Cruz will emerge as the front-runner...


Apr 22, 2007
...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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I am gonna shock the shit out of you and say that, from the standpoint of strategema, this is indeed a possibility and I think you brought up a good point.

There's a reason why Cruz is holding back on criticizing Trump. And yes, Cruz can debate and this talent is going to help him on Thursday.

But right now, in terms of preparation, the smartest one in the crowd may be Walker, for even he has admitted that this likely going to be a long, hard slog to the end to see who will get to 50% +1 in delegates. He's smart because he is thinking ahead and realizing that the constellation of states from the first four up through the all-important March 15th FL/MO/OH primaries could lead to a number of candidates reaping a bevy of delegates and making is subsequently harder and harder for anyone to lock the nomination. 1940, here we come....

Trump is leading in polling now, indeed, but he is far from the 50 mark and as the phrase goes, what goes up, must come down.

I am also thinking that John Kasich may find a lot of traction with voters, and quickly at that.

It sure looks like Rand Paul's campaign is stuck in the mud and if he doesn't start raking in campaign money, he'll be broke before he knows it. But Kentucky Republicans love him, he could still easily carry his home state in the primaries. Ohio Republicans are crazy about Kasich, he could very easily win Ohio, even as a one-hit wunderkind kind of thing.

I don't know what your sense is, but it seems to me that Fiorina, Graham and Gilmore are already DOA. Stick a fork in all three of them.

Now, it's not my party nor am I in agreement with a good 2/3 of the GOP platform at any time, but I do find it fascinating to see how this is going to work out.
Cruz may be, for America, the worst candidate.

Second, his views are bad reflection of American values.

If and when Trump falters, Bush will move to the fore and stay there.
Cruz may be, for America, the worst candidate.

Second, his views are bad reflection of American values.

If and when Trump falters, Bush will move to the fore and stay there.
Bush will get exposed in the debates. Republicans and Democrats both hate common core and this guy supports it. He is pro-amnesty and that's a losing cause in the primaries.

Cruz will emerge victorious and he will win over independents on his way to the whitehouse. A Cruz/Forina or Cruz/Carson or Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Walker looks great to me!

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I have explained it once before.......the nominee will be Cruz or Walker. Bush will not even make it through all the primaries. Why? Because the only candidates he can draw support from when they fall is, Graham, Rubio, and Kasich, period. Cruz, Walker, Trump, Fiorina, Santorum, and some of the others are basically interchangeable. None of these candidates delegates will be given to Bush. We know darn well that Pauls candidates won't be given to him either.

Cruz should win, but the establishment would probably want Walker instead because they feel he is more easily controllable.

I agree with the OP, Cruz is going to rip the field apart at the debates. He will sound like Trump without the arrogance or missteps. He has better credentials for following the constitution than any candidate on either side. And for those of you listening to the democrats and rinos about how far of the reservation he is, consider this: they are feeding you propaganda. How do you know this? Because he got elected easily against a very rich candidate. He promised to do specific things, and he has tried to do them, exactly as he said he would. Now "we the people" like that! But Washington does NOT! That is why you hear so much propaganda on him, because when in Washington, you do as the elites say you do, or they vilify you.

The two people the establishment of both parties are afraid of is Trump, and Cruz. They can't buy Trump, so that scares them to death; and Cruz kept his promises as a much so, he has collected the most money from single small donations compared to anyone else.

So I believe Trump is going to be the kingmaker this time around, if he lasts to December. So who do YOU think he is going to support if/when he drops out?
I don't think i'll ever be able to separate Cruz from the image of gun barrel cooked bacon. Very hard to take him seriously.
...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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No Comment....just.....:banana:funny...funny
...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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I truly do hope you run anyone but bush. I'll be scared of bush but none of the others.

Here's the inside scoop on Cruz. The cons at my work don't know I'm a dem. And even they think he's a used car salesman.
...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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I agree, Cruz will emerge as a top-tier candidate, as he should. Fox's attacks on Trump throughout the debate backfired and he will probably see a tick up in support, as Fox, especially fraud Megyn Kelly, sees a huge backlash, but I don't see him going the long haul. Cruz is perfectly positioned as the candidate to which Trump's disaffected followers fall. I've no doubt Cruz would make a great president, far and away better than anything a seemingly America-hating Democrat party can offer. And if he wins the nomination, I think he can win the presidency.
Why hasn't the OP commented here post debate?
Because the debate was a joke. I am looking forward to seeing the upcoming ratings for the Kelly files. The liberals who support her aren't watching fox, but the conservatives who didn't not approve of her unprofessional and unfair attack on Trump won't tune in.

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Cruz already IS a top tier candidate. He took second place in approval on the post debate drudge poll. He has maintained a steady appeal and is building a substantial war chest.

Look for Carly Fiorina to also rise to the top tier, which will eventually be, Trump, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina and Walker.
Cruz will become the nominee when Santa's brother becomes Chairman of Microsoft......
Why hasn't the OP commented here post debate?
Because the debate was a joke. I am looking forward to seeing the upcoming ratings for the Kelly files. The liberals who support her aren't watching fox, but the conservatives who didn't not approve of her unprofessional and unfair attack on Trump won't tune in.

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What does that have to do with Cruz?

The guy is unlikable. Your OP told us that he was a debate champion. He didn't shine. He wasn't able to make an impact.

And....he has baby meth teeth. That's not a good look.
...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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You must be deep inside the delusional rightwing bubble.

Cruz in no way 'reflects' American values.

Seeking to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law is not an American value.

Seeking to deny women their right to privacy is not an American value.

Seeking to deny minority citizens their right to vote is not an American value.

And seeking to deny immigrants their right to due process is not an American value.

He might end up being the GOP nominee, but as with most republicans, Cruz is out of sync with the majority of the American people.

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