Cry Havoc! Etc,Etc....

Which is the best reason for looking real hard at other possible reasons for destroying the Syrian regime. Following the money is always good advice. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are spending huge amounts of money supporting the rebels in this so called civil war. Why ?
I still don't see why the US needs to get into Syria.
No one else does either. It's a Catch 22.
Someone does.

"Israel partners with Washington's regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days.

"Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel's 'finger is on the pulse' of what's ongoing. It need be, it'll move to the trigger.

"Shimon Peres called for joint action "to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.' International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it's "crystal clear' Assad used chemical weapons last week."

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?
I still don't see why the US needs to get into Syria.
No one else does either. It's a Catch 22.
Someone does.

"Israel partners with Washington's regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days.

"Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel's 'finger is on the pulse' of what's ongoing. It need be, it'll move to the trigger.

"Shimon Peres called for joint action "to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.' International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it's "crystal clear' Assad used chemical weapons last week."

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?
Yes and someone has reason to be concerned. I wonder why?
I still don't see why the US needs to get into Syria.
No one else does either. It's a Catch 22.
Someone does.

"Israel partners with Washington's regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days.

"Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel's 'finger is on the pulse' of what's ongoing. It need be, it'll move to the trigger.

"Shimon Peres called for joint action "to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.' International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it's "crystal clear' Assad used chemical weapons last week."

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?

cut the crap and start thinking with your brain for once.

Israel has the interest of Syria being attacked?!

Israel is the FIRST to suffer if such an attack occurs!:cuckoo:
No one else does either. It's a Catch 22.
Someone does.

"Israel partners with Washington's regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days.

"Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel's 'finger is on the pulse' of what's ongoing. It need be, it'll move to the trigger.

"Shimon Peres called for joint action "to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.' International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it's "crystal clear' Assad used chemical weapons last week."

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?
Yes and someone has reason to be concerned. I wonder why?
Because 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon twice as many Palestinian Arabs in 1948?
Someone does.

"Israel partners with Washington's regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days.

"Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel's 'finger is on the pulse' of what's ongoing. It need be, it'll move to the trigger.

"Shimon Peres called for joint action "to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.' International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it's "crystal clear' Assad used chemical weapons last week."

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?
Yes and someone has reason to be concerned. I wonder why?
Because 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon twice as many Palestinian Arabs in 1948?

No they didn't. You're just a Arab propaganda whore
Someone does.

"Israel partners with Washington's regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days.

"Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel's 'finger is on the pulse' of what's ongoing. It need be, it'll move to the trigger.

"Shimon Peres called for joint action "to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.' International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it's "crystal clear' Assad used chemical weapons last week."

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?
Yes and someone has reason to be concerned. I wonder why?
Because 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon twice as many Palestinian Arabs in 1948?

I think that you might need some counseling.
No one else does either. It's a Catch 22.
Someone does.

"Israel partners with Washington's regional wars. A separate article said America and Britain may attack Syria in days.

"Perhaps other NATO partners and Israel will be involved. Hawkish Israeli comments suggest it. On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel's 'finger is on the pulse' of what's ongoing. It need be, it'll move to the trigger.

"Shimon Peres called for joint action "to remove all chemical weapons from Syria.' International Relations/Intelligence/Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said it's "crystal clear' Assad used chemical weapons last week."

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?

cut the crap and start thinking with your brain for once.

Israel has the interest of Syria being attacked?!

Israel is the FIRST to suffer if such an attack occurs!:cuckoo:
Many Israelis will be FIRST after Syrians to suffer if such an attack occurs; however a few Israelis will PROFIT greatly from more bloodshed in the Middle East:

Israel Poised to Attack Syria?

"Israel is nuclear armed and dangerous. It stockpiled formidable chemical and biological weapons.

"It uses banned weapons in all its conflicts. It's involved in destabilizing Syria.

"In May, General Amir Eshel said Israel's poised for a large-scale assault. If Assad falls, it's to prevent advanced weapons reaching extremist insurgents and Hezbollah, he said.

"He stopped short of explaining Israel's role in stoking conflict. He stressed its armed forces are ready to act. Doing so perhaps suggests imminent intervention. Partnering with Washington and Britain appear likely.

"Expect surgical strikes if launched. Targets perhaps include airfields, command and control facilities, arms and weapons caches, fuel sources, tanks, other mobile military units, and civilian sites.

"Iraqi and Libyan ones were attacked. Terror bombings struck roads, bridges, other infrastructure, schools, hospitals, power stations, commercial sites, and other non-military targets. Mass casualties resulted.

"On August 26, Haaretz headlined 'Senior Israeli team in Washington as US prepares for possible Syria attack,' saying:

"National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror heads it. He arrived on Monday. He came for high-level political and security talks. He's meeting with senior US officials.

"Doing so was planned weeks ago. Current conditions suggest urgency. They're ongoing ahead of reported planned joint US/UK strikes. Launching them may come in days."

Stop thinking like a slave.

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