"Cry Baby Cry" Democrats Never Learn "Us vs. Them" is Tired Old Politics


May 23, 2014
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.
It takes a special kind of idiot to tout Jesuit Joe, the Pedo perv.........check and check-mate.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.
It takes a special kind of idiot to tout Jesuit Joe, the Pedo perv.........check and check-mate.
Are you saying Donald Trump is a paradigm of morality? Or are you saying you don't trust Jesuits for some reason? Would you trust Trump it's your teenag daughter? I wouldn't trust Trump to make sure my anvil collection didn't catch fire.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.
It takes a special kind of idiot to tout Jesuit Joe, the Pedo perv.........check and check-mate.
Are you saying Donald Trump is a paradigm of morality? Or are you saying you don't trust Jesuits for some reason? Would you trust Trump it's your teenag daughter? I wouldn't trust Trump to make sure my anvil collection didn't catch fire.

You obviously don't know a fucking thing about Jesuits, asswipe....why am I not surprised?
Okay, I'll bite. What's the klan party position on a Jesuits?
Albert Pike was mentored by a jesuit, dumb ass. Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuit plot as was Kennedy. Ever heard of the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei? Cardinal Spellman? "Spelly's War"?
Okay, I'll bite. What's the klan party position on a Jesuits?
Albert Pike was mentored by a jesuit, dumb ass. Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuit plot as was Kennedy. Ever heard of the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei? Cardinal Spellman? "Spelly's War"?
Oh! You're saying I have to son a tin foil hat and accept lunatic conspiracy theories to really understand Jesuits.

How's the wifi reception out on that ledge?
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
We'll be examining & discussing the unconditional adoration of this profoundly damaged man for decades to come. I just hope we don't see this again. Other countries have gotten past this in world history, we can too.
A Trumpster complaining about "us vs. them politics".

Just incredible to watch.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
/—-/ The problem with Dementia Joe is that he’s a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. See? We can hurl insults too without any proof.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.

Are you kidding me? Republicans invented us vs theM...

LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.


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