CSPAN: Dem Congressman demands Censorship of Fake News by FB and Twit on CSPAN

Should Democrats be the arbiters of approved news?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
During a Congressional Hearing today, Illinois Congressman Quiggly demanded that facebook censor "fake news" citing the infowars report of Imam warning DeBlasio about imminent terror threats just prior to NYC truck attack.

In the C-span video below, Republican Congressman Chris Stewart blasts Quiggly and the censorship czars

Infowars | User Clip | C-SPAN.org
Facebook Rep:
Infowars | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

Rep Christ Stewart response
Bombshell: Twitter, Google Admit Deliberately Censoring Infowars
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Cant wait to see the dems try and spin this one.
I'm still waiting for our USMB libtards to justify what they heard on these CSPAN videos.

You see, they are forced to justify it, because they can't call a 6 minute extended and uninterrupted CSPAN clip fake news. The best they can do is ignore it, which is what the USMB liberals have been doing so far.

I consider this a victory and the end of their censoring. Do you know how many links I've made reposting Devin Kelley's original html's of his Linked In and Facebook keep getting deleted? Over 12 consecutive deletions and censors by the NSA fusion centers (the only ones according to Snowden that have the vast computer infrastructure and manpower to so rapidly identify and delete my untitled links, they're obviously using advanced Image Recognition software and html scans to accomplish such an amazing feat).
Anyone who drinks Infowars' piss is a fucking retard begging to be lied to.
During a Congressional Hearing today, Illinois Congressman Quiggly demanded that facebook censor "fake news" citing the infowars report of Imam warning DeBlasio about imminent terror threats just prior to NYC truck attack.

In the C-span video below, Republican Congressman Chris Stewart blasts Quiggly and the censorship czars

Infowars | User Clip | C-SPAN.org
Facebook Rep:
Infowars | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

Rep Christ Stewart response
Bombshell: Twitter, Google Admit Deliberately Censoring Infowars

How about just make sure people posting logos of real news outlets are actually FROM that outlet.

Yelling fire in a crowded movie house is not covered under the 1st. -- so why is posting a false story with an ABC NEWS logo okay?
During a Congressional Hearing today, Illinois Congressman Quiggly demanded that facebook censor "fake news" citing the infowars report of Imam warning DeBlasio about imminent terror threats just prior to NYC truck attack.

In the C-span video below, Republican Congressman Chris Stewart blasts Quiggly and the censorship czars

Infowars | User Clip | C-SPAN.org
Facebook Rep:
Infowars | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

Rep Christ Stewart response
Bombshell: Twitter, Google Admit Deliberately Censoring Infowars

How about just make sure people posting logos of real news outlets are actually FROM that outlet.

Yelling fire in a crowded movie house is not covered under the 1st. -- so why is posting a false story with an ABC NEWS logo okay?

Infowars linked the ABC news link/video of the Imam talking about terrorists in NYC, how is it that fake news?

And yes, yellow fire in a crowded movie house is not covered under the first amendment. What does that have to do with censoring news?
Cant wait to see the dems try and spin this one.

Well, the first two attempts by USMB libs were g500 claiming that CSPAN is fake news and halznut justifying the censorship by comparing it to prohibiting people from yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Can we get a reasonable support argument please? I'm thirsting for an all-out debate on this topic.

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