CRUZ sex scandel incoming!

I'm a Saint's Fan............not a fair weather fan...........I support him given the options left on the table.....and I will not be voting left..........Hell would have to Freeze over to vote for her..............yet many against Trump........not so much........You will pull the lever for Hillary...........that is simply are dismissed by me because you are a the car is covered with liberal BS stickers.

The problem is, you guys rejected the better options. If it were based on qualifications, Kasich should be the nominee,notTrump.

So if Trump loses 49 states, are you guys going to admit you were wrong?
The people rejected the establishment.............and went outside the box.............we know what happens inside the box.............NOTHING............but more of the same..........bow to your masters bitch.
There used to be some kind of gentleman's agreement not to cross certain boundaries in seeking an office. Now with this election it seems that a candidate will be subject to impossible scrutiny. None of these people are perfect. The path to winning may just be who has the best private detective firm finding dirt on one's opposition.
Republicans broke that truce when 10 Republicans who all had mistresses all busted bill Clinton for having one.

No one told on kennedy
Monica wasn't his mistress, first off. Just a used office bimbo that thought otherwise. The problem was his lies under oath about it to screw Paula Jones. For you to not know that means you really aren't very well informed.
If Ted Cruz is sleeping around, he will capture the liberal vote. I am pretty sure JoeB and LoneLaugher are going to vote for the guy.

Actually, there are a lot of good reasons to NOT vote for Cruz that have nothing to do with where he's putting his dick.

It's just unlike Clinton, he was trying to tell the rest of us how to live, but not living up to it himself.

Now, that said, I want Cruz in this contest as long as possible. He can't win the nomination outright, but a floor fight between the nuts who support him and the nuts who support Trump would be truly amazing to behold. It will rip the maskoff the GOP and what it has turned into.
The people rejected the establishment.............and went outside the box.............we know what happens inside the box.............NOTHING............but more of the same..........bow to your masters bitch.

Uh, Guy, I want people who know how to get a bill passed or how to manage a crisis. I just don't want a guy who vents whatever I'm angry about.

Cruz has accomplished nothing as a Senator, and is disliked by most of his colleagues. The GOP is keeping him alive to stop Trump.

Trump is a guy who has blown his daddy's money on a series of failure and self-promotion. Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump Steaks... and all the Trump Casinos that have filed for bankruptcy.
If Ted Cruz is sleeping around, he will capture the liberal vote. I am pretty sure JoeB and LoneLaugher are going to vote for the guy.

Actually, there are a lot of good reasons to NOT vote for Cruz that have nothing to do with where he's putting his dick.

It's just unlike Clinton, he was trying to tell the rest of us how to live, but not living up to it himself.

Now, that said, I want Cruz in this contest as long as possible. He can't win the nomination outright, but a floor fight between the nuts who support him and the nuts who support Trump would be truly amazing to behold. It will rip the maskoff the GOP and what it has turned into.

So you want him in the contest. Which means you will accept him as president, above Trump.

Every vote counts Joe. Ted needs yours.
So you want him in the contest. Which means you will accept him as president, above Trump.

Every vote counts Joe. Ted needs yours.

Illinois already had its primary, and I voted for Kasich.

I'm still hoping a contested convention will produce a not-crazy nominee.

You voted for a Republican?

Sure...destroy all the preconceived notions I have ever had...thanks...

Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

That's because we very stupidly really care about these people's private lives.

Why do we even CARE how many women Cruz has had on the side when he's running against Trump who has bragged of his sexual exploits?

There are much better reasons why you wouldn't want EITHER one of these guys near the White House, the main one being neither one of them is even remotely qualified for the job.
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

No they didn't. no Cruz Pac has done a thing
you know this. So stop lying.

Besides which how can you possibly claim that nude photos that the trumps took and publically sold and which you trumpets have been using for months to argue in favor of voting for trump drew any blood whatsoever?

Stop lying. You lost Utah because trump a Liar and because Mormons are smart and don't like liars.
The people rejected the establishment.............and went outside the box.............we know what happens inside the box.............NOTHING............but more of the same..........bow to your masters bitch.

Uh, Guy, I want people who know how to get a bill passed or how to manage a crisis. I just don't want a guy who vents whatever I'm angry about.

Cruz has accomplished nothing as a Senator, and is disliked by most of his colleagues. The GOP is keeping him alive to stop Trump.

Trump is a guy who has blown his daddy's money on a series of failure and self-promotion. Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump Steaks... and all the Trump Casinos that have filed for bankruptcy.
It's who you hire to advise......................He's already turned to Jeff Sessions who has endorsed him on foreign affairs...............No President can do all the things they do without advisers who they trust......

Perhaps you can tell Jeff Sessions he doesn't know how to do it as well...........Might get a laugh out of him.

Securing the border.................doesn't take rocket science or magic pixie dust guy..........It only takes the WILL to do so......The Border Fence has NEVER been repealed...............Just lost it's funding.....You know that pesky little thing called the power of the purse..............that the leftist brigade whines about when threatened with it................

Perhaps Trump can do as Obama has a box of Crayons and draw lines with it.......worked out so well didn't it.
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

That's because we very stupidly really care about these people's private lives.

Why do we even CARE how many women Cruz has had on the side when he's running against Trump who has bragged of his sexual exploits?

There are much better reasons why you wouldn't want EITHER one of these guys near the White House, the main one being neither one of them is even remotely qualified for the job.
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

No they didn't. no Cruz Pac has done a thing
you know this. So stop lying.

Besides which how can you possibly claim that nude photos that the trumps took and publically sold and which you trumpets have been using for months to argue in favor of voting for trump drew any blood whatsoever?

Stop lying. You lost Utah because trump a Liar and because Mormons are smart and don't like liars.
Mormons will stick together...........they probably wouldn't have voted for Trump but the Romney equation did tick them off............

To the PAC's.............they did push the Naked lady OP against Trump...........Didn't see Cruz rushing out to say stop it......

So he gets return fucking what...........You expect your opponent to sit back and allow them to attack your wife without throwing down with the other camp...............Too damned bad..............Fire first shot and then whine about return fire........Again, then you shouldn't have shot in the first place.
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

That's because we very stupidly really care about these people's private lives.

Why do we even CARE how many women Cruz has had on the side when he's running against Trump who has bragged of his sexual exploits?

There are much better reasons why you wouldn't want EITHER one of these guys near the White House, the main one being neither one of them is even remotely qualified for the job.
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

No they didn't. no Cruz Pac has done a thing
you know this. So stop lying.

Besides which how can you possibly claim that nude photos that the trumps took and publically sold and which you trumpets have been using for months to argue in favor of voting for trump drew any blood whatsoever?

Stop lying. You lost Utah because trump a Liar and because Mormons are smart and don't like liars.
Mormons will stick together...........they probably wouldn't have voted for Trump but the Romney equation did tick them off............

To the PAC's.............they did push the Naked lady OP against Trump...........Didn't see Cruz rushing out to say stop it......

So he gets return fucking what...........You expect your opponent to sit back and allow them to attack your wife without throwing down with the other camp...............Too damned bad..............Fire first shot and then whine about return fire........Again, then you shouldn't have shot in the first place.

Cruz has no obligation to stop the ad. Nor can he legally do so since influencing a pac by the candidate is illegal. He said it was inappropriate and that's all he could do. And he isn't going to argue to silence them since he believes in free speech.

Thank you however for conceding that Cruz didn't draw first blood or have anything to with it. And for conceding that trump set up the fake scandal in retaliation and not that Rubio bs.
Doesn't matter to the Mob.............The Dems are masters of this tactic................We still don't know if it's true..........In Edwards case it ended up being true and ruined him..........will this really go there.........I don't know.............but his campaign desperately denied it.......until it blew up in his face.

That's because we very stupidly really care about these people's private lives.

Why do we even CARE how many women Cruz has had on the side when he's running against Trump who has bragged of his sexual exploits?

There are much better reasons why you wouldn't want EITHER one of these guys near the White House, the main one being neither one of them is even remotely qualified for the job.
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

No they didn't. no Cruz Pac has done a thing
you know this. So stop lying.

Besides which how can you possibly claim that nude photos that the trumps took and publically sold and which you trumpets have been using for months to argue in favor of voting for trump drew any blood whatsoever?

Stop lying. You lost Utah because trump a Liar and because Mormons are smart and don't like liars.
Mormons will stick together...........they probably wouldn't have voted for Trump but the Romney equation did tick them off............

To the PAC's.............they did push the Naked lady OP against Trump...........Didn't see Cruz rushing out to say stop it......

So he gets return fucking what...........You expect your opponent to sit back and allow them to attack your wife without throwing down with the other camp...............Too damned bad..............Fire first shot and then whine about return fire........Again, then you shouldn't have shot in the first place.

Cruz has no obligation to stop the ad. Nor can he legally do so since influencing a pac by the candidate is illegal. He said it was inappropriate and that's all he could do. And he isn't going to argue to silence them since he believes in free speech.

Thank you however for conceding that Cruz didn't draw first blood or have anything to with it. And for conceding that trump set up the fake scandal in retaliation and not that Rubio bs.
He has an obligation to put it down quickly and ask them to knock it off............and please...........they coordinate this shit.........they have been doing so for decades...........only occasionally they get caught......

At least he came out AFTER THE VOTE when his Robo calls ditched Carson.........Noticed I said AFTER THE quaint.
but sex with who? humans or aliens from mars?

I am thinking the pussies they were writing about has four legs and not two legs...

The face of a pussy when Ted Cruz walks into a room:

That's because we very stupidly really care about these people's private lives.

Why do we even CARE how many women Cruz has had on the side when he's running against Trump who has bragged of his sexual exploits?

There are much better reasons why you wouldn't want EITHER one of these guys near the White House, the main one being neither one of them is even remotely qualified for the job.
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

No they didn't. no Cruz Pac has done a thing
you know this. So stop lying.

Besides which how can you possibly claim that nude photos that the trumps took and publically sold and which you trumpets have been using for months to argue in favor of voting for trump drew any blood whatsoever?

Stop lying. You lost Utah because trump a Liar and because Mormons are smart and don't like liars.
Mormons will stick together...........they probably wouldn't have voted for Trump but the Romney equation did tick them off............

To the PAC's.............they did push the Naked lady OP against Trump...........Didn't see Cruz rushing out to say stop it......

So he gets return fucking what...........You expect your opponent to sit back and allow them to attack your wife without throwing down with the other camp...............Too damned bad..............Fire first shot and then whine about return fire........Again, then you shouldn't have shot in the first place.

Cruz has no obligation to stop the ad. Nor can he legally do so since influencing a pac by the candidate is illegal. He said it was inappropriate and that's all he could do. And he isn't going to argue to silence them since he believes in free speech.

Thank you however for conceding that Cruz didn't draw first blood or have anything to with it. And for conceding that trump set up the fake scandal in retaliation and not that Rubio bs.
He has an obligation to put it down quickly and ask them to knock it off............and please...........they coordinate this shit.........they have been doing so for decades...........only occasionally they get caught......

At least he came out AFTER THE VOTE when his Robo calls ditched Carson.........Noticed I said AFTER THE quaint.

Again no he doesn't. He has no obligation to stop any PAC mfrom saying anything. In fact it's legally prohibited for him to do so .
Cruz PAC drew first blood...................they got return's about damned time someone hits them back...........I have no problem with it.........

Don't light a match unless you are prepared to get burned................Long past due someone gives as good as they get...........and it is resonating with the people...........Your rhetoric is drowned out by pissed off voters...........and that will decide this election........not media pundit polls. Nor your constant Racism game play that the people are sick of as well.

Buckle up...........It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

No they didn't. no Cruz Pac has done a thing
you know this. So stop lying.

Besides which how can you possibly claim that nude photos that the trumps took and publically sold and which you trumpets have been using for months to argue in favor of voting for trump drew any blood whatsoever?

Stop lying. You lost Utah because trump a Liar and because Mormons are smart and don't like liars.
Mormons will stick together...........they probably wouldn't have voted for Trump but the Romney equation did tick them off............

To the PAC's.............they did push the Naked lady OP against Trump...........Didn't see Cruz rushing out to say stop it......

So he gets return fucking what...........You expect your opponent to sit back and allow them to attack your wife without throwing down with the other camp...............Too damned bad..............Fire first shot and then whine about return fire........Again, then you shouldn't have shot in the first place.

Cruz has no obligation to stop the ad. Nor can he legally do so since influencing a pac by the candidate is illegal. He said it was inappropriate and that's all he could do. And he isn't going to argue to silence them since he believes in free speech.

Thank you however for conceding that Cruz didn't draw first blood or have anything to with it. And for conceding that trump set up the fake scandal in retaliation and not that Rubio bs.
He has an obligation to put it down quickly and ask them to knock it off............and please...........they coordinate this shit.........they have been doing so for decades...........only occasionally they get caught......

At least he came out AFTER THE VOTE when his Robo calls ditched Carson.........Noticed I said AFTER THE quaint.

Again no he doesn't. He has no obligation to stop any PAC mfrom saying anything. In fact it's legally prohibited for him to do so .
Speaking out isn't the same as stopping them.......If they are putting up ads for him then he has a say publically to condemn them if he doesn't agree.....That doesn't violate any damned rules of engagement........

But that is how it is played............for decades...........and most to the time the candidate is behind the shit.............It's only a crime if they get caught in today's game.

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