CT Homeowner Fights Off Four Carjacker Scumbags

You execute the felons and incarcerate the misdemeanor offenders. Hopefully thst provides incentives for others not to offend.
Universal 'three strike' law would end the crime problem. Trouble is, crime is such a lucrative business...for the criminal justice system.
If you don't own a gun, then grab a knife on your way out the door! Start slitting some throats!!
WE THE PEOPLE have to defend ourselves nowadays, since the useless, worthless, donut assed "law enforcement" REFUSES to do the jobs they are paid to do with public tax funds.

WE have to fend for ourselves now, and the Demonicreeps have doubled down on making sure that happens.
Hmmmm.... Can't agree with the generalization of cop's not doing their Jobs, otherwise because of laziness or obesity etc. Some maybe, but cop's today are under extreme pressure by the new deal bull crap put in place by the Democrat leftist, where as if they do their job on a criminal, otherwise one that truly deserves it, then they got 40 cell phones pointing at them only filming the bad crap the cop is having to do in order to subdue the criminal.

The next thing ya know the cop is facing life in a Democrat run kangaroo court, and life in prison.

Can you blame them for only showing up to fill out the paperwork and stretch out the yellow tape anymore ??
Typical asshole liberal response----blame the victim.

Once again

I am not really a "liberal" and I'm not "blaming" anyone.

Why is it you emotional knee jerkers think that stating a fact is somehow an insult?
You beat me to it. Instead of condemning the lowlife thugs, the poster criticizes the homeowner.
Wonder if he locked his car after that. Most stolen handguns on the street come from unlocked cars. Where I live, there was suddenly a rash of car break-ins, many caught on surveillance cams, stealing loose change and whatever else. People were so incensed and going on and on, I asked if they locked their cars, they didn't.

I'm not sticking up for the perps, but at some point people need to take some personal responsibility.
I don't think one can be legally required to keep a gun unloaded and in a locked safe.
Maybe not, but they are trying like mad to make it that way without any common sense legislation being involved (mostly political these days).... My gun is either on me - CCP - or they are unloaded with trigger guards applied while in my locked safe, otherwise if I'm not carrying one on me when I'm away on business. I have camera's and a security system that monitors my property and home when we aren't there. I have German shepherd dogs that run the fence line while we are home, but we back them up to the home perimeter (away from the fence line), when we are gone, and my house is locked and secured as well if no one is there. When we are home my gun isn't locked in my safe (the one that I have out), otherwise I keep a gun on me most of the time.

My 84 year old family member is the same way. She gets around like she's 50 year's young, and I garantee you that she will use her weapon for protection if need be. She goes to the gun range, safety classes, and just keeps up with her training always.
Wonder if he locked his car after that. Most stolen handguns on the street come from unlocked cars. Where I live, there was suddenly a rash of car break-ins, many caught on surveillance cams, stealing loose change and whatever else. People were so incensed and going on and on, I asked if they locked their cars, they didn't.

I'm not sticking up for the perps, but at some point people need to take some personal responsibility.
Yes, people should take personal responsibility for locking their cars, and everything else in their lives as well.
Universal 'three strike' law would end the crime problem. Trouble is, crime is such a lucrative business...for the criminal justice system.
Hey when law enforcement see's a corrupt system, then the possibility finally comes when the cop's might figure "hell if ya can't beat'em, then ya might as well join them"... Stay alive and out of jail themselves becomes the new thinking.
Hey when law enforcement see's a corrupt system, then the possibility finally comes when the cop's might figure "hell if ya can't beat'em, then ya might as well join them"... Stay alive and out of jail themselves becomes the new thinking.
I feel for the cops, having to rearrest perps multiple times as the courts set them free to reoffend. Must be frustrating.
Yes, people should take personal responsibility for locking their cars, and everything else in their lives as well.
Yep... I had some young (would soon come to be thug's in their lives living near us), that we tried to help in their younger lives, but nope the environment that they were living in at home, and their surroundings caused them to go bad anyways.

When we lived in their area (after they became small time crooks later on in life), they would go in our car and steal the change out of the console, then they stole my wife's bike, and next they went around in the neighborhood stealing anything and everything that wasn't locked down untill they finally went to jail.

Fortunately for one, he actually got out and began to do something with his life. Years later he actually looked me and the wife up, and stopped by to show us that he had a job, and nice car, and was doing better in life. We were amazed and happy for him. Never saw him again, but we'll always remember that positive outcome for him at least. His brother, not so much.
I feel for the cops, having to rearrest perps multiple times as the courts set them free to reoffend. Must be frustrating.
It's unimaginable, but also think about this, where as the unarmed citizen's that relied upon a system of justice in which they stuck their necks out for (when they ratted or called the law on the criminal's who were terrorizing them), only to find out that the criminal has been turned loose on them in order to retaliate on them with impunity.

This is where law and order truly breaks down in SOCIETY big time.
Yep... I had some young (would soon come to be thug's in their lives living near us), that we tried to help in their younger lives, but nope the environment that they were living in at home, and their surroundings caused them to go bad anyways.

When we lived in their area (after they became small time crooks later on in life), they would go in our car and steal the change out of the console, then they stole my wife's bike, and next they went around in the neighborhood stealing anything and everything that wasn't locked down untill they finally went to jail.

Fortunately for one, he actually got out and began to do something with his life. Years later he actually looked me and the wife up, and stopped by to show us that he had a job, and nice car, and was doing better in life. We were amazed and happy for him. Never saw him again, but we'll always remember that positive outcome for him at least. His brother, not so much.
I knew several such people back in the day. To my knowledge none of them could stop getting into trouble with the law. It was in their genes it seemed. Other than that, they were nice guys, and fun to be around. :(
What does it matter if it was indeed a fact? Are we to just ignore that the behavior of people who are victims of crime is irrelevant?

I suppose you don't lock your doors when you're sleeping right? If you get murdered in your sleep I'll still say you should have locked you doors.
Wow. And you just can‘t help yourself, can you? Focus on what the victim did wrong instead of what the lowlife scumbags did.

And is that what you’ll say to the family of a victim murdered in her sleep? “Well, she should have locked her doors”?!

It’s your type of upside-down thinking that has the country in major decline.
His wife was on the phone with the police, she could have gotten it, loaded it, and had him get it from her.
More than enough time to get a couple bullets into a couple of skulls.
Or SHE could have popped off a couple of them.
Yeah, and sadly in today's leftist environment, she'd be hauled in on murder charges because dipstick Joe says she should have shot them in their leg's... What a damned sick situation we are now living in today in this country.
I knew several such people back in the day. To my knowledge none of them could stop getting into trouble with the law. It was in their genes it seemed. Other than that, they were nice guys, and fun to be around. :(
lol, funny how that works huh ?
A universal “One Strike” law is what I’m talking about. Two penalties:

1. felony - Execution.
2. Misdemeanor - Life w/o parole.
A little harsh. I’d go for:

1. Felony #1: 10 years, unless murder….then execution
2. Felony #2: Thrown back in prison for life, unless it’s murder….then execution

3. Misdemeanor #1: 60 days
4. Misdemeanor #2: 6 months
5. Misdemeanor 3: 10 years
4. Misdemeanor 4 and beyond: 20 years
Wow. And you just can‘t help yourself, can you? Focus on what the victim did wrong instead of what the lowlife scumbags did.

And is that what you’ll say to the family of a victim murdered in her sleep? “Well, she should have locked her doors”?!

It’s your type of upside-down thinking that has the country in major decline.
Either this cat is a complete leftist imbecile or he's just trying to play a dumb ace devil's advocate.

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