CT Homeowner Fights Off Four Carjacker Scumbags

No but you did everything you could not to say anything about the carjackers either ...
What's there to say about them?

Car theft is a major problem in this country and the fucking cops can't seem to do anything about it can they? I see no reason to comment on the fucking obvious

Once again I am a realist and a pragmatist you might want to look those words up in a dictionary.
By not voting, you are part of the problem, not the solution. This country does not need you or anyone like you. You types are more suited to a nation that does not give you the precious right to vote.
He's a leech, otherwise he let's everyone do the hard work for him while he sits back collecting the benefits from it all.
He's a leech, otherwise he let's everyone do the hard work for him while he sits back collecting the benefits from it all.
Wow you do like your ASSumptions.

I retired at 51 after selling my construction business and the dozen rental properties I owned.
I think I’m being realistic. It’s not reasonable to put someone in prison for LIFE for a misdemeanor. But we need to have them in jail for at least a brief while as both punishment and a warning that worse will come if they repeat. As it stands now, leftists are clamoring to reduce misdemeanors to a small fine.
Unfortunately prison isn’t the answer. Rehabilitation doesn’t work. We’ve proven thar. In fact, prisons simply end up as universities for criminals to perfect their trade. Unless we’re going back to the Alcatraz model, prisons don’t provide enough “punch” to fix the problem.
Unfortunately prison isn’t the answer. Rehabilitation doesn’t work. We’ve proven thar. In fact, prisons simply end up as universities for criminals to perfect their trade. Unless we’re going back to the Alcatraz model, prisons don’t provide enough “punch” to fix the problem.
you know what stops a lot of car thieves?

Locking the doors
What's there to say about them?

Car theft is a major problem in this country and the fucking cops can't seem to do anything about it can they? I see no reason to comment on the fucking obvious

Once again I am a realist and a pragmatist you might want to look those words up in a dictionary.
So you don't see a reason to say anything about the carjackers eh ? That makes you a coward. The obvious is that he didn't lock his doors, but the surprise was carjackers found his open car doors by chance, and just like they would do in finding any vulnerability in society, they went for it .... So your idea is for everyone to barricade themselves in, and lock everything down while the robbers, murderers and thieves freely surround your shelter while plotting to attack eh ????
So you don't see a reason to say anything about the carjackers eh ? That makes you a coward. The obvious is that he didn't lock his doors, but the surprise was carjackers found his open car doors by chance, and just like they would do in finding any vulnerability in society, they went for it .... So your idea is for everyone to barricade themselves in, and lock everything down while the robbers, murderers and thieves freely surround your shelter while plotting to attack eh ????

What do you want to hear

Criminals bad.

Does that make you feel better?

Shit happens you can whine about it or you can actually be realistic and try to prevent it. I know your strategy is the former.
As if people don't know this, but we are discussing the entirety of the situation.. Care to join in ?

I did but you've been whining like a little bitch because you think no one should say that the guy probably should have locked his cars.
That you're wrong about me leeching off society as you are wrong about just about everything else.
If you don't participate in making or trying to make society better, then you are a leech while other's do the work for you.
I did but you've been whining like a little bitch because you think no one should say that the guy probably should have locked his cars.
That's ok, but you came right in to blame the victim, but stayed away from commenting on the perps.
Maybe the guy should have locked his car.

Wife should have pulled our her gun. Or at least not yelled that she had called the police giving these guys time to get away.

Now let me hear an anti-gunner tell me why no one should carry a gun? I guarantee you those four kids were leftwing little F*ckers.
That's ok, but you came right in to blame the victim, but stayed away from commenting on the perps.
I didn't blame anyone that's you being an idiot again.

And again would it make you feel better if I said .

Boy those criminal sure are bad and no one should have to lock their cars or doors in Unicorn States of America.

Grow the fuck up and step into the real world.
You just told us .
What I told you that I vote for people in every election. How is that not doing anything? I actually vote for change YOU vote for the status quo.

I am active in my community are you? I volunteer and give money to causes I care about do you?

Or do you just put a check mark next to every name with an R next to it one day every 4 years with zero thought and then go home and sit on your ass and whine?

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