of line with what may help our country....................He is still pandora's box.....

If this shit sticks on Cruz which is possible..........could very well be true.........then he is done..just like Edwards..................Politics now a days are dirty..........
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

That's because we very stupidly really care about these people's private lives.

Why do we even CARE how many women Cruz has had on the side when he's running against Trump who has bragged of his sexual exploits?

There are much better reasons why you wouldn't want EITHER one of these guys near the White House, the main one being neither one of them is even remotely qualified for the job.
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

That's because we very stupidly really care about these people's private lives.

Why do we even CARE how many women Cruz has had on the side when he's running against Trump who has bragged of his sexual exploits?

There are much better reasons why you wouldn't want EITHER one of these guys near the White House, the main one being neither one of them is even remotely qualified for the job.
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

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