"Cry Baby Cry" Democrats Never Learn "Us vs. Them" is Tired Old Politics

It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
/—-/ The problem with Dementia Joe is that he’s a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. See? We can hurl insults too without any proof.

His actions around little girls is creeping af also
Biden is a perv. Likes black children to sit on his lap and feel his member. Especially at public pools.

Yeah that blonde leg hair and little girls on his lap thing was a wtf? moment
Man people are gullible. Just plain gullible. To believe either party in the end cares about the average working person is beyond crazy. Why can't people figure it out?
I personally don't care if they truly care. It is WHAT THEY DO that matters.

They can be egotistical, racist, even twatty all they want so long as they DO things that help make America better. It's the difference between surface and then substance underneath. So long as they know what it takes to maintain a strong economy, respect law enforcement, respect military, respect this country, condemn mob violence, and highlight the atrocity of FAKE news.

Choice is easy : TRUMP WINS in a landslide on this.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
We see the result of Progs today. When Obama was elected early in his term there were children dressing in brown uniforms. It was eerie. They were doing the Obama Nazi march. You can change names of fascism and the characters involved, but it is still the same and people end up dying. You seem to think there is nothing wrong with it.
Are you kidding me? Republicans invented us vs theM...

True complaints about policy, of which there were many in that vid, are not generally what is considered "Divisive".

Yea... Democratic policy is in favor of “spawns of Satan” and “MS13 living next door”. What were you watching?

Well,. if we favored Satan, we would support Rump like you do.

You missed the sarcasm. I know it’s hard to tell on this board so no worries.

Sorry bout that. I didn't click all link. Funny how that works now. But I already donate to the Lincoln Project that is having one hell of an impact.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
/—-/ The problem with Dementia Joe is that he’s a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. See? We can hurl insults too without any proof.

Th3e difference is, it describes Rump to a T. Common, you have a lot of other claims for Biden but not any of those.
/—-/ Ok, my point went over your pin head. Prove Trump is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. You won’t because you can’t.

And which book by what author do you want me to bring up? There are enough of them out there written by many in the inside. Don't play stupid. Oh, that's right, you aren't playing.
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.

View attachment 379984

Joe, the bloated blowhard? You know nothing about the Jesuit order of the catholic church even though you claim to have distanced yourself from the Vatican. Did you know that the Jesuits were the first to use the doctrine of communism in South America in the 1600's?
And Das Kapital was published in the 19th century.

Did you have a point, Nosmos? By the way, I don't wear a mask............fuck you.
Selfish and stupid. The vile mindset of our times.

No doubt you would have cheated on rationing during the war while you told what went on at the munitions plant you worked at.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.
He is an embarrassment because he levels the playing field for us. We know you hate anything that benefits the united states.
He didn't level the field, he lowered the bar.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.

View attachment 379983
Isn’t that picture of Trump’s America?

Nope. That is a dem city controlled by a dem mayor, who has ordered the police to stand down to let the rioters rule the streets.

Trump is very far away from there, and has nothing to do with that.

It is all you guys.

Own it, or stop supporting it.

One or the other, or you are just lying to yourself.
And yet riots occur in Republican controlled states and cities and in Trump’s America.

Tough places to be, ain’t they?
Name one. :abgg2q.jpg: Good Luck! :salute:
Tulsa. Houston. Jackson. Kansas City. And of course Charlottesville.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

Yeah, Pelosi bragging about her 300 sqft freezer full of ice cream in her umpteen million dollar San Francisco home and it's Trump who's the 'rich' guy who doesn't care.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.
He is an embarrassment because he levels the playing field for us. We know you hate anything that benefits the united states.
He didn't level the field, he lowered the bar.
China would disagree with you.
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.

View attachment 379984

Joe, the bloated blowhard? You know nothing about the Jesuit order of the catholic church even though you claim to have distanced yourself from the Vatican. Did you know that the Jesuits were the first to use the doctrine of communism in South America in the 1600's?
And Das Kapital was published in the 19th century.

Did you have a point, Nosmos? By the way, I don't wear a mask............fuck you.
Selfish and stupid. The vile mindset of our times.

No doubt you would have cheated on rationing during the war while you told what went on at the munitions plant you worked at.
Too funny, the same oligarchs and their spawn that funded WWI and II are the same ones that funded this plannedemic. You are one pathetically ignorant son-of-a-bitch.
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.

View attachment 379984

Joe, the bloated blowhard? You know nothing about the Jesuit order of the catholic church even though you claim to have distanced yourself from the Vatican. Did you know that the Jesuits were the first to use the doctrine of communism in South America in the 1600's?
And Das Kapital was published in the 19th century.

Did you have a point, Nosmos? By the way, I don't wear a mask............fuck you.
Selfish and stupid. The vile mindset of our times.

No doubt you would have cheated on rationing during the war while you told what went on at the munitions plant you worked at.
Too funny, the same oligarchs and their spawn that funded WWI and II are the same ones that funded this plannedemic. You are one pathetically ignorant son-of-a-bitch.
Did you figure that out yourself, or from Q Anon?
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.

View attachment 379983
Isn’t that picture of Trump’s America?

Nope. That is a dem city controlled by a dem mayor, who has ordered the police to stand down to let the rioters rule the streets.

Trump is very far away from there, and has nothing to do with that.

It is all you guys.

Own it, or stop supporting it.

One or the other, or you are just lying to yourself.
And yet riots occur in Republican controlled states and cities and in Trump’s America.

Tough places to be, ain’t they?
Name one. :abgg2q.jpg: Good Luck! :salute:
Tulsa. Houston. Jackson. Kansas City. And of course Charlottesville.
No links=No riots.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.

View attachment 379983
Isn’t that picture of Trump’s America?

Nope. That is a dem city controlled by a dem mayor, who has ordered the police to stand down to let the rioters rule the streets.

Trump is very far away from there, and has nothing to do with that.

It is all you guys.

Own it, or stop supporting it.

One or the other, or you are just lying to yourself.
And yet riots occur in Republican controlled states and cities and in Trump’s America.

Tough places to be, ain’t they?
Name one. :abgg2q.jpg: Good Luck! :salute:
Tulsa. Houston. Jackson. Kansas City. And of course Charlottesville.
No links=No riots.
Ya mean Fox and OAN are asleep at the switch?

News reporting is hard. Propaganda is easy. When has the Right Wing ever opted for hard?
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.

View attachment 379984

Joe, the bloated blowhard? You know nothing about the Jesuit order of the catholic church even though you claim to have distanced yourself from the Vatican. Did you know that the Jesuits were the first to use the doctrine of communism in South America in the 1600's?
And Das Kapital was published in the 19th century.

Did you have a point, Nosmos? By the way, I don't wear a mask............fuck you.
Selfish and stupid. The vile mindset of our times.

No doubt you would have cheated on rationing during the war while you told what went on at the munitions plant you worked at.
Too funny, the same oligarchs and their spawn that funded WWI and II are the same ones that funded this plannedemic. You are one pathetically ignorant son-of-a-bitch.
Did you figure that out yourself, or from Q Anon?
Due diligence via research by those that did the heavy lifting without any agenda........

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