Cry Havoc! Etc,Etc....

Great attitude to have. It is because Israel knows it can kick-ass. Still, you in Israel know that G-d is on your side. He won't let you fail - you can be confident in that.
True dat!






Don't take your shoes off and keep your powder dry.
mass desertion in brigade 90 of the Syrian military on southern Golan boarder. by all signs, the brigade is 'destroyed', troops escape the area
עריקות נרחבות בחטיבה 90 של צבא סוריה שעל גבול הגולן הדרומי.
על פי כל הסימנים שדרת החטיבה-התרסקה.
قناه العربية السورية
منذ ‏منذ 27 دقائق‏ عبر ‏الهاتف المحمول‏
ﻋﺎﺟﻞ # ﺍﻟﻘﻨﻴﻄﺮﺓ
ﺍﺳﺘﺴﻼﻡ ﻟﻌﻨﺎﺻﺮ ﺍﻟﻠﻮﺍﺀ 90 ﺑﺄﻋﺪﺍﺩﻛﺒﻴﺮﺓ ﻭﺗﺴﻠﻴﻢ ﺍﻧﻔﺴﻬﻢ ﻣﻊ ﻋﺘﺎﺩﻫﻢ ﻟﻠﺠﻴﺶ ﺍﻟﺤﺮ

Troops of Syrian army in Brigade 18 escape in fear of American attack on the area
*- דיווחים על השמדת חטיבה 18 של צבא סוריה אשר בקלמון.
شبكة اخبار الجيش الحر‏
عااااااااجل القلمون
أنبار عن سقوط اللواء 18 بايدي الجيش السوري الحر
כנראה שמדובר בדיויזיה 18 ולא בחטיבה
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Families of officers of division 4 of the Syrian army, and the division of the republican guard flee their homes in the bases towards Damascus, taking whatever they can with them.
*- משפחות הקצינים של דיויזיה 4 ודיויזיה משמר הרפובליקה נמלטים מבתיהם במחנות הצבאיים לעבר מרכז דמשק.הם לוקחים איתם כל מה שהם יכולים.
اخلاء الحي الشرقي بشكل شبه كامل من ساكنيه المعروفين بجيش الدفاع الوطني .و ذلك في معضمية الشام بريف دمشق ويتوجهون إلى العاصمة
وقد تمت ورؤيتهم بشاحنات كبيرة تحمل ما استطاعو اخراجه من بيوتهم
وسلوكها لــ الطريق العسكري المحاذي لجبال الفرقة الرابعة
بالاضافة الى تعالي صوت الجنود من مناطق الاشتباكات بينهم وبين ضباطهم لعدم اطاعة الاوامر ومحاولة الهروب من المعركة للحاق بعوائلهم
وقد تم اخلاء
مساكن يوسف العظمة
مساكن الفرقة الرابعة
مساكن الحرس الجمهوري
Families of officers of division 4 of the Syrian army, and the division of the republican guard flee their homes in the bases towards Damascus, taking whatever they can with them.
*- משפחות הקצינים של דיויזיה 4 ודיויזיה משמר הרפובליקה נמלטים מבתיהם במחנות הצבאיים לעבר מרכז דמשק.הם לוקחים איתם כל מה שהם יכולים.
اخلاء الحي الشرقي بشكل شبه كامل من ساكنيه المعروفين بجيش الدفاع الوطني .و ذلك في معضمية الشام بريف دمشق ويتوجهون إلى العاصمة
وقد تمت ورؤيتهم بشاحنات كبيرة تحمل ما استطاعو اخراجه من بيوتهم
وسلوكها لــ الطريق العسكري المحاذي لجبال الفرقة الرابعة
بالاضافة الى تعالي صوت الجنود من مناطق الاشتباكات بينهم وبين ضباطهم لعدم اطاعة الاوامر ومحاولة الهروب من المعركة للحاق بعوائلهم
وقد تم اخلاء
مساكن يوسف العظمة
مساكن الفرقة الرابعة
مساكن الحرس الجمهوري
The ship is sinking!
Syria may decide to punish the USA by attacking little Israel.
Think it might work this time, eh?

Scud missiles raining down upon Northern Israel will show the USA that violating international law has consequences.
Hoffstra is salivating over the idea of missiles hitting Israel. She has no concern that the missiles will also kill Arab residents in the area. I guess she feels if some Jews are killed, it's OK for Arabs to be killed also.
Hoffstra is salivating over the idea of missiles hitting Israel. She has no concern that the missiles will also kill Arab residents in the area. I guess she feels if some Jews are killed, it's OK for Arabs to be killed also.

The missiles that the USA fires upon Assad's forces will surely kill some innocents.

Does that bother you at all?
Hoffstra is salivating over the idea of missiles hitting Israel. She has no concern that the missiles will also kill Arab residents in the area. I guess she feels if some Jews are killed, it's OK for Arabs to be killed also.

The missiles that the USA fires upon Assad's forces will surely kill some innocents.

Does that bother you at all?
Nope, we got Hellfire missles. Gawd, how I love those things.
Nope, we got Hellfire missiles. Gawd, how I love those things.

If you will shed not a tear as innocents die in Syria, and then I shall cry not as Israeli children die from Assad's rockets.
But I'll shed a tear over the human shields Assad will be using.

No you will not.

You will call them "collateral damage", and defend the "greater good" of the mission and their honorable "sacrifice".
Nope, we got Hellfire missles. Gawd, how I love those things.

If you will shed not a tear as innocents die in Syria, and then I shall cry not as Israeli children die from Assad's rockets.
Don't forget, Hoffstra, that the children will also include Arabs and Muslims. Meanwhile, does anyone think that Hoffstra has ever shed a tear even for the Shiite children who have been blown up by car and suicide bombers in Pakistan while they were accompanying their parents to the market? Has she ever shed a tear for all the Christian children who have been murdered in the Sudan? Is she shedding a tear for the Christian children who are being murdered in Nigeria? I am willing to bet that Hoffstra hasn't even shed a tear for all the Syrian children, both Christian and Muslim, who have died so far in the Syrian Civil War. Over 100,000 people have been killed there so far, and no doubt out of this 100,000, thousands were children.
Hoffstra is salivating over the idea of missiles hitting Israel. She has no concern that the missiles will also kill Arab residents in the area. I guess she feels if some Jews are killed, it's OK for Arabs to be killed also.

The missiles that the USA fires upon Assad's forces will surely kill some innocents.

Does that bother you at all?

The Missiles that will kill innocents will have no influence in the area in which 120,000 were already killed.

Yeah, the same 120,000 you don't seem to care about at all.
Hoffstra is salivating over the idea of missiles hitting Israel. She has no concern that the missiles will also kill Arab residents in the area. I guess she feels if some Jews are killed, it's OK for Arabs to be killed also.

The missiles that the USA fires upon Assad's forces will surely kill some innocents.

Does that bother you at all?

Did you cry when those you support targeted kindergartners and pizza parlors?
Hoffstra is salivating over the idea of missiles hitting Israel. She has no concern that the missiles will also kill Arab residents in the area. I guess she feels if some Jews are killed, it's OK for Arabs to be killed also.

The missiles that the USA fires upon Assad's forces will surely kill some innocents.

Does that bother you at all?

Did you cry when those you support targeted kindergartners and pizza parlors?

when did that happen?

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